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Daily News

Site Launch - May 03/05/01 --- Kore Killer
[First off]

I know what you might be thinking, just from looking at my webpage title. KKK - Kore Killer Konstruktion. I have nothing to do with the KKKlan, I don't give a rats ass about the bastards. End of story...

[On another note] Welcome to my humble abode. I have finally, gotten myself a website onto the internet. My name is Kore Killer [aka - none of your business]. I'am known as Kore Killer, and Kore Killer only. I have no past :).

This is a new site, so not to much is on it at the moment so bare with me. But when I finish off a map I'am doing for a great Q3 mod called Nightrage, I shall have some screens up. Maybe even a beta to play, who knows.

This site deals with Quake 3: Arena, Vampire: The Masquerade, Heavy Metal: FAKK2 and Soldier of Fortune mapping. Which are thee best games on earth, on a more sad note. My HD recently just crashed, and I lost everything I once was. All my maps, models and art were vapourized. But I'am not mad, as a matter of fact I'am quite happy. I had so many things on my HD that needed to be gone, and my registry was just busting with uglies. So I'am fresh again, time to begin my era of mapping once again. So hold on to yer' butts and get ready to get blown away.

-Kore Killer





















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Rekonstrukting the world

©2001 Kore Killer Konstruktion. "Rekonstrukting the world" is a trademark of Kore Killer Konstruktion.