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A word of wisdom for the young and old. "Childishness is exemplified by complexity, malice and deceit." The problem with many of us is that we never grew up. we just grew older. we are often just big kids with childish minds. we still speak with ridicule and self-centeredness. we have no understanding because we are so unteachable. our thinking is warped because of what we allow into our minds through various lust and laziness. it`s time to put away childish things.(success for the day and rest through the night vol.1 p.g 492 by Tony Folio. _______________ Paul “The Apostle” says: “Do not rebuke an older man, but exhort him as a father, younger men as brothers, older women as mothers, younger women as sisters, with all purity”. Do this and you shall do well and find favor with both God and man. ______________ HOPE: We’re searching for a place, where we can live our lives in peaceful days, with no wars and no stealing. A place that isn’t run by fear, a place where people can live and actually trust other human beings. _________________ Thank you for visiting my page at, please come back and visit again! Any comments on this web page please email me at the address below.
