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Welcome to the " Access to HE: Media & Performance Studies" webpage. This site is still growing, but it will be useful to you for:

These useful links will no doubt grow in size. (If you have suggestions for useful site links, please use the guestbook above to leave details)

Access latest-14/03/03

See the Chase Movies here!

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last years assignments & projects
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Useful Links


Quality Assurance Agency for HE Find out more about the quality of each institution or course
UCAS The first stop for HE applications
Student UKSome interesting perspectives on student life
UK Student InfoInformation, news & updates
Yahoo student directoryYahoo's list of sites about student life, I've not tried them all
Yahoo student directoryYahoo's list of sites about student life, I've not tried them all


Copywright & the web a few notes on how the laws of copywright apply to internet use
The British Film InstituteThe home page for the BFI
Department for Culture, Media & Sport The government web site with some research material
culture & identity / mass mediaThe homepage for 'Sociology Central'
Broadcasting Standards CommissionThe BSC homepage, policies etc..
ITCIndependant Television Commission homepage
The Radio AuthorityTheir homepage
Advertising Standards AuthorityTheir homepage
History of the BBCUseful for tracing the development of broadcasting in the UK
Office of National StatisticsA valuable on-line research tool
Bournemouth & Poole CollegeThe college's homepage
Phil Shakeshaft's film siteUseful film studies stuff
InfotracAn on-line research tool (journals / newspapers)
film education siteThe people who organised 'Rat Race' viewings
BUBL Subject indexGeneral On-line Research site
PINAKES Subject launch pad
B'mouth Uni OPACThe Universities On-line Public Access Catalogue

Media ChannelGlobal Media Issues


British Board of Film ClassificationGives details of history, policy and practice
Yahoo's censorship listingA starting point for internet research into the topic
TV & violence an introduction to the possible relationship between TV violence and aggressive behavior
FILCOMMEDIA Filton College's links page
K.I.S.S.Cultural & Critical Theory
Media Studies General media studies info (wacky!)
INDEXOn-line Censorship Journal
Feminists Against Censorship Speaks for Itself
Family Research Council American moral lobby
Freedom of Speechmore links
Press Complaints Commission Self regulation in the press!
R3: Safety NetControlling Porn on the Internet
PopculturesCritics & theorist


BECTUBroadcasting, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union
SkillsetProfessional training body for media industry
directorstrainingProfessional training body for media industry



  • The Macguffin Web Page - by Ken Mogg; by far my favorite, because it offers a wide perspective of opinions on various Hitchcock topics; it's the on-line extension of the Alfred Hitchcock journal of the same name (which can be subscribed to)
  • Alfred Hitchcock - The Master of Suspense - this site has got it all... vid clips, film by film resource list, a small but good essay section
  • Hitchcock: A Guide to the Early Films - an excellent film by film guide to the early British films of Sir Alfred Hitchcock; from the Pleasure Garden to Jamaica Inn
  • The Hitchcock Page - a great site, including such things as a shot-by-shot of the shower sequence from Psycho - now you can't beat that!
  • The Alfred Hitchcock Homepage by Hailbrath - a well-designed site
  • The Alfred Hitchcock Newsgroup - join in on the latest Hitch news and debates
  • The FILMS of Alfred Hitchcock - another excellent and well-rounded site that provides info on Hitch and his films
  • Hitch & Alma - by Robert Schoen, the author of the "Hitch & Alma" website and also the author of a new book which explores the director's life from an interesting perspective
  • Universal Hitchcock - a new site celebrating 100 years of Hitchcock
  • The Internet Movie Database - this site is generally a good place to go to first for any film information; all of Hitchcock's films and the Master himself are well accounted for here
  • The Greatest Films - (by Tim Dirks) virtually a full treatment of most of Hitchcock's more famous works, not to mention a couple of hundred other films - a truly amazing site
  • Hitchcock, la legende du suspense - an excellent webiste in French
  • - a large and very well designed Hitch resource nearing completion
  • Lee's Email:
    Pat's Email: