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Circle Casting/Divinations/Invocations


Circle opening chant

I call on the Powers of Earth, Moon, Sun & Stars I call on the Elements of Earth, Water, Air, & Fire To the Spirits of ALL that have past & Those yet to come To the Gods & Goddesses, Ancient &Young Come, Hear my song. Come see my view Bless Me Now, as I Bless You

calling the quarters:

(visualizing the color green) O Spirit of the North Stone Ancient One of the Earth I call You to attend this circle Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones

(Visualizing the color Yellow) O Spirit of the East Stone Ancient One of Air I call You to attend this circle Charge this by Your powers, Old Ones

(visualizing Crimson) O Spirit of the South Stone Ancient one of Fire I call you to attend this circle Charge this by you powers, Old Ones

(visualize Blue) O Spirit of the West Stone Ancient One of Water I call You to attend this Circle Charge this by your powers, Old Ones

Air Fire Water Earth Elements of Astral Birth I call you now; attend to me

In the circle, rightly cast Safe from psychic curse or blast I call you now; attend to me

From cave and dessert, sea and hill By wand, blade, cup and pentacle I call you now, attend to me

This is my will, so mote shall it be.

Circle Casting

1. Light the candles and incense. 2. Seat yourself comfortably before the altar. 3. Do some deep breathing and relax in mind and body. Spend some time gazing and taking in the beauties and energies of your altar. Look into the eyes of your Goddess Image and open yourself to Her. 4. Take up your bell and ring it until you can feel the reverberations. Let the last chime fade out naturally before you set the bell down again. 5. Keeping your gaze upon the Goddess, say aloud: Sweet Goddess Crearix of all that is Thou from whom I came And to whom I will ever return I call upon thee now to come and bless my altar And the work I do in thy name. Please hear my vows to use this sacred place of power Only for loving and holy purposes. So Be it. Blessed Be. 6. Close your eyes and cast the circle, say aloud: This is the inner circle This is our inner space Infinite space In which the soul floats free This is our circle Sacred sphere of energy Swirling swirling into orbit Turning, pulling, drawing, spinning Seeing our spirits free Free to see Free to be That which we Will to be So be it And Blessed Be .. Say the invocation, then spend a little time in silence, feeling the energies you have raised, seeing them in your mind's eye. 7. Now is the time to call in those Goddesses you would like to have appear and be with you. Use the five elements as a guide, if you like: AIR: Aurora, Goddess of the Rosy Dawn, Iris, Messenger Goddess who brings news from the Other Side, Voc, Goddess of the Spoken Word, who helps me to Name... Goddesses of Mind, where Light is born... FIRE: Chantico, Goddess of the sacred Hearth, keeper of the flame, Pele, flower of the volcano, rising up from Earth's inner core, Lucina, Goddess of the Gdden Sun who shines upon us all ... Fiery and passionate ones who rule the fires within me, awakening my creativity, strengthening my will ... EARTH: Demeter, Mother who brings the animals and the grain, Gaiea, Mountain Mother, upon whose breasts and belly we walk in peace, Tiamat who made us all from clay... Goddesses of my body, sacred flesh and bone, Thou who are the Mystery of Manifestation... WATER: Oceana, swelling with the tides of compassion, Sarasvati, flowing river of inspiration, Yemaya, water goddess of the deep who brings all Life and Love... Keepers of emotion, the beautiful feelings that sweep through me and are my strength as well as my vulnerability... SPIRIT: (name yourself) and Goddess of Ten Thousand Names... thou who reside in the Universe as well as within me ... I am you and you ne me, and so our lives are one life for all eternity ... Awake and come to me now and bless my venture. Hear my vows of devotion and loyalty My pledge to be ever true To myself and to you ... 8. Visualize the Goddesses you have invoked. See them forming a circle of love and protection around you and your altar, as well as within you. See and hear their blessings. Say aloud: I dedicate this altar to myself and thee I will never betray thy trust in me. 9. Spend some lime communing with them, receive them and experience their presence. Open yourself and listen. They may have special messages for you. 10. When you feel complete, thank all the goddesses and bid them farewell until next you meet. 11. As you see them depart, breathe deeply for a few moments and imagine the energy you have raised being sent down through your body and into the earth. (This is called "grounding" and should always be done after energy is raised.) Open the circle with your mind's eye, but know that it will continue to energize and surround your altar at all times. Close it permanently around your altar. Say aloud: For the good of all And with harm to none The spell is sealed, the magic is done. 12. Ring the bell again, and snuff out the candles.

