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Hmm, here we go again, seems like angelfires superb homepage-generator just decided to erase all my cool text, which I'd spent at least 5 minutes writing.
Well, now I sort of forgot what I was writing, but it was quite good.
Well, since this isn't the first time I try to make a homepage you might be wondering why the fuck you should be bothered to be visiting this time since the last five ended up as nothing... - well and I don't really think there is any, at least not at the moment - but...
hmmm, shit i'm losing it again... oh yeah, soon you'll be able to find my complete uncensored Diary on this very page, at first it'll be in danish, - and March has just been uploaded (still in a a very infantile state if U ask me, so please don't - I'm busy anyways... but translation's on it's way.
Did that last line make any sense 2 U???
If it did please send me an e-mail at
Anyways, new stuff's coming up and eventually u'll b able 2 listen 2 some phat tunes I've written and play some Khul games I'm working on at the moment...and ofcourse U'll get 2 see all the source code if uR one of those people who can b bothered 2...

Some lyrics and stuff...
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