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March 11, 2014 - jayne, Chris, I can't say anything except thank you. I admire you greatly, Jayne, as a warm person, devoted friend and partner. And my darling Mr. Dean - I would love to meet you in the US. I feel as though I could talk about choreography, nature hikes,race cars, travel, music, books, dance with you for hours. you're a sweetheart and such a good father. I love that about you. Please consider a tour or show in the US in the future. And please keep me up to date with Jack, Sam, the tour, funny news, photos. I've grown so spoiled by your generous tweets, I can't help but ask for more. Love you.x

Feb.3 - Chris,I can't tell you and Jayne how creative you both are. I won't get to see your routine until late tomorrow(US time) but will look forward to it. Love you.x

Oct. 20 - Chris, thank you for continuing to share thought, pics, etc. on twitter. I love your posts;they always make me smile. Don't work out too much - exercise is fine, but I want you to remain injury free. I hope all is well with Jack and Sam. A big hug to you and Jayne.x

Sept. 18 - Chris, I worry about you. You love the UK, but you also love your sons in the US. I get the feeling that you're split in two - one half says soccer, the other football. It must be hard on you. I'd like to give some advice - Suppose Sam plays soccer professionally one day. He most likely would be playing for an American team. The American flag would fly, not the UK's. You, my darling Mr. Dean, were born British. But your sons were born American. Let them see and enjoy Britain when you're there. But let Jack and Sam be proud of being Americans, too. Don't make them feel as though you love the UK more.

I love you, Chris, and think you're a very sweet, caring person from what I've seen on Titter. If I say anything it's because I want you to be happy. Take care.x

Aug 10 - Jayne, I;m really enjoying all of your tweets from the Olympics. They're so much fun to read. Chris, I'm so sorry about your shoulder. I sent you a card - I hope you like it. Don't let it discourage you. you're a strong person - you have gotten through much already. You and Jayne are both kind, good people, and I love you very much. Please remember that. Take care.X

July 9 - Chris, just anted to say thanks for all that you share - your comical pics and tweets have never failed to put a smile on my face, even when I've had rough days. I love you for that and for the sweetheart you are. I hope Jack and Sam are doing well. I love to hear about them too. Please take care(and Jayne also) - I want you to remain healthy. Once again, thanks and all my love to you.x

May 26 - Jayne, Chris, it's so nice to hear about what you're doing. Thanks for continuing to share. Chris, don't ever feel as if Jack and Sam are excluding you - they're getting older and need their own space at times. But they still love and need you. That, Mr. Dean, is a promise. x

May 7 - Jayne, thanks for your tweets during the tour. I really love hearing from you. And, my darling Mr. Dean, I honestly love you. Anyone should feel honored to be loved by you. Remember that. And also know that you're always in my thoughts and prayers.(Jayne, you too) Hope you'll keep tweeting - you always manage to make me smile, even during a rough day. A cyber hug and kiss to you.x

March 30 - Jayne, Chris, your bolero this season was beautiful. You still have the magic touch. And kudos for the choreography and music this season. The 3 finalists were fun to watch, and you must be proud of them. Chris, thanks for tweeting about Jack and Sam. I love hearing about them. Much love to you. x

March 5 - Chris, just wanted to say thanks for sharing tweets. I've told you before, but I'll say it again - I love and admire Jayne very much, but I love you just a little more. I love your enthusiasm for your work, your sense of humor, the way you'll stop and tweet a random picture of a cup of coffee at Starbucks. I can relate to long hours of work that I love, and when I'm tired I think of your dedication. You remind me of how much I love the dance world like you do the skating world.

I hope Jack and Sam are ok - I know that you'll be having them visit over spring break. I hope you'll tweet a little about them. Take care and love to you and Jayne with a special hug to you, Mr. Dean, for always making me smile.x

Feb. 20 Jayne and Chris, I am so sorry for Sebatien. I know that you must feel very sad, having worked with him and knowing he had improved. Still, h should feel proud of what he's accomplished. Chris, it was sweet of you to thank followers for support, but, in my opinion, you're worth following. I had a rare chance to see DOI live yesterday and could see the effort and pride that you have for all of the celebs. I love you for being so dedicated and caring. Hope to see you skate again. And, because I love your choreography, I noticed that the camera angles were a little wacky, making it hard to see the entire routines. Love you.x

Chris, I know you love DOI even more than Jayne, I think. For that reason,I'd like to give you my opinion on the show. I believe that you invite current, popular guests to appeal to younger viewers. I can understand that, along with the fast, more "hip" skating. But I'd love to see you perform a solo without tricks and flashy gimmicks. A beautiful, slow routine that you perform so beautifully, especially for Bolero weekend. You'd be surprised at the great number of younger viewers who appreciate this type of routine. Please consider it. Love to you both.

Reflections in Verse RSS Posts Feed

Feb.13 - Happy Bolero Day to you both! Here's a little something for you - Here Thank you for the beautiful routine Sunday. I had asked for a slow, emotional routine,and you did. Beautiful choreo using the silks. Love to you both.x

Jan. 30 - I loved your Jar of Hearts routine. It was choreographed perfectly, with just the right shades of soft and strong emotions. Great job! The duels worked out pretty well, with Charlene as the only choice I disagreed with - thought she should have had immunity, but I think the right person left, or to be more precise, the skater with the least talent.

Jan. 29 - Won't be able to see the show live, but will give my thoughts on it. I love seeing you perform solos. If I may make a suggestion, please have the camera men show both singer and you skating from head to toe, then briefly show the singer's face and then show yours. Viewers love to see you skate, not have the majority of the song showcasing the singer and very little of you. And I have a small confession. while I admire both of you, I love you, chris, just a little more. Jayne, you're a strong woman who knows her limits and is confidant. My sweet Mr. Dean, you love your work so much that you lose sight of other things, esp. your health. I'd love to give you a big hug and assure you that you are doing a wonderful job, but you don't have to be perfect. You're perfect in my eyes just the way you are and I love you very much.

Jan. 21 - Chris, are you excited yet nervous about everything going well on DOI? I so, please relax. You and Jayne are so successful because you, especially you Mr. Dean, put your heart into your work. Trust me, it shows. I'm loving DOI and will miss it live this week, but looking forward to seeing it.x

Jan. 15 - Jayne, you are really looking fit and lovely on DOI. Chris, you're a very handsome man. Thanks for your continued tweets. It really adds to my viewing DOI, and you've got a great group of celebs this year along with great song choices and choreography. Chris, hope you tweet when Jack and Sam come to visit you. I love hearing about them. Love to you both.x

Jan. 9 - Jayne and Chris, I wanted to tell you 2 things. First, I really loved the new DOI opening and opening routine. Katarina is a wonderful asset as a judge, and you should feel proud of a job well done with the contestants.

I'd also like to ask you to please check with your personal secretary, susan, when you can. I sent you both 2 egift cards through Dec. 14. Sue said that she forwarded them, but it's been a week. I will receive a confirmation email telling me that the cards have been viewed, and I hope that you see and use them soon. Love to both of you.X

Dec. 22 - Love you, Mr. Dean. Thanks for the beautiful pictures. I'm sorry to hear that you're still jet lagged. Hope you feel better soon. Wishing you, Jack and Sam a happy Christmas. And Jayne, wishing you a happy holiday with Phil, Kieran and Jessica. When you have time, could you or Susan, your personal secretary, check your fan email at I sent a little treat for both of you.X

Jan. 9 - Jayne and Chris, I wanted to tell you 2 things. First, I really loved the new DOI opening and opening routine. Katarina is a wonderful asse, and you should feel proud of a job well done with the contestants.

Dec. 16 - Jayne & Chris, if you don't tweet again, wishing you a happy, healthy Christmas and New Year. And Chris, safe traveling to Colorado. Love to you both.x

Dec. 9 - Almost time for another season of DOI. You must be excited. Thanks for the continued updates and pics. I know that you're busy, but if you have time, could you let me know if you received my card? Love to you both and my dear Mr. Dean, please stay healthy.X

Nov. 27 - Chris and Jayne, you both must be exhausted from all your interviews. I've enjoyed catching up with them. Hope you get a chance to rest. Love to you both.x

Nov. 13 - Chris, I'm so glad to hear that you're back riding you bike. It must feel great for you. I love hearing about you & Jayne, but especially you. You always manage to make me smile - thank you. Take care and I'm assuming you will be planning a birthday party for Jack on the 17th? If so, I hope you tweet about it. Take care, tell Jayne hi and have a great week.

Oct.27 - Mr. Dean, I have to confess that I love you. I love your sense of humor, the way that you get so excited about DOI, the pride that you show whenever you talk about Jack and Sam. You're a wonderful man and father as well as a skater and you deserve someone, if you want, that appreciates that and accepts you just as you are. Please remember that. Take care, enjoy the snow and thanks again for your beautiful pictures and for sharing them. X

Oct. 23 - Chris, glad to hear that you're working out. Please be careful, though. The last thing you need is a re-injured shoulder ater all you've been through. I say this because I love you and want you to remain healthy. Thanks to both you and Jayne for the continued tweets and pictures. I always enjoy them.X

Oct 7 - Happy Birthday, Jayne! Here is a small tribute and wishes - Click Here. Chris, hope all is well with you.

Sept 27 - Chris, it must be hard for you to leave Jack and Sam. I'm glad that you've been spending time with them. Please take it easy. I know that you and Jayne are looking forward to a new DOI season,but I'd hate for you to re-injure your shoulder. Much love to you.x

Sept. 25 - Jayne, hope you had a wonderful anniversary. Chris, I hope that you feel well. I've missed your tweets. Love to both of you.x

Sept. 14 - Chris, just wanted to say how sorry I am that your shoulder is still giving you trouble. I admire your sense of humor - it's one reason why I love you so much. You're quite a man, Mr. Dean, and I don't just mean as a skater. You are kind-hearted, sensitive, loves to laugh, including at yourself, and always striving to be better. And you always put your children first. I admire your skating but love you as a person. Hopeyou are better soon.X

Sept. 3- Chris, Wishing Sam a terrific birthday. He's quite the daredevil like his father. :) Glad that you shared your adventure in California - you're tricky but I love you anyway.X

Aug. 26 - Jayne, Chris, thanks for the tweets during your "off season" from DOI. I really enjoy hearing about what you're doing/how you are, including mentions of your children. Chris, don't put any more strain on your shoulder than you have to and enjoy choreographing. Love to both of you.X

Aug. 15 - Chris, so glad to hear that you're doing more, especially skating. I've told you before, but I'll say it again - I love you, Mr. Dean.

Aug. 4 - Chris, you're very welcome re: your birthday gift. Thanks for letting me know that you got it safe and sound. I'm also glad to see you skating again. fingers crossed that your shoulder will be back to 100% again soon. Love to you.

July 31 - Great pictures of you both! Jayne, your home is beautiful. I hope everyone had fun at the party, especially you, Chris. You look terrific. I hope you're feeling much better as well. Safe traveling. When you have gotten some rest and when you go to the World Arena, my birthday gift should be there. Take care.X

July 27 - A very Happy Birthday to you, Mr. Dean. I don't know whether you got my gift or not, but here's a pic and a greeting for you. I hope you have a great day and are feeling much better. Much love to you.X Click Here

July 22 - Chris, I love you dearly, but I wish that you could tell me if you received my gift. If you can't tweet, could you send a yes or no through Sue, your secretary, at I emailed you and her asking if you received my gift, so you and/or she has my email address. I don't want to sound like I'm bugging you, but it means a lot to me. I just would like to know if you have it since you move around, even when you're in Colorado. I hope you have a wonderful week in the UK and I hope that you and Jayne will keep tweeting. Jayne, I'm glad that you had a good time on your vacation. You deserve it. Love to both of you.X

July 19 - Chris, could you let me know if/when you've received a package from me sent to The World Arena? I'd grealy appreciate knowing that you have it. I sent it there because you'll be going to the UK soon. I hope that your shoulder and appendix are healing quickly and that Jayne is also doing well.X

July 11 - Chris, I hope that your recovery is going well. Be careful traveling if your arm is still in a sling. This may not be my concern, but try to spend as much time as possible with Jack and Sam and constantly keep in touch if/when you have to be away. My guess is that you do, but I'm just giving a reminder that since they see you only during the summer, any time spent away from them might make them feel sad. Love to you.

July 6 - Chris, just a quick note to say how sorry I am about your shoulder and appendix. I worry about you trying to do too much. I can't help it - I care about you. My father was a risk taker. That indirectly led to his death in a horrible car accident. He was a loving but stubborn man much like you. I think that's why I care about you so much. I love Jayne too, but she is more careful than you. Please take it easy, follow doctor's orders and ask for help. I know you probably feel frustrated and bored, but hang in there, think positive, and time will pass. A big hug to you. X

July 5 - Jayne & Chris, it's sweet of both of you to keep tweeting. I enjoy hearing about what you're doing and , in your case Chris, how you're feeling. Well, dear sir, what do you think of the verdict in the CA trial? Agree or disagree? I'd love to know your thoughts. I was expecting a conviction, maybe not 1st degree murder, but something. I was stunned that Casey was completely exonerated. But I'm not the jury. Love to both of you. X

July 2 - Mr. Dean, I've missed you over the past couple of days. I love you and will gladly listen to any tweets that you want to express. If you're happy, sad, feeling bad, decided to go car racing in your neighborhood, please know that I care. I hope you have some fun with Jack and Sam over the 4th of July weekend.

June 30 - Jayne and Chris, if you read this, I'd first like to say how sorry I am about Betty's death. I know she was a good friend to you as well as a coach and my prayers are with you and her family. Chris, if you feel like talking about it, I'd love to know how your shoulder is. Hope all is going well. Love to you both.