Casting a Circle

2 white altar candles 1 blue candle for north 1 yellow candle for east 1 green candle for west 1 red candle for south White cord about 19ft long Wine or Juice Cakes or Cookies Bell Ring bell three times, Light other candles with altar candles clockwise East: "Here do I bring light and air in at the east to illuminate my temple and bring it the breath of life" South: "Here do I bring light and fire in at the south to illuminate my temple and bring it warmth" West: "Here do I bring light and water in at the west to illuminate my temple and wash it clean" North: "Here do I bring light and earth in at the north to illuminate my temple and build it in strength" Imagine a blue-white light entering you head and down your dominant hand, with your finger focus the light at the circle, directing it at the circle as you walk clockwise and say: "I cast and conjure thee o´circle of Art, to set this temple between the world" End at east "So Mote It Be!" Take the bowl of salt and place your finger into it. "I purify this salt and drive all impure that I may use it throughout this rite. So Mote it Be! "Drop three portions of salt in the water" Let the sacred salt drive out any impurities in this water, that I may use it throughout this rite. So Mote It Be!" With sacred water move east, clockwise, sprinkle the circle "With purifying water do I bless and consecrate this circle. So Mote It Be!" Move back to the altar and light incense, got to east moving clockwise East "Hail the element of air, watchtower of the east, may it stand in strength ever watching over this circle" South "Hail the element of fire, watchtower of the south, may it stand in strength ever watching over this circle" West "Hail the element of water, watchtower of the west, may it stand in strength ever watching over this circle" North "Hail the element of earth, watchtower of the north, may is stand in strength ever eating over this circle" "Hail the four quarters and hail the gods. I bid the Lord and Lady welcome and invite them to join me, witnessing these rites I hold in their honour, Hail to the Gods! The temple is now erect! So Mote It Be!"


Divination Spell

Best Time: Waxing Moon Fill a cauldron half-full of water and place it on a table where you can see comfortably into it while seated. Light 2 purple candles and a good divination incense; a combination of mugwort and wormwood work well. Arrange the candles so their light does not shine into the water in your eyes. Focus your attention on the bottom of the cauldron, your hands placed lightly on either side. Breathe gently into the water and say: Cauldron, reveal to me that which I seek Great Mother, open my inner eye that I may truly see. Empty your mind as much as possible; remain relaxed while looking deep into the cauldron waters. The answer may come in images in the water, pictures in your mind and strong bursts of "knowing".

Bark Divination

Take a broad, thin piece of bark. put it into a bright fire until it catches flame then quickly set it a little distance from the fire. When it has stopped burning, carefully stare at the symbols visible in the charred ash-laden wood.

Fire Divination

Once the fire has died to a glowing reddish-white mass of coals, stare into its heart. If you wish, throw some Fire of Azrael incense onto the coals (equal parts cedar, juniper & sandalwood). This will flare up & burn, but will quickly die down. With the scented smoke rising from the divination incense scry in the coals. See what shapes the charred wood seem to form, & determine their meaning through the language of symbolism.


Celtic Invocations of the Quarters

East - Element of Air - Oh mighty Lugh, ruler of the skys, Bring forth your breath and forge the first mighty link to this circle of power, lend us your Power and you strength. Lend us your wisdom and knowledge as we open this first link of the sacred Space.

