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Getting Into Trouble

by Hergerbabe

Pairing: Alan/Billy
Rating: NC-17
Category: slash, first times
Archive: sure
Disclaimer: so not mine, and it's not fair!
Notes: The country they're in is undefined, as is what they find, didn't want to research, so sorry to detail freaks!
Summary: Alan remembers the last time Billy got them into trouble
Thank yous and cyber hugs to Elfin for the beta and encouragement!

Alan leaned against the shower wall and let the water run over his face. What in God's name had he let Billy get him into now?

Okay, so they were only going to be flying over Isla Sorna, but it was still far closer to InGen's creations than he'd ever wanted to be again.

But how could he resist those eyes? Those deep pools of brown that had stared up at him hopefully, pleadingly, from under those long, soft lashes.

He sighed, it had been Billy's eyes that had caught him from the start. Of course the hand that had been stroking his thigh under the table had been pretty persuasive too.

He sighed again, remembering the last time Billy had gotten them into trouble. Then he smiled, remembering how it had brought them together for the first time.

*** The Previous Year

" It was a great lecture, Alan." Alan snorted and stalked past Billy. Billy stared after him, okay, so it hadn't been great. " Alan?" Billy jogged after him and caught his arm. " Come on, it wasn't that bad."

" Not that bad?!" Alan shook his head. " Not one person in that room, except for you, gave a damn about what I was saying!" he exclaimed. " Jurassic Park. Jurassic fucking Park! I'm never going to escape it am I?"

Billy smiled gently, sympathetically squeezing his forearm. Alan tried not to notice how warm Billy's hand was, how the contact sent shivers up his arm and down his spine.

" Come on," said Billy, " Let me buy you a drink."

Alan stared into his assistant's eyes for a moment, allowing himself, just for a second, to imagine drowning in them; then he nodded.

Billy grinned, his cheeks dimpling, " Great, let's go." He handed Alan his hat and pushed him out of the door, trying very hard not to stare at the older man's ass. He squeezed his eyes shut and sighed, before following his friend out of the building.

Alan closed his eyes in the car, and Billy knew better than to speak until Alan had gathered himself. He drove them to a local bar and parked nearby.

" Alan?" he reached over and touched Alan's thigh.

Alan jumped at the unexpected touch and opened his eyes to stare into the slightly startled one's of his assistant.

" Sorry," Alan blinked at Billy, " Must have dozed off for a second."

Billy grinned at him and got out of the car. Alan followed him. They walked into the bar, stopping in the doorway as everyone in the place stopped talking and stared at them.

Alan leaned over Billy's shoulder. " Not very friendly," he whispered in his ear. Billy snickered and elbowed him in the stomach. They walked into the bar, unconscious of how easily and comfortably they moved together.

Alan sat down while Billy ordered the drinks. He grinned at Alan's raised eyebrow when he brought over two whiskys and two beers.

" Thought you might want something a little stronger to start with," he explained.

" Thanks," Alan downed his whisky in one gulp. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat at the strength. Billy winked at him and followed suit.

" Wow," he gasped, trying not to choke, " I thought I ordered whisky, not firewater!"

Alan smiled. It was his first proper smile since the lecture and as always it did strange things to the pit of Billy's stomach. He quickly looked down at his beer.

" Tell me something Billy," Alan took a sip of his beer. Billy looked back up at him inquiringly. Alan stared at him for a moment and folded his hands together on the table in front of him. " Why have you never once asked me about Jurassic Park?"

Billy smiled and looked down again. " I've read your books, of course. Your first is what swayed me from archaeology to palaeontology." His eyes flicked up briefly to Alan's face with a rueful grin. The photo of Alan in the back of the book had been a big part of that decision. There had just been something about the man, the smile, the eyes, the way he could almost hear the man speak, his words were so passionate. It had been a few years before he'd finally met his hero, and he hadn't been disappointed.

" Your book on Jurassic Park was different. It was," he bit his lip, unaware of how the simple gesture affected the other man. " I don't know, it was cathartic somehow, like you got it out of your system. I figured you didn't want to talk about it."

Alan stared in stunned silence at the younger man. Nobody had ever understood that, except Ellie. Nobody. Billy leaned forward and put his hand on Alan's arm.

" Alan?" Alan continued to stare at him. " Alan, are you okay?" Billy held his breath and watched in fascination and surprise as Alan reached out and touched his face gently. He couldn't hold back a gasp and it broke the spell. Alan snatched his hand away, flushing.

" I, I'm sorry," Alan stuttered.

" Alan, I."

Alan stood abruptly, " I'll get us another beer."

Billy sighed, touching his face where he could still feel the tingle and warmth of Alan's touch.

Alan determinedly steered the conversation to safer topics and they both proceeded to get very drunk.

They left the bar, leaning heavily on each other. Billy stared at the car.

" We'd better not drive," he said louder than he meant to. He flinched slightly, then giggled.

Alan chuckled at him. " Let's start walking and see if we can find a cab," he suggested.

Billy nodded. " Oh wait, I have an idea, just let me get something from the car."

" What?" Alan asked.

" It's a surprise."

" Oh, okay."

Billy dragged him towards the outskirts of town and headed for a small road.

" Come on Billy, where are we going?"

" It's a surprise!" Billy insisted.

They eventually reached a huge fenced off area. Billy pulled out some wire clippers and proceeded to cut a hole in the fence.

" Uh, Billy, we're not doing this," Alan said firmly.

" Please Alan, it'll be fine, I just want to show you something."

Alan gulped as large brown eyes stared pleadingly at him. He'd had enough to drink that he threw caution to the wind and nodded. Billy lifted the section of fence and motioned Alan through, then followed himself.

" Where are we?"

" This is a dig site."

Alan looked confused, " I didn't know there was one here."

Billy grinned, " That's because for some reason it's restricted, top secret."

" So, how come you know about it?" Alan asked.

" I was here a couple of years back, saw the site before it became top secret. I'm curious as to what they found, aren't you?"

Alan was intrigued despite himself and nodded. Billy led the way through the site and up a hill.

" Wow, would you look at this!" Billy switched on his torch and pointed it at the ground.

" My God! Is that a complete skeleton?" Alan was stunned. " This is fantastic!" He crouched down and gently stroked the fossil skull.

" Isn't it?" Billy grinned, he slowly slid the torch beam across the partially exposed, fossilised skeleton. " It's beautiful," he whispered.

Suddenly bright spotlights flooded the area with light, blinding them for second, and someone shouted at them.

" What did they say?" asked Alan.

" I think it was put your hands up." They both quickly put their hands up at the unmistakeable sound of rifles being cocked.

Two uniformed, heavily armed men approached and began shouting at them, too quickly for Alan to understand. Billy was trying to explain what they were doing. Evidently they didn't like his answer and one of them hit him in the stomach with a rifle butt.

" Billy!" exclaimed Alan. He was prevented from helping the younger man by one of the men who cuffed him. Billy was unceremoniously dragged to his feet and cuffed. They were dragged to a van and shoved into the back. Billy stumbled and fell to the floor.

" Billy, are you okay?" Alan asked anxiously.

Billy groaned, " I think I hit my head."

" Let me see," Alan helped Billy to a seated position and sat next to him. Then he began to very gently thread his fingers through Billy's hair looking for cuts or bumps. He tried not to think about the number of times he'd wanted to touch Billy's hair, but despite the situation he found himself enjoying it.

Billy let his eyes slide closed and relaxed, just enjoying Alan's soft touch. The fingers stopped moving suddenly.

" Are you okay?" Alan asked.

" Yes, why?" Billy didn't want the contact to stop.

" You groaned, did I hurt you?"

" No," Billy whispered.

Alan blinked, wondering at the implications. Experimentally, he stroked the back of Billy's neck. Billy groaned again, his head dropping forward to invite more contact. Gently, Alan began to rub his neck, wondering where he was finding the nerve.

Billy leaned back against Alan, sighing happily. Alan swallowed hard and slid his hands down Billy's neck to his shoulders. Billy lifted his head again and dropped it back onto Alan's chest.

Alan lifted his hands over Billy's head and they continued down to his chest, pulling him closer. He leant his chin on Billy's shoulder, sighing when Billy rubbed his cheek against his.

" What are we doing?" he whispered.

Billy lifted his hand and began to stroke Alan's arm, " Something we should have done a long time ago," Billy replied huskily. He sighed when he felt Alan withdraw.

" Oh no you don't," he whispered, catching Alan's arms and pulling them back around him.

" But."

They were interrupted by the van stopping and this time Billy let Alan pull away. They were dragged out again and taken into a small building where they were searched and their possessions taken.

Billy argued with the man, to no avail and they were thrown into a cell. Alan sat down heavily.

" Well, that worked," Billy put his hands on his hips, frowning. He hadn't managed to find out if the men were police or not, or if they could have a phone call, representation or anything. He chewed on his lip, unsurprisingly he was more frustrated with Alan's silence and refusal to look at him.

As he stared at Alan, his face became more determined. He knew Alan felt the same way, and damn it, he wasn't going to let him deny it anymore. The situation was perfect, Alan couldn't escape.

He stepped forward, standing in front of Alan, so his face was level with his crotch. Alan's eyes flicked up and he gasped. He pulled back before he could bury his face in the tempting display. But Billy nudged his legs open and stepped in between them.

" Billy," Alan's voice was husky.

" See something you like, Alan?" Billy smiled as Alan finally tore his eyes away from his groin and looked up.

Alan flushed and swallowed hard. " I, uh, I. Billy, what are you doing?"

Billy dropped to his knees and put his hands on Alan's thighs, " Confronting you."

Alan watched Billy's hands slide up his legs. " Billy," he tried again.

" Alan," Billy interrupted him. " Don't do this to me anymore, please. Don't do this out of some sense of nobility." He smiled when Alan ducked his head. He'd figured Alan probably thought he should be with someone younger or something along those lines. " Alan, I want to be with you. I love you."

His hands travelled to Alan's waist and he leaned forward to kiss his neck.

Alan gasped. Did Billy know what he was saying? He groaned, he just couldn't hold out any longer. He grasped Billy's face between his hands and pulled him up to face him. He leaned forward slowly.

" At last," Billy whispered, just before their lips touched.

The kiss was soft and hesitant until Billy gripped the back of Alan's head to pull him closer and opened his mouth. Alan groaned again and dipped his tongue into Billy's mouth. It was Billy's turn to groan and he sucked on Alan's tongue, lapping gently with his own.

The sound of the bolt being pulled back had made them jump apart in surprise.

" Dr Grant, Mr Brennan?" It was Dr Futrell, the man who had organised the lecture. " I've come to take you back to your hotel."

He showed them out of the building, once they'd had their possessions returned.

" I don't know what you thought you were doing Dr Grant, but I had to pull a lot of strings to get you out of there with no recriminations," said Dr Futrell quietly.

Alan flushed.

" It was my fault Dr Futrell, I persuaded Dr Grant to come with me. I'd been there before and I was curious as to what had been found," Billy explained. Dr Futrell glared at him and stalked off, followed quickly by Alan.

Billy followed them to the car. He sighed when Alan got in the front with Dr Futrell, and slipped into the back seat.

After that silence fell and Billy watched Alan watch his shoes all the way to the hotel. They continued in silence as they went to their room, Alan again refusing to look at Billy. In the elevator, Billy pressed the stop button.

" What are you doing?" Alan asked startled.

Billy smiled slowly and backed him into a corner. He put his hands against the wall either side of Alan's head.

" Just so you know," he pressed his body up against Alan, who groaned. " I'm not going to let you deny what happened or pretend it was nothing. We're going to go to our room and we're going to make love." Alan gulped, unable to tear his eyes away from Billy's face. " Is that clear?" Billy finished.

Alan nodded dumbly, shocked out of speech. Billy smiled and dropped a quick kiss on his lips before pulling away to release the elevator.


Alan smiled at the memory. Billy had all but carried him to the room that night.

" Hey," Alan's eyes snapped open to smile at Billy. " Thought you might have drowned in here."

Alan held out his hand and pulled Billy into the shower with him.

" Just remembering the last time you got us into trouble," he grinned, as a very naked, very aroused Billy pressed up against him.

" Oh really," Billy grinned back. " Remember this?" He kissed Alan softly.

" Hmmm, I think I might need more reminding," Alan smiled, then gasped when Billy slapped him lightly on the behind. " Cheeky," he chuckled.

Billy silenced him with another kiss, as he slid his arms around the older man's waist.

Alan leaned back against the shower wall so that Billy's weight was pressed against him. Billy blinked as the water ran down his face, plastering his curls to his forehead. He started to rock his hips, rubbing his erection against Alan's groin.

Alan groaned, " I'm too old to do this in the shower," he mumbled.

" So you keep telling me," Billy chuckled and turned to brace himself against the wall. He looked back at Alan and wiggled his hips invitingly.

" Oh God," whispered Alan. He leaned forward and wrapped his arms round Billy's chest, burying his face in his neck, as his cock settled comfortably against the younger man's firm ass.

" Mmm," Billy hummed appreciatively and pushed his hips back. He reached out and grabbed the shower gel, handing it to Alan.

" Is that a hint?" Alan chuckled, his lips ghosting over Billy's neck.

" Yes," Billy's voice sounded strained.

Alan quickly used the shower gel to slick up his fingers and gently pushed one inside Billy. Billy moaned quietly and pushed back again.

" Patience is a virtue, my love," Alan whispered.

Billy sighed in frustration, " Why do you do this to me?" he gasped as Alan pushed in another finger, reaching deep inside. " You know how much I want you, ah!" Alan's fingers scissored, stretching him.

" Us older guys have to take their time," Alan whispered in his ear.

" Will you quit it with the old crahahahap!" Alan brushed the tips of his fingers against his prostate and his hips jerked.

" Crahahahap?" Alan chuckled.

" Alan, in me, now!" Was all Billy could manage.

Alan bit his neck gently and poured some shower gel onto his aching cock. Teasing Billy was worth it, but he was just as impatient to be inside his lover, after being away for a month on the lecture tour. As he pushed into Billy's opening, he reached round and grasped the younger man's shaft.

" Alan," Billy groaned. Alan pushed in to the hilt and then stopped. He kissed the back of Billy's neck and waited. " Please," Billy whispered. Still Alan didn't move. Billy groaned. He pushed forward into Alan's hand and then slammed his hips back. Alan groaned, but he didn't move, he just continued to kiss Billy's neck and shoulders.

" You're going to make me do all the work, aren't you?" Billy gasped, starting to rock himself between the twin pleasures of Alan's tight grasp, and the hard cock impaling him. Alan just moaned and sucked on his neck.

Eventually the jerking motion of Billy's hips wore down his self control and he gripped his hip with his free hand, stilling Billy's movements.

" Wha?" Billy groaned.

" Shh," Alan pulled back and plunged into him in one hard stroke.

" Oh yeah," Billy sighed, as his lover began to pound into him, pulling roughly on his cock. It was too much for both of them.

Billy cried out as he came, hot jets of semen splattering against the shower wall. Alan plunged into his convulsing passage once more before reclaiming his lover, filling him with warmth.

Alan dropped his forehead onto Billy's shoulder panting harshly.

" I missed you," Billy breathed.

" I missed you too." Alan pulled out of him gently and turned him round to kiss him.

" It'll be all right Alan, we won't get into trouble this time." Billy let Alan wash him.

" We'll see," said Alan raising an eyebrow.

" Would I let anything happen?" Billy grinned, taking his turn to wash Alan.

Alan chuckled and shook his head, " Billy, as much as I love you, I'd have to say yes."

Billy grinned at him, " Say it properly."

Alan stared into the deep, brown eyes, " I love you," he whispered.

" I love you too."

The Beginning

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