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My Corner of Mischief and Mayham

Nov 7, 2005

Hmm. Exactly 10 months before I decided/ was able to update this site of such wonder and beauty. I've been quite busy with many things. Terrorizing, doing un-boyscout like things, ecetera. Mostly I've been bored. There's just nothing to do. I had to get a job working at McDonalds. I, the great Sephiroth! Flipping burgers. *shudder* Well, perhaps it is time this site got even another makeover as I give up the job. It's just not interesting.

Jan 7, 2005

It's a brand new year and has already started out poorly. I got kicked out of the bad guy hangout for my last entry, and am currently updating this from a grade school computer lab. My knees are literally at my chin. I'm quite the image pure evil. Well, until I find another place to stay, or until the school teachers find me monday morning, I'll be holed up in this sticky... disgusting mess. I think I sat on a lollipop. And, is that gum? Oh yes, it most definatly is. On the bright side, I may have traumatized a young boy. Heh. Priceless.

Dec. 22, 2004

I've decided to quit my day job. World domination just doesn't pay like it used to. I mean, I don't even make minimum wage! And all the bills I have to pay! You know how much they charge for a room at the bad guy hang out? It's highway robbery, I tell ya!! I'd move... but no one would take me. Really, they give you no choice. Evil doers just can't make ends meat these days.

Nov. 1, 2004

*ahem* I have nothing to say today. So I will talk about nothing. I am tired, bored, and feel the need to betray someone. Unfortunately, it'd be my luck no one likes this poor, degraded, Sephiroth that I am. No one would trust me as far as they could throw me. Not that I'd let anyone throw me, mind you. But, because they will not trust, I can't betray them... and that's just no fun!! I'll just have to convince someone else to betray someone! No... that won't work... AAH!! To heck with it!! I'll just go kill someone!! I'm leaving now... I need to kill something... and I need to do it fast. Lock your doors, bar your windows, etc. You've been warned...

Oct. 15, 2004

For those of you who noticed (or CARED) I have been busy as can be trying to make this site look good. With help from my friends, I am steadily creating a relativly impressive site. But, if you saw the flaw in that sentence, I congratulate you. You see, I HAVE no friends!! So HA!! Fooled you! I'm doing this aaaall by myself! You see? I AM superior in intellect to you poor pathetic little ants crawling about at my feet... bleck... you don't die easy, do you?

Oct. 14, 2004

Today, I have some confusion I must clear up. People just don't seem to know who I am. I am SEPHIROTH!!! The most powerfully powerful of the powerfulest! So... FEAR ME... MUAHAHAHAHAHA...aaach... I need to practice that laugh... I keep choking myself, dangit. Alright, so, I am Sephiroth. The ultimate villian ever to threaten the world as you know it. And I never die. You people aaaaall think that lil' punk Cloud took me down... ohhhh... no siry. I survived! See, the real me is still in this giant ice crystal thingy... and I can just create more clones. And I'm still alive so let that be that. Anyway. My work here is done. May your days be filled with adventures involving less then impressive villains who could NEVER surpess my intillect or prowess. *THUD* Who put that wall there?!?!?

Sept. 29, 2004

Well, I don't really have ANYTHING to say... but, I'm going to say it anyway. Truly, I have nothing better to do then polish my sword and sit here listening to the other ex-villians complain. I rather work on this pointlessness. But, I think the best story was Kuja's. He was drunk as drunk can get and kept passing out on me between every few sentances. The last I recall before I left was the end of his story. "And then, and then I DIED dangit!! *hic* I didn't get the pleasure of being killed by the big bad main character, noooo, I was PROGRAMMED to die." About there, he fell over on me, I had to revive him. Wait 'till he came to completely when he continued as if nothing had happened. "And to make it WORSE I was *hic* RELATED to the punk. Can you believe it? RELATED to the main character... it's... HORRIBLE." There were a few agreeing mummblings before I finally said something about... more important things and snuck off. After all, we'd all been killed. Who was he to talk like his fate was the worst? Oh, shucks. Did I mention this page may contain a few spoilers for you losers who haven't finished the games? Oops... Sorry. You can be as mad at me as you like. I know I'd get upset if SOMEONE told me how games ten and on ended. Well, I guess that's all I have to say... time to return to my boredem. At least some of that rambling can be rather interesting...

Sept. 23, 2004

Today is the day I re-vamp this site. But, for the few of you "devoted" readers, here's the first text of this site. Then, for those of you REALLY devoted readers who have ALREADY downloaded that first text, here's the second text. Remember though, it's all of the ORIGINAL text. That means, you have to read through all the annoying HTML junk. (Don't be mad at me! I'm just as lazy as you! I don't wanna pick through alla that!)

Personalities Links My Works

Copyright stuff... All the charcters (besides Celeste, Guard, and Judge, *duh*) are copyright to Square. I don't own any of 'em.