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Name: Maryu-ou Garv
Also Known As: Chaos Dragon
What Maryu-ou Means: Demon Dragon King
Hair: long & red
Eyes: uh... blue?
He is under: Ruby Eye Shabranigudo
He's Appeared In: novels, manga & anime.
Known Minions: Larshalt & Lartalk; Valgarv
Spell Under Him: Garv Flare- red beams are summoned and would then harm the target and also anything behind it. This is now considered a LOST SPELL because of his ruin; A spell is said to be lost if you cannot cast it anymore because the source of power is ruined.

More on Garv!

Garv wears a trenchcoat and carries a big sword around. He is among the 5 Leaders of Darkness of Shabranigudo. He participated in the Kouma Senso and fought against Laguladia (Suiryu-ou--Water Dragon King), who was responsible for sealing him in that human body of his. Because of that, whenever he gets killed, he kept on coming back in human form, and the fact that he wasn't pure mazoku anymore, made him weaker each time he gets resurrected. He was probably influenced by his human side that he wants to live, rather than his mazoku side, who wants destruction in the first place.
Lina had described Garv in the novels as a sort of war-freak mazoku.
Garv first appeared in the anime when Lina and the others are in the Temple of the Claire Bible.
He turns out to be a traitor to his companions, trying to know what are Mei-ou's plans, but he failed. Mei-ou Fibrizo was the one who finally ruined him.
Tough as he is, and comparing his looks to his four other siblings under Shabranigudo, you would want to run away from him at first impression... but hey, I'm not saying that Garv is THAT bad?!

Get Lost!

Sharing With You The Idea

 Garv beating up XellossSomething to think about... by Karyu-ou

What is this all about? Well, Just a list of some characters paired up with Garv. This is just a silly list, so don't take it seriously! Okay? Intiendes?
However, if you haven't heard of the idea, then just think about it. It might make you smile! ^o^

Garv's being paired up with the following people/characters: (in no particular order)

1. Grausherra
2. Xelloss
3. Dolphin
4. Xelas
5. Ruby Eye
6. Milgazia
7. Aqua!
8. Valgarv
9. Own character
10. Yourself

Okay, did you guys get that? Well, what do you think?