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Affirmation Series: Apart

by Hergerbabe

Title: Affirmation Series
Author: Hergerbabe
Fandom: JP3
Pairing: Alan/Billy
Rating: NC-17
Category: slash
Archive: please :)
Spoilers: some, eventually
Disclaimer: Not mine, but I love em dearly, I’m not hurting them so don’t sue, pretty please…
Warning: Um not really just quite a bit of sap :)
Summary: a series of scenes, ranging pre, during and post film For Elfin, thank you for the beta, and all the authors who are so good!

“ Alan!”

Alan grinned, “ Hello Ellie.” He stepped forward and hugged the surprised woman. She hugged him back tightly.

“ God, Alan! How are you?” Ellie stepped back and stared at him searchingly.

He smiled, “ Good, you?”

She nodded, “ Yeah, come in.”

Alan ducked his head and stepped inside. She showed him into the living room and sat down opposite after checking on her son.

“ So, Dr Grant,” she said, “ What are you doing here, and how come you didn’t phone me, hmm?”

Alan grinned, “ Lecture tour, and it was a surprise.”

“ It certainly was!” Ellie smiled at him.

“ Actually, speaking of phone calls, do you mind if I make one before we catch up?” Alan asked, he hadn’t phoned Billy yet and he wanted, needed to hear his voice. The month apart had been hard on them both, but at the same time, he trusted his own feelings and he trusted Billy.

“ Go ahead,” Ellie frowned curiously, watching Alan move over to the phone and dial eagerly. Charlie toddled into the room and she picked him up, trying to pretend she wasn’t listening.

“ Hello, Fort Peck Lake Dig, can I help you?” Billy answered the phone in his usual manner, despite being almost certain it was Alan.

“ Hi, it’s me.” It was Alan.

Billy smirked, “ Uh huh, and who’s me?”

“ What do you mean, who’s me?” Alan grinned despite himself. He flicked a glance at Ellie, who seemed to be preoccupied with her son. “ Little so-and-so. Who else do you wait by the phone for, hmm?” he asked teasingly.

Billy dropped his voice to a breathy whisper, “ Why, Dr Grant, is that you?”

Alan groaned, getting a concerned glance from Ellie. He smiled reassuringly at her, even as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, from where Billy’s voice had his blood pooling in his groin.

“ Now Mr Brennan, don’t take that tone with me,” he said mock-sternly.

Billy groaned, “ I take it you’re not alone then?”

“ No, and neither are you by the sounds of it,” Alan could hear faint voices and movements through the phone.

“ No, but they know when to leave, usually when I start breathing heavy,” Billy winked at Cheryl and Ray, who chuckled.

“ Billy!” Alan wasn’t sure whether to be shocked or amused.

“So where are you, that you’re not alone?” Billy asked, still chuckling.

“ Ellie’s” Alan said quietly.

“ Oh,” Billy stopped laughing. He knew he was being ridiculous, but he couldn’t help the small shaft of jealousy that stabbed through him. “ And how is she?” he asked, ever so politely.

“ Billy,” Alan sighed. “ She’s fine, playing with her son Charlie at the moment,” he said pointedly.

“ Sorry, sorry,” Billy muttered, “ I guess I just miss you.” He stared at Cheryl and Ray, silently asking them to leave him alone.

“ Not long now,” Alan whispered.

Billy clutched the phone tightly, “ I know, I know.” He blinked away the tears that stung his eyes. “ Do you want me to pick you up at the airport?”

“ No, it’s okay. I’ve got to go to the university anyway, I might as well pick up my jeep while I’m there,” Alan replied.

“ Oh, okay,” Billy couldn’t help but be disappointed. “ That’s very sensible and all, but that way I can’t jump you nearly as quickly!”

Alan chuckled, “ It’s been a month, you can wait a couple extra hours.”

“ I suppose,” Billy with an almost audible pout.

“ Come on, I’ve missed you too,” Alan whispered.

Billy grinned suddenly. “ Really, how much?” he asked, knowing what the answer would be.

“ You know I don’t do mush over the phone,” Alan grinned at the happier tone in Billy’s voice.

“ Nuh uh, you owe me mush, big time mush,” Billy insisted.

Alan smiled, almost sadly, he longed to see Billy, to touch him. He sighed, looking over at Ellie again. She was blatantly listening, even if she was trying very hard to look like she wasn’t.

“ Alan?” Billy’s voice jolted him back to reality.

“ Billy… sometimes I miss you so much, the world just stops for a moment and all I can think of is you,” he whispered.

“ Oh. Oh Alan.” Billy’s voice sounded strangled.

“ Billy, are you okay?” Alan heard some gulping and sniffing before Billy finally answered.

“ That may have been more mush than I can handle,” Billy whispered, laughing shakily.

“ I know, me too,” Alan took a long, uneven breath. “ I’ll see you very soon, love.”

“ Okay, I love you Alan,” Billy’s eyes were closed as he cradled the handset against his cheek.

“ I love you too, Billy.” Alan put the phone down with a sigh and turned back to Ellie, blushing under her intensely withering gaze. Her eyebrows raised slowly as she blinked questioningly at him.

“ You never said things like that to me, Alan,” she sounded surprised, but not upset. “ You must love him very much.”

Alan nodded, “ I did, I still do, love you, Ellie. It’s just, he’s…”

“ I know, I understand,” she smiled suddenly.

Alan looked up at her and smiled, relieved by her acceptance. She did understand, he’d seen the way she was with her husband.

“ So, why haven’t I already heard about this?” she asked, raising her eyebrows again.

“ For a long time, I didn’t have the nerve to tell him how I felt. He never talked about feelings. I didn’t know that he was waiting for me to say something first,” Alan shook his head. “ I didn’t tell anyone. Only a few people at the dig knew.”

“ Don’t tell me, you thought, cute, young guy, couldn’t possibly fall for you?”

“ Something like that,” Alan admitted.

“ I despair of you sometimes,” Ellie chuckled. “ You’re happy right?”

“ Yeah, I am.” Alan smiled. He was, truly happy.

“ Good. Now do you want a drink? I want to hear all about it.”

Alan nodded.

end Apart

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