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About Me

Well, been forever since I updated this section...Well I got into herps about 2 years ago. It started with one leopard gecko, whom I soon named Switch. Soon after I got another.(later named Apoc) Then, at the KCHS fall show I went ahead and got two candy cane corn snakes.(Still not named) They are all doing great and they're welcome additions to the family. I'm lucky enough to live close to some great breeders of bearded dragons, and in November I purchased a beautiful yellow beardie from them. (The Vandivers are great if you are looking for beardies.)He is now named Spark and is a wonderful little pet. I hope to breed my corns and leos soon, and I'm not sure if I'll sell them over the internet. I'd love to breed my beardie also when I get another one. If you need to get in contact with me you can email me at or if it's urgent and you have msn messenger, just add my email to your buddy list, and I will try to answer any questions you may have. If you do have a question, tell me about it, and I will try to dig up the info and get it to you. I'm always open for comments and feel free to email me whenever you like.

Above pic: There they are folks, the future of herpetoculture.(from left to right) Tyler, doing his red-eared slider impression, Me, of course, looking at the wrong camera, and Megan, trying to look cool. <--sorry Megan. :-)