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The Seeking

Welcome, seeker. This site is about White Wolfİ games, so if you're interested (or you have no idea what it's about and what to see what we're nutting on about) pull up a chair and bring your dice.

So, you ask, what will you find here? Well, that depends on what you want to find. Most of the links to the left are entirely self-explanatory, I should hope. Under "Fiction" you will find stories written about characters, campaigns, and other things from the World of Darkness. Rants, advice, and such are found in the "Articles" section. Under "Other," you may find character art, power structures within the WoD for various cities...whatever people may have written that doesn't fit anywhere else.

This is a people-driven site, so if you can't find the sort of content you're looking for, try submitting some yourself. New people are always welcome; check the "Contact" link for information on how to get hold of the webmaster.

Enjoy your stay. Bright blessings.

Lassarina Angharad Athyn Aoibhell
Princess of Dreamers