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Walk On Water

by Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan and KC and

Title: Walk On Water
Author: Adelaide Elizabeth Morgan ( and KC (
Adelaide's Webpage: Every Generation Has A Legend (
Fandom: Jurassic Park III
Categories: first-time, PWP, A/B, B/OMC, Pre-JP3, some angst tried to slip in - but we think we squished it all!
Archive: You want it, you got it

Adelaide's Thanks: You, for reading this. Rushlight, as ever, for the beta. Kali and Franzi for excessive poking, and guinea-pig duties. Alessandro Nivola, for simply being so damn irresistible. Aerosmith, for inspiring me. KC, for agreeing to write with me.

KC's Thanks: Cassie for dragging her into this despite the kicking and screaming.

Summary: Two worlds collide with unexpected results when Billy's extracurricular activities meet up with his work.

With the alcohol coursing through his veins and the music pumping, Billy Brennan effortlessly lost himself to the beat, his body gyrating, sweat glistening on his naked chest. He paid no mind to the group of friends he was with and was oblivious to the lustful gazes that followed him around the floor. He was there to dance. Another hand 'innocently' found its way to caressing him through the leather of his trousers and his eyes reluctantly slid open, pinning the poor soul with an intense blue glare. Without speaking a word, he gripped the hand at the wrist and removed it from his body, and walked away without a backward glance. Behind him he could hear the cheers and jeers from friends and strangers alike, but pointedly ignored them.

Shaking his head in a mixture of disgust and amusement, he headed to the large bar at the far end of the room. Leaning against its marred wooden surface, he could feel more eyes on him. He glanced around, but as his gaze landed on each of them, they looked away. 'Good', he thought in relief. 'Perhaps they've got the message'. His relief was short-lived however; when his eyes landed on one of the guys leaning against the far end of the bar, the other man did not look away. He simply met Billy's gaze, smiled enigmatically, and tipped his hat in acknowledgement.

Billy didn't react in a manner the other man would have been aware of; he merely rolled his eyes and turned back to the bar. He couldn't help the slight grin that tugged at his lips; he admired the other man's audacity. Still smiling to himself, he ordered his drink from the barman and made his way back to the table his buddies had acquired. Perched on a stool, listening the buzz of conversation in the air around him, Billy let his gaze wander over the guy at the bar. Older than Billy, no doubt about it, wearing faded jeans and a shirt. His fedora was shadowing his face, giving him a mysterious presence, but there was an aura of familiarity about it. Billy felt as though he should know this man, but couldn't place him.

"Hey, Brennan!" A shout of his name and a slap on his arm brought Billy back to the present. He blinked, dragged his eyes away from the stranger at the bar and turned to face Christian, his friend and sometime lover. Christian slipped a hand under the table to squeeze Billy's thigh. "Should I be jealous? Another man has all of your attention and I have none."

Grinning, Billy leant over and kissed the mock pout off Christian's face. The kiss slowly deepened as the two men opened up, their tongues duelling, growing dizzy from the familiar scent and taste of each other. Christian's hand slid upwards, deftly caressing Billy to hardness through his leather pants as Billy's arms wrapped around Christian. Billy moaned, and pulled Christian off the other stool and onto his lap. Christian straddled Billy and began grinding his hips against Billy. Billy moaned louder at the feeling of his lover hardening. That, along with the friction from the leather rubbing against sensitive flesh, made his pants tighten painfully.

Billy broke the kiss long enough to moan Christian's name before Christian claimed his mouth with a renewed hunger. Reaching behind him, Christian placed one of Billy's hands on the zipper of his jeans, encouraging him to unfasten them. In a lust-filled haze, Billy did, even as Christian was unlacing his own pants. Gasping, Billy threw his head back and Christian lunged forward, sucking on his lover's neck, possessing him, marking him owned for the world to see. Christian finished fumbling with the laces on Billy's pants and pulled them open, his hand cupping Billy's naked erection. Billy bucked so hard he almost threw Christian off him, and Chris had to clamp a hand over Billy's mouth to quieten the scream that threatened to draw too much attention to their table.

The raucous noise of catcalls and whistles finally penetrated Christian's mind, and the next thing he knew, both he and Billy had something cold and wet dripping down over them. He looked over his shoulder and found the pitcher of beer sitting empty on the table, suspiciously close to the two of them. One of their group, Dave, was grinning wildly. Christian said nothing, simply raised an eyebrow at him.

