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Friday Five
1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith?
Yes, Roman Catholic!

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not?
Yes...At least once every weekend cuz Im a believer!

3. What do you think happens after death?
Hmm...i dunno, i guess wut i've learned so far from church. But who knows for sure? no ones actually came alive after death to tell us what has happened after their death, ya know.

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just observing)?
A lil of both?

5. Do you believe people are basically good?
I guess they are


here i am eating m&m's when ive already been eating candy like the WHOLE day! geez will i ever stop?! ugh im gonna get fat! When i go on the scale im gonna be like a whole 5 lbs heavier! i betcha! j/p...but im gonna get fatter. oh yeah HAPPY HALLOWEEN! i also added a link exchange! Jessica, go check it out by clicking on the 5th X and look under link exchangez, k?!
haha healthz kinda funny! eh i tried not to laugh durin this one part where they showed an apple that resembles relationshipz and if u look at it in a way...ahem...thatz all. lol! hope u all have a fun halloween! ttyl! buh bye!

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O M G...i seriously need to lose like 10 more lbs! I jus gained like 5 from eating a whole buncha chips and bad stuff like that. so I was like 110-ish and now like what...jus a lil under 113-115ish? ugh...I know i know...u people could probly care less, but hey since ur here, u might as well listen to wut i have to say! lol J/p! well i gotta go find some1 who has science cuz i need ta finish! buh bye!

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I have waAaY too much hw thiz weekend! I have my novel thingy to do and im not even halfway done w/ my book and i had like 1 whole month to work on it! but i admit...i've slacked! and then I have math, and a lot of science cuz i have to do the extra credit! sucky huh? Durin the math test I grabbed the hw b4 the second sheet to the test! and then i went over to the teacher and was jus about to take one of the papers that was rite in front of him but those were finished tests he was correcting...i felt kinda dumb but thats ok. i did so bad! oh well...i still have a while till report cards so itz alright. But any wayz...onto the friday five...

1. How many TVs do you have in your home? 3

2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week? 6

3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children? maybe...could be useful ya know

4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken? i bout some sorta runway fashion show?

5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like? i dunno

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Ok...I had to change the music cuz I was tryin out a different song which means I deleted the code W/ the song I had w/ Maya...:/ whoops! Well so I changed it to this. don't think I do drugz or n e thing cuz I don't! Its jus an awesome song. Well hope u still like it anywayz...if you don't, jus press stop on the player thing, k?! Lyl!

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"I ate ur rice bitch I ate ur rice, w/ pork duck sauce it wuz nice" haha...i have this one song on my comp and therez thats part of this song called I ate ur rice bitch. He'z suppose to like be dissin AZNs and stuff...I mean even tho I'm asian, ya know I still find it kinda funny. these people have too much time on their handz comin up w/ these songz. I updated and added sum content to my page! Look in the You section. (3rd X on the bottom)
Well thatz all 4 now! Blog to ya later!

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Nothin to write about...
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gosh...i was so mad last nite! i had a phone interview w/ that talent agency! the person said i had "nice eyes, beautiful lips, and wonderful rosy cheeks." she said i'd be good for petite runway with designers some top designers like calvin klein, abercrombie, Gap,and a bunch of others i cant remember. She also said i had long silky hair and I would be "Excellent" for hair products like shampoos, make up, and soaps and stuff like that. She also mentioned about me maybe starring in some school supply ads/commercials and also coke commercials. hehe...Like i'd ever be that famous! i don't think so. But yeah she said I had lots of great qualities. Ok and the reason why I was mad was because every thing was going GOOD until they mentioned the price of enrollment which was $595.00 on the spot plus $19.99 a month! stupid price, i coulda been a model!! Yeah so my dad decided that "it wasn't the right time" ugh. So i was on the line waiting for them to transfer us to an account manager. I was seriously crying and stuff. and then he came on and he's like your a very beautiful girl and I can see why u were scouted and how You left a big impression on the person you were just talking to. So then we all hung up and was sad! oh well
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hmmm...How boring can my site be? really, really boring...If ur super bored...umm...u could check out [Chantal's] site. Obviously compared to her site, my site sux. :/ that's ok tho
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Ok...I've talked bout some really boring stuff, haven't i? yeah i do...u people probably don't care about my "nutrition issues". Kinda boring stuff...well whats there to talk about? Umm i have a lot of hw tonight, wait! thats boring too.
oh yeah...On sunday, i was scouted! scouts are people who go places and if they see someone who they think has potential talent, they invite them to an "open call". so i went there...all the people were like Ur so cute and "Beautiful". lol. i don't think im that great. yeah so one of the people were scheduling me a phone interview w/ someone and she was all...ABSOLUTELY a PRINT MODEL! lol, yay! that'd be awesome. (print model is modeling in still picture like in magazines and they also do commercials). But who knows... u know how expensive it would be to be one?! REALLY expensive.
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Is anyone cold? I'm really, REALLY, cold! I'm wearin 3 sweatshirts, gloves, and blankets. coldness sux sumtimes, don't u think? I went to the nurse on friday cuz the counsler told me i should have a talk w/ her about my "eating habits". now she wants me to see her again so we can "discuss good nutrition". she called home...i seriously don't think theres a need for all of this. i'm glad people care, but I eat FINE! she sent me out of her room w/ 2 packs of crackers lol, i didn't eat them tho. Well ttyl! bye!
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OMG...don't u hate it when people think they're helpin but they rn't? I had 2 go to the counslers office cuz my 2 friends r worried or sumthin. Seriously...there's no problem @ all! Not w/ me or my nutrition...! I jus wanna get that out. is there n e thing wrong w/ bein 5'4" @ 110 lbs? No, i don't think so. they think im not eating enough. Hey...b4 they came along I was doin fine on my half of my sub until they come and start lecturin me kinda...i dunno if i'd say lecture actually, but they were all u could become sick or sumthin so we're goin to the counsler. wtf's up w/ that? i dunno. he was like "thin-ness is important isn't it?" i said...umm...yeah, but i mean...that's NOT what i think. I dunno what it is. i appreciate u carin (S&D), but nuthin's wrong. I don't think i'm mad @ them, but i jus don't think they had to take me to the counsler or make a big deal.
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So I wrote a note to my friend Sacha bout w/ we were talkin bout on the phone the nite b4 rite? Sum1 finds it and says I shouldn't be doin what I'm doin...It's nuthin bad, isn't. Plus...Sometimes I don't even stick w/ it. I can't help it, i jus do. lol, does this bother u cuz I'm not tellin u what this "think i do" is? [Hit] me if ya really wanna guaranteez i'll tell ya tho. k?

K...sorry I still aint done w/ most of my linx...i'll finish 'em up sumtime...later... eventually, k?! Blog later...

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Hey there! Yo...guess what?! I finally got this thing up! pretty awesome huh? I wasn't sure kinda layout to make but I decided to design in like this. It may be kinda boring but for my next one...It'll be super awesome! Oh yeah...Sorry it's kinda really dumb and boring right now since I don't have any links and stuff up but i'll get some stuff up soon. Jus wait, k?! U got the patience! Well I gotta start workin on some content! So buh bye!

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