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Cloak of Maskyrvarians   

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Named for the greatest trees of the forests, the shadowtops and the weirwoods (see September 1987 Dragon), this is a highly secretive branch of the faith that originated in the northern reaches of the High Forest. Its members consist solely of half-elven multi-classed priest/rangers, and its membership has spread beyond the High Forest, throughout all of Faerun.


The Shadoweirs serve as a sort of religious knighthood of the woods. Unlike the Arms of the Forest or even the Needles, the Shadoweirs serve as an activist and proselytizing order who are willing to go on the offensive in the behalf of their sacred forests. In a sense, the Shadoweirs serve as a sort of woodland paladin.  Moreover, they seek to advance the re-growth of ancient forests reduced by civilization. Many Shadoweirs are adventurers, wandering the Realms with missionary zeal. They seek to halt the endless assault of civilization on their ancient homelands.


Any character taking this specialty priest kit/class must be a half-elf of NG alignment. Advancement follows the normal rules for a multi-classed priest/ranger.


SHADOWEIR Portfolio:                               Knight of the Forests (Worships Mielikki)

Requirements:                                     Strength 13, Dexterity 13, Constitution 14, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12; alignment NG

Weapons Allowed:                                any; prefer swords, bows, spears, lances, and quarterstaff

Armor allowed:                                    any; prefer chain mail, elven chain mail, studded leather

Major Spheres:                                    All, Animal, Combat, Healing, Plant, Weather, Sun

Minor Spheres:                                   Divination, Elemental,  Protection

Magical Items Allowed:                                As priest or ranger

Granted Powers & Requirements:

* Shadoweirs may not turn or command undead.

* Shadoweirs gain all the abilities of rangers.

* Shadoweirs must follow the ranger experience point progression in both their ranger and priest classes. Their bonus HPs due to constitution are calculated as if they are warriors (i.e. a Shadoweir with a 17 Constitution will get +3 hp /level).

* Shadoweirs gain proficiency in both elvish and common at no cost.

* All Shadoweirs may cast a variant of the first level priest spell analyze magic (ToM) at will.  (5 Character Points) This ability works only on forested areas (not characters, creatures, or objects). Through the use of this ability Shadoweirs are able to detect if the ecology of a forested area is seriously disrupted. Shadoweirs are obligated to attempt to correct the imbalance, even if this requires them to go against the local law of the region Shadoweirs are obligated to use this ability at any time they think a region could be ecologically out of balance.

* Shadoweirs must correct an ecological imbalance of significance proportional to their level before advancing in level as a priest and a ranger (as decided by the DM).

* Shadoweirs can pass through overgrown areas (5 charecter points) (thick thorn bushes, tangled vines, briar patches, etc.) without leaving a trail and at a normal movement rate after reaching third level in both classes.

* As with paladins, Shadoweirs may call for a war horse upon reaching 5th level in both classes, or anytime thereafter. This faithful steed need not be a horse; it may be whatever sort of creature is appropriate to the character (as decided by the DM). Note female Shadoweirs often receive a unicorn for a mount, assuming they are of acceptable status to the unicorn. A Shadoweir's war horse is a very special animal, bonded by fate to the warrior. The Shadoweir does not really ~call~ the animal, nor does the horse instantly appear in front of him. Rather the character must find his war horse in some memorable way, most frequently by a specific quest.

* Shadoweirs are immune to charm spells cast by woodland creatures (dryads, nixies, etc.) (5 character points) after reaching 7th level in both classes.

* Shadoweirs gains the ability to shapechamge into a reptile, bird, or mammal once per day  (5 points) after reaching 9th level in both classes. The size can vary from that of a bullfrog or a small bird to as large as a black bear. Upon assuming a new form, the Shadoweir heals 10 to 60 percent of all damage he has suffered (round fractions down). The Shadoweir can only assume the form of a normal (real world) animal in its normal proportions, but by doing so he takes on all of that number of attacks, and damage per attack. The Shadoweir’s clothing and one item held in each hand become part of the new body; these reappear when the Shadoweir resumes his normal shape.

·          The items cannot be used while the Shadoweir is in animal form.



* Shadoweirs prefer suits of gleaming chain mail or studded leather armor.  Many powerful forest knights wear ancient suits of elven chain mail they have been given by elven lords for their efforts in defending the forests. During ceremonies, they wear chain mail and deep forest green cloaks weaved by dryads from the leaves of the great trees. Their symbol is of a giant shadowtop tree with a pair of crossed swords overlaying it.


New Spells:

In addition to their normal complement of priest spells, Shadoweirs may also select from the following list:

call woodland beings

commune with nature.