Dave shrugged. "You two needed to cool down. The bouncers were getting suspicious." Both Billy and Christian had the grace to blush, even if Billy was unable to wipe the grin off his face as Christian slipped back to his own stool. His face beet red, but grinning insanely, Billy struggled to retie the laces on his leather trousers. He managed, but not without a few choice swearwords laughingly directed at Christian. Downing the last of his pint, Billy looked out over the packed dance floor again.

Still grinning, he threw a light punch at Christian's arm. "Now I really need to work off some excess energy." He motioned his head towards the heaving crowd. "You coming?"

Christian shook his head. "Nah, it's more fun watching you." Billy grinned again as he slid off the stool, leaning over for a last kiss before disappearing into the mass. Christian soon lost sight of Billy and searched the floor with his eyes for his lover. His eyes narrowed as he spotted the older man at the bar still watching Billy intently. He followed the guy's line of sight only to find Billy watching the other guy as he danced. A spark of jealousy flared up inside him, but he damped it down almost as soon as it appeared. He had no right to feel jealous; if Billy was attracted to a guy who was attracted to him in return, then fair play to them. It wasn't like there was anything serious to their relationship-- if you could even call it a relationship. They were more like fuck-buddies.

Scanning the dance floor again, he spotted Billy standing at the bar, next to his admirer, 'accidentally' brushing past him as often as he could. A hand brushing against a shoulder as Billy signalled the bartender, a hip against a leg as he turned. Subtle, yet sensual. Very typically Billy. A small smile crept across Christian's lips as a plan formed in his head. He watched the electricity crackle between Billy and the other guy as Billy waited to be served.

Taking the large pitcher of beer off the bartender, Billy turned away to make his way back to the table, not missing the flash of disappointment on his admirer's face. Moving carefully through the crowd, avoiding any and all groping hands, Billy made it back to the table where he sat back down with a relieved sigh. Leaning back in his seat, Billy noticed the sly smile that had spread across Christian's face. He glanced around the table, but no-one was giving away anything.


Christian's grin spread. "Aren't you going to introduce us to your new friend?" At Billy's genuinely puzzled look, he hooked his thumb towards the bar. "Y'know, Indiana Jones over there."

Billy tried for an innocent expression, but failed miserably and settled for a Look. One of those I-know-what-you're-talking-about-but-you-couldn't-make-me-admit-it-with-hot-pokers looks. "What are you talking about?"

"Tall, dark, mysterious, wearing a hat, being giving you the eye all night. Ring any bells?"

"Oh, yeah, him. What about him?"

"You looked interested. He's definitely interested. Are you interested?" He watched Billy's face carefully for the spark in his eyes he knew would be there. "You're interested, aren't you?" Christian heaved a fake sob and collapsed melodramatically against Billy' shoulder. "You're leaving me, you bastard! Fine! Just go! Forget about the memories and the kids and leave, you jerk!" He brought a hand up to cover his eyes and slowly straightened. "It's OK, I can handle it." He brought his hand away and winked. "Just invite me to the wedding."

Billy schooled his features to blankness, and blinked. "What are you talking about, Millerson?"

Christian shook his head. "I give up! Are you being purposely dense tonight Billy? Let me spell this out to you in plain English. You interested in him. He interested in you. Go introduce yourself!"

Billy grinned. "Gotcha." He turned to look at his blond friend, now openly smiling. "You sure? I wouldn't want to leave you, what with the kids and all..."

Christian punched Billy in the arm, not lightly either. "You get me every time, Brennan. One day, you'll see, I'll get you!"

"Big words, lover, big words." Billy couldn't help it as his eyes drifted back to the stranger at the bar. Forcing himself to look back at Christian, he continued. "I'm being serious here, Chris. I came out tonight with you. Not to meet anyone, but to spend time with you. I..."

Christian leaned forward, kissing Billy quiet. "I'm sure. I love you, you know that, but... What we have... It isn't forever, it isn't an 'us' thing, it just 'is', Y'know. Go for it. Introduce yourself to him, dance for him, throw a drink over him. Just do something before I drag you out of here by your hair and have my wicked way with you. Tie you to my bed and never let you go."

Billy chuckled. "And this would be a bad thing?"

Christian gave him a wicked smile, placed a hand at the back of his neck and pulled him in for a scorching kiss. "You. Are. Insatiable." He punctuated each word with a kiss, before breaking away and pushing Billy off the stool and shoving him in the direction of the bar. With a last grin over his shoulder at Christian, Billy made his way to the bar, to the man who was making a show of not watching his approach.

He'd almost made it to the bar when the song playing changed to one of his favourites. Glancing between the dance floor, Christian who was grinning at him, and the guy at the bar, Billy's face lit up with a grin as he thought of a plan.

