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The tears you cry before you take your life are known as 'tears of blood'. To throw away your life is to gamble the afterlife. No one can see into a person to understand their exact feelings, it is impossible. I have cried my own tears of blood for much longer than anyone can imagine, To gamble the afterlife for me is no risk. I feel I've lost everything I care for already. Whichever path God choses for me, I have no fear, because nothing can compare to the pain caused by my own emotions from life. I can't live my life on my own. A life on it's own is lonely and impossible to live, though, a life with others is a life that becomes trampled by the thoughts and emotions of others. Sadness reigns supreme; life must cross with death at some point, and the pressures of the thoughts and emotions of others reign supreme over my very own thoughts and emotions. Life cannot revolve around a single person, It must revolve around everyone existing, as a whole. But no one is equal, some souls conquer over others. After having time to think about how life works, I have come to the conclusion that with the position I am in, I am not meant to conquer, I am meant to fail, and fail is all I've ever done. I have failed my parents, failed my friends, and failed myself. I have failed life. Any task I have appointed to myself that is of great value to me, I have failed. No matter how much something matters, no matter how much someone means to me.... why can't I do things right for once? Why do I fail everyone that means something to me? I nearly give up on trying, I nearly give up on life. People take other life for granted. The life of another passes unnoticed, until death. I feel like to others, my existance remains clouded, do I have to die for my life to be recognized? What is the point of life if we are only truly cared about once we are gone? Winning is no game. There is no winning in life. To be cared about, you have to be gone, no one realizes what they have until they do not have it at all. And respect and caring can't seem to be brought up, until you are too dead to even hear the words, too dead to feel their tears. The only time they care, is when you can't even say you care back......

Rest In Peace
Terry Lee Jr. Whitford
April 28 1983 - April 24 2003
We will all miss you...







playing guitar





St. Joseph



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Listening to

Shape of Despair - Queit These Paintings Are


I need to get out of the house.




Sign the G-Book!!!

Shout Outs:

James (Rusty): We've had good times bud, Whether it be jamming, or going for donairs, or just plain cutting up the stupid people at our retarded school, its all been fun. You are one of the few people I can fully trust. You know I got your back 100%. Never forget, You are the asshole, I'm the retard and Endo is the duck. "BILLY, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

Randy (Randy Rectum Fistfuck): Whenever me and Rusty have been rough and rowdy, you are always right beside us being just as warped. Watch those wrist-shots man, 3 for 3 in smoking people with the puck hahahah.

Mike (Endo): We've had good times jamming, and drinking, and going on rampages with pellet guns with Rusty. I know your explorer's subs pound, but I've heard a little too much rap, keep it metal bud! lol. Next time rusty drives you to the store, dont ride some strangers bike home. lol

Dave (Henny): You, as well as Rusty, Randy, and Jessie are the funnest to get drunk with. I know when I'm only buzzing I can count on you to grab me by the feet and swing me around until the drunk is at its peak! haha.

Tim (Timbo): Just wait, next time you head to the studio I will be there, beer in hand, guitar in the other!

Jennie (Ghettolicious): Finally got to go boarding with ya! you did awesome too, soon enough we can go cruising down the hills ;)

Cheryl : We havent chilled in a while, but that will change soon enough! we gotta go get drunk somewhere. And then ill help you kick the shit out of those people in your apartment bulding! =D

Jessica (Thor): I havent done anything with you in just as long as cheryl! As soon as you find yourself some time us 3 have to go out and fund somethng fun to do! I hope your work isnt still overworking you :P.

Dustin (Beechnutz): I bet you are still laughing about the bouncing ball may be funny, but painful too! lol. Maybe if you put some nos in your car you can catch those rabbits hahahah.

Ryan (Deck, Decknutz): You know if you ever need a giant plastic snowman, you can count on me. Don't count on Terry though, he starts running with it when its still plugged in! hahahahahaha.

Neva : I haven't hung out with you for a while but rest assured, next time we party together I'm gonna beat you up! muhahaha!

Jessica S. : Wow we've definately had some interesting moments. Stealing gnomes, harassing people at school, drinking until we puke! hehe =) Even though we wont be in school together anymore, I'm sure we can make up for the lost time on the weekends, where we can get really drunk and run around the streets causing trouble and pissing lines on the road while we...errr....I'm walking :P hahahah.

the Seventh Level of Hell!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:
Purgatory (Repenting Believers)Very Low
Level 1 - Limbo (Virtuous Non-Believers)Very Low
Level 2 (Lustful)Very High
Level 3 (Gluttonous)Very High
Level 4 (Prodigal and Avaricious)Extreme
Level 5 (Wrathful and Gloomy)Extreme
Level 6 - The City of Dis (Heretics)Very High
Level 7 (Violent)Extreme
Level 8- the Malebolge (Fraudulent, Malicious, Panderers)Extreme
Level 9 - Cocytus (Treacherous)Very High

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