June 26 - My dear, sweet, Chris. I can't tell you how glad I am to see you keeping your sense of humor alive despite your injury. That's the best medicine you can give yourself. Your tweets have made me smile as well, so thanks. Don't ever change - you're wonderful just the way you are. And since I've been around some off-the-wall people in my life, including myself, I love you and actually understand you. Keep your spirits high, keep tweeting when you want and speedy recovery to you. To Jayne, you're a sweetheart. Thanks for being the kind person you are.

June 22 - Chris, I'm so sorry to hear about your shoulder. Please try and follow orders as to recovery. I know you want to get back in action asap, but you could damage your shoulder further. Think of pleasant things, read a book, listen to music, keep up on the Casey Anthony trial to distract yourself. If you're having trouble sleeping, see if you can take something to help. Ask for whatever you need - don't feel as though you should be able to handle anything. And feel free to gripe and complain all you want on twitter. I'll gladly listen. Lots of love and best wishes to you.

June 18 - Jayne and Chris, wishing you both a great weekend. Chris, thanks for making me smile. I love you, Mr. Dean. Hope that you enjoy a wonderful Father's Day. For All Fathers and Father Figures

June 10 - Chris, your personal secretary Sue, emiled me and said that she would make sure you receive your egift card. I wanted to give you a small treat as a thank you for sending me a photo of you and Jayne, sparing me the cost of postage and a SASE. It was so sweet of you. And I know how much you love Starbucks. Please use it - I want you to. Love to you and Jayne.X

June 7 - Chris, as I mentioned below, I sent you an egift card from Starbusks to your website email a week ago. Could you check or ask your personal secretary if it's ther, and if so, would she forward it to you to redeem? I'd love for you to have it.

June 4 - Chris, so glad to hear that you visited the BVI with Jack and Sam. Thanks for tweeting. I'll bet you had your hands full with them, but I know how much you love being with them. Please ask your secretary, Sue, if she saw something from me sent to It's something for you and is associated with Starbucks.

May 27 - Well, my darling, sweet Mr. Dean, here's some good news for you - Health Benefits of Coffee I hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you celebrate Memorial Day, hope you can do something fun with Jack and Sam.X

May 18 - Hi Chris, don't know if you see this, but I'm worried about you. You're in Colorado yet you don't mention Jack and Sam. I say this because you've always sounded so happy when you're with them, and it seems odd that you haven't mentioned them at all since you've been back in Colorado. I hope that all is well. If you feel down, please know that my thoughts and prayers are always with you and your kids; Jayne too. I care about you very much. And don't ever think that you're boring or predictable. I love hearing from you. If you want, I'd love to know how Jack and Sam are. Whenever you feel blue on a cloudy day, talk to or do something with them.

May 17 - Chris, thanks and a big virtual hug for sharing your beautiful pictures. Ive been in and near Colorado Springs before, but only briefly. You really love any adventure. That's what I love about you. I wish I could join you - things are a little hectic and a nice hike would do me some good. Thanks for making me smile.X

May 11 - Chris, if you see this, it's nice to hear from you, but you sound a little unhappy. You're probably stressed due to moving. I couldn't help but notice that you refer to yourself as an Englishman abroad. Is that how you view yourself? If it is, what does your outlook say to your kids? It might send the signal that you are being forced to be "abroad" because of them instead of completely happy to be with them. I know that isn't true, but how you say something is as important as what you say. Take care and hope all is well.

Chris, thank you for tweeting. You're sweet to share and I love hearing about what you're doing. You seem to be feeling well, which is great, but don't overdo. Good luck with the move. Don't let it stress you out. Take time, label everything for easier unpacking, and eat out or order meals if you don't feel like cooking. You must be so happy to see Jack and Sam. I know that you miss DOI - it must be hard. Remember that your kids love you and are proud of their Dad's work. I believe that you said once that you'd like to move to the UK. If I may offer advice, I would say that it wouldn't be the best thing, especially for Jack and Sam. You grew up in England. You naturally feel proud of your heritage there. But Jack and Sam were born in the US. To them, it is the place that they regard as their home. Tell them about yourself when you were their age, and what Nottingham means to you, but respect their roots as well. They'll learn to appreciate where you came from. In time, they'll feel blessed to have ties to two countries. But don't ever lead them to think that they must leave one for another. Let them choose their own paths when they're older. You're a good father - I have no doubt that you always place them first. Remember to take care of yourself too, not just physically. The happier you are, the happier they'll be. Love you. Take care.

Thank you for sharing another DOI season. Chris, I hope you have a safe flight to Colorado and are completely well soon. As you and Jayne end your tour, I wanted to give you a gift as a way of saying thanks. You both are truly 2 of the sweetest people I've met on Twitter, and your fans are some of the nicest, also. I love you very much, especially you, my dear Mr. Dean. I wish I could meet you when you're in the US. Please consider what I wrote below about tweeting once in awhile. I'd love to know how you're doing. Your gift is - here

Chris, I know I always talk to you, but it isn't that I dislike Jayne. I think she's a terrific person. I just feel a little closer to you, like a friend that I can talk to. You're a wonderful man exactly as you are, and if you marry again, I hope that the lucky lady realizes that. Take care

Hope you have a great Easter weekend. Here's a greeting for you - here

April 19 - Chris, I'm glad that you're finding time to relax. You seem to be enjoying yourself and that's great. I can see why you must feel a little conflicted when the tour's over. I know you love to see Sam and Jack again, but naturally, you miss the cast. In that respect Jayne is luckier. I wish that you would still tweet once in awhile after the tour is over. I'd love to hear about what you, Jack and Sam are up to. Will you consider it? I'd also love a picture of you with them. I love children and it would be nice to have a pic of the 3 of you. Take care.

April 17 - Chris, I had to laugh at you saying you're an armchair race car driver - you would probably be in a car racing right now if you weren't a skater :) However, I prefer you all in one piece. Thanks for making me smile.X

April 16 - Jayne, Chris, I know you're very busy. But if you have any time, could you tweet a Happy Birthday to my niece, Tiffany? She started taking skating lessons awhile back due to you and is enjoying it. It would make her very happy if you could. Take care. X

Just wanted to thank you for tweeting about your interview. I enjoyed it. I really admire the dedication that you both put into DOI and the tour. Chris, I wanted to thank you once agin for sending the photo and note. I had send the card in your name and I was so pleasantly surprised to see a handwritten address on the envelope and card. And to send it without my having sent a SASE means a great deal to me. That was very sweet of you and one of the traits that I admire and love about you. Take care and I look forward to your tweets. Best wishes to you, Jayne and the cast for the Birmingham shows. I'm sure they will all be great.

April 13 - Dear Chris, I just wanted to thank you for staying in touch, even when you're very busy. You love your work and enjoy sharing and I love you for that. Please continue. Whether you're at Starbucks, reading, shopping, I love hearing from you. And speaking of the tour, if you post tomorrow, I'd like to hear that you're having some free time. Your schedule will be very busy in Birmingham, Friday - Monday, with 2 shows Sat. and Sun. so you need some time to relax before these shows start. Other than reading, I love to listen to relaxing music when I want to unwind. And I know you must keep in touch daily with Jack and Sam - that must put you in a good mood. Take care.X

April 11 - Thank you so much for sending me the photo and note. Considering that I live in the US, I really appreciate your taking the time to send it all the more. Chris, hope you had fun shopping. I'm glad that you are taking time to relax - it's good for you. Love you.

April 11 - I'm glad to hear that all is going well, except that you needing ice because you feel sore doesn't sound good. Be careful. Chris, I hope you get to relax and fit in some reading. I've heard very good things about the show. It's nice of Robin to give updates as well. It makes me feel as if I'm there. Since I saw you skate in person before, I can visualize the routines. I believe that you have today off - I hope you have some time to enjoy yourselves. I've said it before, but I do love you, especially you, Mr. Dean, for staying in touch.

April 9 - Best wishes for you on your opening show - click here for a small treat.

April 7 - Jayne and Chris, if you see this, I apologize if I sounded harsh below re: a signed photo. I love you guys, but I feel a little hurt. You see, I had asked on Twitter in February if I could have a new signed photo and didn't receive a reply. Knowing that you're busy, I wrote to your fan email address - last year an assistant named Susan replied, offering to send a pic. However, she nor anyone else replied. I sent a card to you at Shepperton, but I don't know if you received it. I would love a photo, and it feels a little frustrating not being in the UK. If you or anyone could give me an address to write or tell me that I can be sent a photo, it would mean a lot to me. Best wishes to you and all the skaters for the tour's opening night.

April 5 - Chris, thanks again for sharing on your day off. I love the Trocks. I know that you're very busy, but I've written to your fan email address twice and sent you a card wishing you luck on the DOI tour and asking for a picture. I've asked you if you received this card on Twitter and on Facebook, and also asked if you could let me know if you have on this page - scroll down to March 26. It has been over a month since I first asked and I've never received a reply on Twitter or Facebook. I don't know if you have the same assistant, but could you have someone email me regarding sending me a new signed photo? I don't believe that this is an unreasonable request, since you've sent personal thank yous along with pictures to UK fans. I've asked once more on Facebook and will ask for the last time here for a response of some sort, whether by email, Twitter or Facebook. I would love to have a new picture, but if it's inconvenient, then I won't bother you anymore. I hope all is going well.

