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by sparky_mccoy

Title: Confrontation (I'm looking for a better title, please help!)
Author: sparky_mccoy
Rating: NC17? I'm not good at ratings
Pairing: Alan/Billy
Archive: yes - A&B list archive, and anybody else who wants it.
Spoilers: I don't think so. It's AU. Not very, but I've altered the timeline, in that Alan gets back before Billy has the prototyper up and running, and I've ignored most of the other conflicts with canon. (You can't do THAT with an imaging computer!) If anyone can help get the details right, please do.
Summary: The boys argue. Alan fights dirty
Disclaimer: I don't own them. I couldn't afford the upkeep. I just thank Universal and everyone involved for bringing to life my ultimate fantasy, of scientists as action heroes. Breathtakingly sexy action heroes. I just lost my scholarship, so suing me will get you less than nothing. No harm intended.

"So... what do you think?"


"Alan? You're mad at me, aren't you?"


"If the imaging software had arrived on time, I could show you how it works. You'd like it."

"I might well like it. That doesn't justify the money you spent."

"You authorized me to spend money while you were gone!"

"On necessary expenses. By no argument from heaven or hell is this...contraption a necessary expense!"

"You wanted to explore raptor communication. This is a good way to do it."

"You may think so. All your little friends may think so. That doesn't make it true."

"You just want to stick with your pet theories! You never listen to anyone else's ideas!"

"My ideas are cheaper!"

"Well apparently they're not very good; nobody wants to fund them!"

"Dammit Billy, it's my money!"

"You put me in charge of the site!"

"It's MY goddamn project!"

"You said we were partners!"

Alan sighed heavily. "Partners discuss these kinds of decisions. Why didn't you call and ask me?"

"I knew you'd say no."

"That implies a disturbing lack of trust."

"I didn't mean it that way..."

"You don't trust me, so you go behind my back. How can I trust you?"

"Jesus, Alan, you're blowing this way out of proportion!"

"As much as I dislike your practically bankrupting the project..."

"I didn't-"

"I am much more concerned over this sneaking around behind my back."

"That's not what I did!"

"Shut up! People are fired every day over less!"

Billy's mouth opened again, but the words got stuck in his throat.

No...Alan couldn't possibly mean that. He croaked weakly, "No, Alan, you can't, I..."

"Shut your mouth, Brennan, or I'll shut it for you!"

Alan was advancing toward him with murder in his eyes, but Billy kept going. "Alan, this is bullshit! I don't have to take this! You're... *mmmpph* *hnnh*!" His lips were still moving, but the words couldn't seem to make it out of his mouth, with Alan's tongue in the way. The tent pole he'd been standing by was pressed into his back, Alan's hands on his shoulders held him in place. He was drowning in the scent, the heat, of Alan's body melded against his.

Alan's lips left his for a moment and travelled to his ear to hiss, "Give it up, Brennan, I've had the last word," before returning to plunder his mouth again. Billy complied. Experience had taught him that Alan possessd superior lung capacity.

Alan's right hand clutched at Billy's hair, the left kneaded the small of his back, as his lips devoured Billy's mouth. Billy snaked an arm around behind Alan and untucked his shirt. The light but firm pressure of Billy's knuckles travelling up his spine made Alan squirm, moaning into Billy's mouth. When he worked open several of Alan's shirt buttons and sucked at the juncture of neck and shoulder he got a stronger reaction. Alan grabbed Billy's ass with both hands and pulled him forward, bringing their erections into contact through the fabric of work-worn jeans.

Billy grinned. It was nice to be wanted. Then suddenly he was losing his balance, grabbing at the imaging computer to avoid falling. "Careful, Alan. Just because you don't like my computer is no reason to break it!"

"Sorry." Alan dispensed with the rest of the buttons and discarded his shirt. Billy gripped the hem of his tshirt and started to pull it off.

"Is it really that fragile?"

"Well, it's not something you beat on just for the hell of it..."

"That's too bad."