South - Element of Fire - Oh Bridget, Goddess of fire and beauty. Cast your flames around us and bind them as the second link of this circle of power. Temper and forge this circle so that any negative things cannot enter. Bring the strength of your hearth and your knowledge and wisdom to us as we forge this second link to this circle of Power

West - Element of Water Oh Mannan Mac Lir, God of the Seas, God of water, Circle us with the power of your oceans and rivers, form this third link to this circle of power help sheild us from all negative forces. Bring forth your minions to protect us as we raise power within it.

North - Element of Earth Oh Oghma, Binder, keeper of the secrets of this earth, ruler of knowledge and bringer of knowledge to humankind, form this last and final link to the circle of power. Bring forth your creatures of the earth, The wee folk, to help place this last and final link to this circle of power. Daghda, Danu, morrigan, Lyr, Balor, Angus Og, Len, Midir, Cleena, aine, Sined, Though ye have been lost through the march of time, we now ask ye all to come forth to bring your powers to bear on this circle of power, we also call upon the those dieties of the celts that have been lost in knowledge and who were once worshiped by the celts to bring themselves to this sacred space. we know that we have been a long time in coming back to the fold, but with this being the first quickening of the spring it is also some of the very first stirrings of the people coming back to the old ways.

The Charge Of A Goddess

Listen to the words of the Great Mother, who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arienrhod, Brigid, and by many other names: Whenever you have need of anything, once in the month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me who is Queen of all Witches. There shall you assemble, who have not yet won my deepest secrets and are fain to learn all sorceries. To these shall I teach that which is yet unknown. You shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites. Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in My presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth. For My law is love unto all beings. Mine is the secret that opens upon the door of youth, and Mine is the cup of wine of life that is the Cauldron of Cerridwen that is the holy grail of immortality. I am the Gracious Goddess who gives the gift of youth unto the heart of mankind. I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before. Nor do I demand ought of sacrifice, for behold, I am the mother of all things and My love is poured upon the earth. Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven, whose body encircles the universe: I who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters, I call upon your soul to arise and come unto Me. For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe. From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return. Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold -- all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And you who seek to know Me, know that your seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without. For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.


Altar setup: North: Black candle Northwest: Pentagram Northeast: salt West: Blue candle and chalice East: yellow candle Southwest: bell Southeast: Incense(any kind you like) South: red candle Trace a circle with your athame. "Bless this circle with the fire of dragons. Let me share your wisdom and magic. "Take your chalice , filled with water "Water by sea and sky , bless this circle" (sprinkle water in circle) Take the plate of salt "Salt by sea and earth , purify me" (throw salt in all directions)Take the incense and burner "Fire of dragons , fire of earth , purify me" (Walk around the circle)Take the bell and ring it once "I'm seeking the power of dragons ,allow me to enter your realm I come for wisdom , not for battle I come with a open heart , waiting for guidance." Pause for a while then pick up your pentagram and walk to each =direction. "I call upon Sairys (sair-iss) , the ruler of east I call upon fafner (faf-near) ruler of south I call upon Naleyan (Nail-yon) ruler of west I call upon Grael (Grail) ruler of north. "Place yourself in the centre. "I'm searching for dragon knowledge. I have placed myself in the dragons mouth By your consuming fire I summon you By your strength I summon you By you magic , I summon you. "Sit down and wait. Let the dragons come by their own will.....Raise and turn east , point with your athame "This is the body of the dragon , this is where the blood flows "Turn south "This is the breath of the dragon , the mystery is where the fire of love roars "Turn west "This is the dragons head ,in the mists of avalon "Turn north "This is the tail of the dragon , here where Merlin rests. "Touch your heart "I'm a priest/ess of Avalon , I walk the ancient roads , I cross the =border between here and faery "When you have finished talking to the dragon/s dismiss the quarters, thanking them and release the circle.

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