April 2 - Chris, thanks for the tweets and the photo. I've had a hectic week and seeing that made me smile. Please keep sharing when you can. Hope all is going well. Love to you and Jayne.

March 31 - Glad you had some rest on the bus. I hope all is well with rehearsals. I'd love to know what routines you're performing on tour if you want to share. Take care.

Chris, if you read this, I hope you're getting a little relaxation. I know that you love the tour, but it's good for you to take even a few hours to read, take a walk, something to refresh yourself before Wednesday. As I said before, I love to hear your extra tweets aside from the tour, whether its finishing a book, drinking coffee, anything. It's very sweet of you to share and why I care about you. You're wonderful person, not just a great skater, but a devoted father and friend. I regard you as a friend and wish that I could meet you. Take care and I'll look forward to future tweets. And I'll be very happy if I hear that you've had some rest. I just want you to be healthy and happy and not work too hard. Love to you, Mr. Dean and a hug to spare for Jayne.

March 27 - I loved your rendition of Bolero. The added couples worked really well. Great choreography and great job. You have 3 great talents to bring on tour. Chloe, although 3rd, is a great skater and performer and will be an asset on tour. While Laura is terrific, and was great technically tonight, she lacked a little in presence, or connecting with the music. Sam had both - technically, his moves/lifts were excellent, but beyond that, he captured the essence of both Footloose and Bolero. Whereas he had a little trouble presence-wise in the past, tonight he was one with the music and told a story with each performance. Both, however, are two very talented skaters who brought a lot to the show and will definitely be assets on tour.

I said this on Facebook and will repeat it here - Thanks to both of you for sharing your DOI journey. It's been a great one. Chris, thanks for the added updates, espcially re: Jack and Sam. I loved hearing about them and about your reading and Starbucks. I hope you have time to do some reading during the tour. Take care, hope to hear from you soon as you prepare for the tour and take a little time to rest, especially you, Chris. You've earned it. I do love you, Mr. Dean. Although I love and admire Jayne, I can't help but love the passionate, perfectionist and vulnerable parts of you - I tend to feel the same way about dance, animals, anything that I care deeply about.

March 26 - Chris, I know that you must miss Jack and Sam terribly, but time passes fast and you'll see them again soon. It sounds like all 3 of you had fun together. That's what counts. I'm anxious to see the final and hopefully, you and Jayne will tweet again during the tour. It's sweet of you both to share your work. I do wish that you could tell me if you received my card. I wished you both good luck on the tour and asked for a new signed photo. If possible, I'd greatly appreciate knowing if you received it. Love, Sheri.

March 23 - Chris, it's such a treat to read your updates about Jack and Sam. It sounds like there are 3 happy boys today, having fun. You're a wonderful father. Thanks for sharing your day. And you sound very excited about the tour - I'm sure it will be fantastic. Just try not to worry about it. Take time to relax just a little each day. Love you. Take care

March 20 - Jayne and Chris, your routine was beautiful. Chris, it was indeed very imaginative, but then so are you. I thank you for doing a slower routine with flowing movements. You excel at that. I truly believe the right 3 are in the final - tough choice, but I'd say that Sam is a brilliant technician, Laura is a great performer, but Chloe is the overall package. Sorry to see Johnson go but he's touched a lot of people and brought a lot to the show.

Chris, about what I said below - I'm not accusing you of anything. I honestly see you as a good hearted man who loves his work with a passion and who also adores his children. I mentioned that article to warn you to be on guard against Jack and Sam hearing or reading anything that would upset them. Unfortunately, this interview doesn't tell your side of the story. So, be on guard and always be honest with Jack and Sam, especially if they ask questions. They will love you all the more for it. You're a good, intelligent man and I love you (and Jayne also) just the way you are. Please remember that. I sent you a card wishing you and Jayne luck on the tour. I hope that you've received or will receive it soon.

Chris, I read this interview with Karen's ex husband For the record, I know how newspapers/magazines can twist things. Because I believe that you're a good person who wouldn't hurt other people, I pray that none of this is read or heard by Jack and Sam. It would hurt them deeply. You deserve so much better than the image of you that this article has created. Take care.

March 19 - Chris, I hope Jack and Sam are enjoying their visit. It's good for them to see their Dad at work. I think I might know the song for your routine. I keep thinking of "Song of the Sandman" by Enya with its celtic sound and lyrics that mention stars and morning's golden light. I can't see the show until later my time on Sunday, but I'm sure it will be both pretty and creative as usual. I also wish all 4 semi-finalists the best of luck.

Jayne, Chris, if you read this, I've asked you for a new signed photo 3 times over the past couple of months. when I try your fan email,I receive no response from any assistant. I can't understand this as she sent me a photo last year. Why the cold shoulder? For whatever good it will do, I'll ask you once again if you or your assistant could send me a new signed photo - I don't have any to send you to sign just the one I received last year. I'd greatly appreciate it. Chris, I'm very glad that Jack and Sam are spending time with you. I know how much you miss them and them you.

March 6 - I loved the team challenge! I had an feeling that it would be good after seeing a similar format done on Dancing With the Stars. And I was right - both teams really delievered, but I actually preferred Sam's team. As for Laura - you both did a wonderful job with her choreography. Her movements, speed and connection were worthy of an almost perfect 30. Chloe also impressed me - ballet lessons really did help. It showed in her arm movements and posture. Beautiful routine. And, this week, I really think that the right 2 were in the skate-off and that the result was correct as well. Denise should feel proud of herself, though. I hope that she does. Finally, I read your tweet, Chris(Iphone user), thanking people for their passion for the show. And Jayne thanking everyone for their comments. Well, I'd like to thank you for allowing me to share your passion for your work. You have touched and inspired so many viewers - not just skaters but dancers as well. Your routine last week was a perfect blend of both and that is truly teaching what Ice Dance should be. Please do more routines like that one. Take care. I am looking forward to seeing your routine next week. I hope you'll give more clues about it. Love you guys.

I was looking at this clip for a blog post and thought of you. It would be gorgeous on ice, or something in the same style. This even has lifts in it. Please have a look. If not for you, maybe you'd like it for others. Aside from Ginger and Fred, Marge and Gower Champion were beautiful dancers. They had a different style that was impressive in its own way.

March 2 - Chris, I love all genres of books and enjoyed The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. Stieg Larsson doesn't disappoint in the final book. If you've liked the first two, you'll enjoy the third one. And James Patterson is terrific. You'll like Alex Cross's Trial. Good for you, taking time to read! I love it. It relaxes me and transports me to other places. Please keep updating on Twitter and let me know how you like Alex Crosses's Trial. I love hearing from you away from the ice as well as on. A man with talent, looks and who enjoys reading. How I'd love to meet you - we have a lot in common. I 'd love to chat about books, dance choreography, travel, and more with you. Glad you are enjoying yourself.

Feb. 28 Jayne, Chris, I was disappointed that Vanilla Ice left. I don't understand what the public is voting on. I know you must hate to lose any skater, but this just seemed so unfair as he was one of the better skaters. I love that you are bring dance more into dancing on ice. I really appreciate as a dancer and believe that it will add more to the show. I do have one request, if you would consider it, and that is for the two of you to perform a waltz routine. You've never done that style of dance/music before, and with your creative mind, Chris, and your technical brilliance, Jayne, you would make it romantic, flowing, beautiful. I've always loved waltz music, and used this song in a ballroom competition. I think that's what dance and ice-dance truly epitomize -grace and beauty. I'd like to share it with you. A routine to a song like this would definitely make viewers of all ages very happy. Trust me - I learned from the best. Again, you should be very proud of yourselves. You both love DOI and it shows. You remind me so much of Ginger and Fred, not just in talent but in personality as well - wish you could have met them. I know both would have admired you as much as you do them.

Feb. 27 Wow! You guys, THAT routine was brilliant - choreography perfect. As a dancer who performs ballroom dancing, I can assure you that what you did was crisp, sharp and authentic. What a beautiful Argentine Tango! And the dancers complimented your routine - It showed the similarity between dance and ice dance and will make skaters aware of dance technique as well as skating. Bravo to you. Please do more like this.

Feb.26 Jayne and Chris, I just wanted to say that the use of tango, waltz, charleston, etc music is a brilliant idea. It not only is entertaining, but similar to competitive ice dance and can teach skaters a little more about them. I had hoped that DOI would have something like this. I also still believe that, when it comes to you two, a beautiful waltz would be perfect, like the youtube one I posted below. It's something you haven't done, other than when you did compulsory dances as competitors. And if you do, I can assure you that the viewers will go nuts. As I've said before, you're in a position to show and teach people about the roots of ice dance. Do that - it's what you do best. Take care - try not to work too hard. And Chris, don't worry about things being perfect - they will be.

Feb. 22 I heard that you would be doing a "DOI World Tour" next week. I'm thinking that there will be international songs. If so, then a group routine to I's a Small world or Around the World would be great, but you've already chosen the routines, so I'm sure whatever your choice is will be nice. I told you about my niece because I thought you'd enjoy hearing about her. she's 7 and has been a devoted ballet lover. Well, she still loves ballet, but she's taken an interest in DOI and watching you two skate. So, she is taking skating lessons. I can't say whether it will be a long term interest, but she enjoyed her first lesson very much and wants to continue.

And my dear Mr. Dean, how sweet of you to tweet on your day off. But that's why I like you so much. I love to read when I can. I also love Starbucks. Nothing like enjoying both. I hope Jack and Sam are doing well. I know how much you miss them and them you. If/when they visit with you, I'd love to hear any news about them if you want. Take care.

Feb. 20 Jayne, you wore pink! The dress is lovely - love the jeweled neckline. And Chris, how handsome! I loved your routine.It had all the qualities that make ice dance beautiful - delicate, soft flowing movements. I know that it must be hard for you to lose a couple every week, but I honestly thought that Kerry was the right choice to leave. Overall, the skills test went well for the skaters. Good for them!

Jayne, I'd like to tell you that pink and black look beautiful on you. If you like these colors, please wear them. Not that other colors aren't ok, but these really stand out on you, I think, with your hair and skin coloring. Chris, these colors also look good with your hair color. You both have such beautiful moves. Use more soft music that shows off your elegant, smooth, traditional and pure ice dance moves. Take care. Hey, Jayne, Chris, if you read this, I have to say that the show is lacking something this year. The pros should have more say in the choreography to see what they can do and give you less work time. The skills test is a good idea, but only if each skater performs the same exact skills, much like compulsary dances. They would clearly tell who does a better/worst jump, spin, etc. It's too bad that a change can't be made with the judging - allow the public to vote, but have the judges pick the winner from the final 3 couples. It would satisfy viewers, but also allow the best skater to win. Finally, it would be more fair to eliminate the skate off because the person saved might not have the lowest overall score. Why not announce the contestant with the lowest score as the one who automatically leaves?

I think that you might believe that the more modern or flashy songs will interest people. I teach kids who idolize Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly as much as today's dancers. Why? Because I take time to teach them not just dance but about the history of dance. You are a part of ice dancing's history and present. Why not combine the two? Do a solo routine - or more - with emphasis on artistry, smooth, intricate yet effortless-looking, minimal moves that defines the roots of ice dance. Young skaters could learn so much just by watching you. Think of Oscar Tango, how the story and emotion was conveyed with no music at all. Do that, and ratings will soar.

I've always loved waltz music, and used this song in a ballroom competition. I think that's what dance and ice-dance truly epitomize -grace and beauty. I'd like to share it with you. A routine to a song like this would definitely make viewers of all ages very happy. Trust me - I learned from the best

I love listening to music and made this video for you. I's a mixture of photos and an old exhibition from 1979 to the music of The Story of My Life, sung by Neil Diamond. It's amazing how timeless and beautiful your movements are. I hope that you like it and might consider using the music, if not for you then maybe for a couple. It's a beautiful song that your choreography would work well with. Here's the link: Torvill and Dean: The Story of My Life, Neil Diamond I also think that the videos below would be perfect songs for you. If you like Disney as many have suggested, here's part of a special from Disney's Greatest hits on Ice, 1994 I also think classic hollywood musicals would make a good theme. I wish I could help you in the decision process - it souunds like so much fun. Work, yes, but fun. If you'd really want to try somthing completely different, a Hawaiian theme would be ideal. I took hawaiian dance lessons as a child and loved it. Sonja Henie had a large Hawaiian themed production number in one of her movies, but I can't find it. If I do, I'll give you the link. Take care.

Dec. 6 - I had mentioned the type of slow song routine that I'd love to see you perform. Here are 2 that I think would fit you perfectly. If you're interested, please listen to them.

When You Say Nothing At All

You Don't Know Me - Michael Buble - Would be even better if Michael himself appeared on DOI.

Please feel free to look at/listen to any of the videos that I've posted by clicking on the videos page link above. I'm a romantic who loves old songs, but also some newer ones. Here are a few samples of Andre Rieu, Michael Buble and others. If you will be doing choreography for couples this summer, maybe you'll like one of these songs or get an idea from them.

Andre Rieu - Je t'aime

Stranger in Paradise - Andre Rieu

That's Life - Frank Sinatra

Can I Have This Dance? - Anne Murray - A beautiful song that my grandparents loved to dance to.

Cathy's Theme - Scenes from various versions of Wuthering Heights


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