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This web site includes

Web pages included in this site

SAMHAIN (all you ever need to know about this major Sabbat)
My info
Element information
Earth Spells
Water Spells
Air Spells
Fire Spells
Photo Album
More Art
1. Love Tester
2. Space Blammo
3.Trick or Trash
4.Revenge of Yars Revenge
5.Snowman thing-a-ma-jig

Send me an email on what you would like your Spell to include (what you would like done) I will personally hand write one out for you, and include very simple steps for you to follow if you would like. Once your $5 is recieved the Spell will be sent out in 2 days. I can also e-mail a copy too, if you just cannot wait. The hard copy will still be sent to you. Also as of June 2004 I will send a copy of your celtic horoscope for 2005 FREE if you give me your birthdate (the year need not be included, month and day will work just fine). All for just $5!! If you have any concerns e-mail me at and go ahead and sign the guestbook if you would like. pay-pal is accepted, other options are available if you contact me. Dont forget to donate a $1 or so to the pets below under the blog if you can.


I have recently began a little charitble fund to help out some low income families and elderly, in the care of their beloved pets, or to adopt one of their own for companionship. Everyone should be able to add the unconditional love of an animal in their lives, with no finacial burden. With the rising costs of vets and food, Many animals are being abandond because their owners must choose to have electricity and gas to go to work. We should be able to help them and others who would like to have a pet of their own. The more we help the less animals will be homeless and also they will be cared for, with regular checkups, food to eat, and toys to play with. Please donate what you can. I will gladly send you a gift reciept for tax purposes if you would like. Also if your interested in helping out with the "Everyone deserves a Happy Pet" fund just drop me a e-mail. Remember even a gift of $1 can feed an Iguana for a week and a cat four cans of food. a pay-pal button is included below for your convinence. Thankyou, Amy Michelle
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