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Every one is welcome in these lands. It is a quiet and peaceful place where the people who reside help others who need repose from the contemptable ways of others.

There are no prejudiced people here. Be you human, dragon, vamp, wizard, feeble, or mighty. Everyone here is treated equally and with respect.

Please enjoy your stay and again welcome to the Lands of Khemri.

History of Khemri

Long ago there was a set of twin girls born Velvet and Kate. They were stolen while playing in a beautiful garden that had been made prior to their births. The twins were then orphaned and seperated from one another. They were so young in time they forgot one another.

Velvet was taken in by a Queen who had great love for children and Velvet grew up calling her Aunt. Kate had been missing for years and later her story was told ... She had been adopted by a family that loved her a great deal and she remained with them throughout the years.

Velvet was sent into a local town one afternoon to get some food from the local merchants. As she was set to leave food in hands she was backing up from a table and bumped into someone dropping all of the food. As she turned and started to pick up the food she looked into the face of the woman she had bumped into. Both women gasped when they looked at one another for it was if they had looked into a mirror. They spent the evening talking and trying to figure out what had happened...slowly it had all come back to them.

Kate had excepted Velvet's new family as her own just as Velvet had done with Kate's new family. The twins were so happy to have been reunited.

One day a messenger had gone to speak with Queen Violet Velvet's Aunt and she got news that the Queen and King of Khemri Had both passed on and that there had been two young girls who had been born to the King and Queen but had been stolen many years prior to the deaths. Wondering about her nieces she started talking to people around the community and came to the realization that Velvet and Kate were the twin children that had gone missing from Khemri.

Kate and Velvet had finally been able to put the final pieces of their broken lives together. They both returned to Khemri and decided that Velvet would be the heir to the throne and Kate would remain Princess.

Velvet Decided that Khemri should join with the Realm of Dreams where her Aunt was Queen and where the rest of their loved ones lived.

And so was the history of Khemri castle.......

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