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LouPou's Ruin, Local Bands, Local People,

My Ruin

Updated 02/02/02
(f*** me...that's spooky)
Okay this is my replacement site as to of my old moonfruit one as the bastard site decided it would charge and I'm unemployed, therefore I have insufficient funds to run it. And its all the Government's fault, bloody minimum wage.

Anyway this site has mostly things to do with Plymouth people who either know me or spend numerous weekends lounging at the sundial and various other places.

About me
More about me
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*I have a new fun gam where you try to find a Where's Wally with a ay twist...Anyway...welcome to My Room
*I've added a feedback link form thing at the bottom.
*My old Message Boards decided to be gay I got a new one. Click here to visit.
*I've just uploaded some new Artwork for you guys to see
*A few of you don't know who Button Clown is so check him out here.
*My well reknown planner has now been published online...!! click here...!!
*I've updated photos page and put some pics from New Year's on there...
*Started some kind of Semi-Journal thing inEvents .
*Guys, I've reached enlightenment and took down that error pop up thing which kindly reminded you to sign my know..since i'm such a damn nice person sign my Guestbook here.
*I've added a lameass Rock Poll which you should all contribute to.
*Please check out the "Coming soon"s here.
*Just added my Favorite Quotes here.


This is what i look like when i swallow my halo.
This is I, Lorraine or what you will. World reknown for clinical pre-menstral tension, menstral tension and post mentral tension. Otherwise, strip me of my general menstral tension and you will be merely left with some delightfully charming lady of an exceedingly well brought up manner of the highest intelligence.

Next to that however deep inside me lies a more dormant side. This is a more irrational, violent, psychotic and miserable thing that kinda locks herself up when the pressure gets too much and its of a danger to normal people and of too much risk. I'm not that bad. just a bit f***ed in the head when the moon's too high or just blatently people p!ss me off due to their ignorance, bullsh!tting, attention seeking, sucking up, self centered inconsiderate dipshit, shit stirring morons who are dumb and deserve to die. Well not die, just move to a different area or even small country.

I'm currently a student of DHSG a.k.a. Devonport Hight School for Girls, world reknown for the turd coloured objects that spew from the gates at approximately 3:35pm every weekday.

My main targets for my (maybe) final year there is to leave the teachers feeling unable to intimidate me, allowing all subordinate years to unite as one, following orders from my underground network. Here I will be able to corrupt the school's education system by bringing it down.

The One's Who I love dearly

I've really dedicated my site to those I love most dearly. Although on numerous occassions I can treat them like shit and make tham put up with me through some of the most akward situations, they have always been there for and with me...well so far anyway. Anyways here are my closest friends introduced in a random sporadic order.

Click on the links and on the names to find out more about them

These are my closest girlfriends
Michelle, Tash, Fiona,

Don't forget these people too here.

If you have any comments you wish to tell me click on this thing below

get this gear!