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Lorina's Poetry Corner

Below you can find non-Buffy poetry I have recently composed. I hope you enjoy it.

Do you still think of me?

Do you still think of me?
When out of the night sky,
A reassuring Moon hangs high?
And when you crane your neck,
To grace the sky with your regard,
Do you imagine,
That the soft lull of the Moon,
Its delicate gait across the sky,
Is humbling mine own eyes?
Time passes blindly,
Forgetting a single moment,
It cares not for that chance encounter,
That one sweet kiss,
'Neath the pale Moon of a distant night.
But always will that celestial body remember,
The briefness of that affection,
And forever will it remind me,
That I am branded by one moment.
I will still imagine your upward glance,
And think upon the Moon's reminder,
I will ask myself,
Do you still think of me?

Lorina's Poetry ©2001
This text is not to be posted or published without the author’s permission.