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Pet Care Printout - Gerbils

Housing - You will need a large wire-mesh cage with a plastic base for easy cleaning. Also a solid exercise wheel and plenty of cardboard tubes and chewable toys, houses etc.

Bedding - The base should be covered with a thick layer of wood shavings, with small-animal paper bedding in one corner. Don't ever use man-made fibres (cotton wool, newspaper etc.) as they can't be digested if swallowed.

Handling - Let the gerbils settle into their home for a few days before handling. Two female gerbils will usually live together happily if purchased when young. Occasionaly litter brothers will be compatible. Always have a same-sex pair to prevent breeding.

Feeding - You will need a dry food mix such as Gerry Gerbil as your pets' main food. This should be available at all times. You must also feed greens such as carrot, lettuce, tomato, apple, celery, cabbage etc. daily to provide vitamin C. Fresh water in a sealed bottle or pot must be available at all times. Be careful if you add hay as stalks can poke the eyes and cause injury.

Facts - Oestrus occurs every 4-5 days. Gestation lasts 24-26 days;

Weaning age is 4 weeks. Young reach sexual maturity by 6 weeks;

Average life-span is 4-6 years.

Checklist - * Always make sure the pet shop is a member of the Pet Trade Association*


  Shiny coat
  Clean, bright eyes
  Clean nose
  Clean ears
  Clean bottom
  Parallel, healthy teeth







  Vitamins   Food Bowl
  Water Bottle   Playwheel
  Wood Shavings   Treats
  Bedding   Chews & toys
  Mineral Block   Book