"Why?" Billy pulled the shirt over his head quickly, but in the brief instant when his vision was obscured Alan stepped behind, grabbing the shirt while it was still wrapped around his arms and twisting it to trap Billy's arms above his head. "Because," he hissed, his breath hot against the back of Billy's neck, "I was hoping to bend you over it and have my way with you." He thrust forward to emphasize the point.

"Well, I did get the impact-resistant model."

Alan chuckled. "Really? How much did that cost?"

"It didn't add very much to the price, and I really think it's worth it, considering we're in the field a lot."

"Easy, Billy, no need to get defensive. I'm sure it's about to prove very necessary." Alan let go of the shirt and let Billy pull it all the way off and drape it over the machine while he reached around and undid the buttons of Billy's pants. As strong hands caressed him through the fabric of his briefs, Billy leaned back, revelling in the feel of Alan's bare chest against his back.

Alan tugged roughly at the waistband of Billy's jeans, but was more sucessful in knocking Billy offbalance again than stripping him. Billy turned and took hold of his hands. "I agree. It's been a while. Let me do that. Get naked." He practically growled the last sentence, and the sound of his voice went right to Alan's cock.

If this was a contest, Alan was losing. Unlike Billy's bootcut jeans, Alan's pants refused to come off over his shoes, so he was forced to remove shoes and socks as well. Kicking his clothes into something resembling a pile, he focused again on Billy, who was now completely naked except for his boots and socks.

Billy bent down to pull something out of his boot. He took his time getting up, licking his way up the inside of Alan's left leg, pausing in a crouching position long enough to cup Alan's balls and take his cock in his mouth, once, all the way to the base. Alan gasped, his whole body stiffening. Billy grinned, then continued licking and sucking upward, covering stomach and chest. He sucked each nipple til he was rewarded with a moan, then, straightening completely, placed the tube of lubricant in Alan's hand.

Leaning close, he whispered, "You can leave your hat on, cowboy." Alan blinked in astonishment. He'd completely forgotten he was still wearing it. He tried to come up with something to say, and only managed, "You have well stocked boots."

Billy laughed. "I was a boyscout for two years. I don't remember much, but the one thing I got out of it was 'always be prepared.' Now how about testing that impact resistance?" He turned around, bending to brace his hands against the as-yet-not-hooked-up computer, and planting his feet firmly shoulder width apart.

We have to look like idiots, Alan thought, or rejects from a second rate strip show. He couldn't recall another occasion where he'd been in a semipublic place wearing nothing but his hat. This would be a perfect time for someone to walk in. One of the students, or better yet, a potential backer. Not that it would really matter. If Cheryl wanted to show up with his mother, the pope,and a pack of velociraptors, well they could all just stay and watch; there was no way he was stopping now. Billy had issued an invitation he couldn't turn down.

He stepped close to Billy, squeezing lube into his palm. He slicked his throbbing cock, then added more lube to his fingers and stroked Billy's asshole. As he pressed in three fingers, Billy pushed back, barely swallowing what sounded like a sob. "Now," he half-whimpered, half-growled, "It's been too long."

Alan didn't need to be told twice. He thrust forward until he was buried in heat, overwhelmed with sensation. For a moment he was unable to move. But Billy pressed against him, impaling himself more deeply, then pulling away. Alan caught the rhythm and drove on, investing each stroke with the pent up energy of weeks of frustrating lonliness. He grabbed Billy's cock, pounding a frantic countertempo and clutching Billy's waist with his other arm as together they rode sucessively stronger waves of ecstasy.

It wasn't long before Billy shuddered and came with a strangled yell. The sound loosed something within Alan and he plummeted over the edge, sighing his lover's name in one long breath of exultant release.

"Sorry," Alan mumured when he found his voice again, "too quick."

Billy shook his head. "No. It had to be like this. We'll have time later to do it right." He pulled his shirt off the computer, noting it was a bit soggy. "Good thing I put that there. I'm willing to bet this is something the warranty doesn't cover."

They laughed as they collected their clothes. There was work to be done, if only for a little bit longer. Standing at the tent flap, Alan adjusted his hat. Billy drew him close for a final kiss. When he pulled away he was smiling.

"What's so amusing?"

"I was just thinking, I need to remember to piss you off more often."

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