Relaxing his body to the beat, he let it take him wherever it wanted, feeling the music flow through his veins and move him in time with itself. His eyes sought out those of the stranger at the bar, and held his gaze as he danced, the rest of the club fading from his mind as he danced solely for the other man. He ran his hands over his chest as he danced, tweaking his nipples, arching forward into his own touch. The song finished, and Billy stopped, gasping for breath, a cheeky grin spread over his face. He ran his hand through his short, sweat-curled hair as he made his way to the bar, leaning against it. He ordered his drink, and turned to his side watching the older blue-eyed guy.

With a sigh, the guy turned around to Billy, who got his first good look at him. He hungrily drank in the sight of those gorgeous blue eyes, the brown hair he could see under the dark hat perched on the head, and that devilishly handsome face. His eyes strayed downwards to a body that seemed in fine shape for the guy's age, and down again to his hands. Hands that Billy could imagine feeling touching him, driving him crazy with lust and passion. Billy shivered and forced himself to lose that train of thought.

Looking up again, he found the other guy's eyes on him, and smiled in return.

"Something you want?"

Billy found himself melting at the bare sound of his voice, but brought himself together enough to reply. "You."

The other guy laughed and shook his head. "You're drunk, kid."

Billy nodded in agreement. "Definitely, or I wouldn't do this," he said before he leaned over and kissed the other guy, whose arms slid around him. Getting a severe case of deja vu, Billy found himself pulled onto the other guy's lap, his own arms twining around him and bunching into fists in the blue fabric of his checked shirt. The power and intensity of the kiss took Billy's breath away and left his head reeling. He thought he'd had connection with Christian, but compared to the way this guy kissed, Chris was an amateur.

Gasping for breath, Billy broke the kiss, trying to lean his head on his nameless lover's shoulder, but the older man seemed to have infinite stamina, and started licking and kissing his way down Billy's neck, sucking on a sensitive spot that soon had Billy arching against him. Billy's hands slid around to the buttons at the front of the shirt, fingers fumbling to unfasten them, desperate for the feel of skin on skin. As each button was undone, and skin revealed, Billy's mouth attached itself to his lover's chest, kissing, licking, nipping the skin until he was arching up, and moaning. When the shirt was hanging fully open, Billy glanced upwards: the other guy's eyes had slid shut and he was panting his breath through open, kiss-swollen lips. His dark hair was plastered to his face with sweat, and his chest was heaving. As he reached down to palm the considerate bulge in the denim jeans, Billy thought he had never seen anyone look this beautiful. Despite disliking extensive displays of public affection, Billy couldn't help himself as he started unzipping those oh-so-stretched jeans. There were some people, he decided, that he definitely couldn't wait for. And, just like Christian, this guy was one of them.

As he reached into the jeans, and could feel a hand palming him through the now very tightly stretched leather of his pants, Billy felt the embrace of strong arms around his chest. Through his haze of lust, he couldn't quite work out how the other guy managed that, but it was pointless to dwell on it. Both he and his partner were forcibly pulled from their seats by the burly bouncers, dragged across the club and thrown out of the front doors. One of them leaned on the frame, smirking.

He pointed at Billy. "You've been warned about your behaviour many times. Now, I never want to see you in here again" He paused as he turned away. "Either of you."

The stranger straightened his hat as he stood, and gave Billy a hand up. Before his partner had time to speak, Billy heard sirens in the distance. He muttered a curse and fled, leaving the other man flummoxed outside the club.

Shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun reflecting off the white sand, Billy Brennan picked his way down the slope toward the dig site.

"Dr Grant?" He called out. He knew what the palaeontologist looked like, but there were so many people crowded in one place, all with their backs to him, that Billy wouldn't have been able to pick Christian out of them, let alone someone he'd never met. One of the crowd straightened up, and Billy was sure that was Grant; he even recognised the fedora perched on his head. "I'm...."

"Late, Mr Brennan." Grant didn't even turn around to face him, carried on working. "When it's arranged for you to arrive here at 10:30, I expect to see you here at 10:30, not, " he paused to look at his watch, "12:45".

Billy winced as he continued to make his way over to where the work was taking place. "Um, yeah. Sorry. There'd been an accident on the bridge, road was pretty much closed. I was stuck in the tailback forever. Couldn't get a signal on my cell phone to let you know either."

"Nasty crash," Alan commented. "Heard about it on the radio." As though sensing that Billy had made his way over to him, Alan straightened all the way, dusting his hands off on the knees of his equally dusty jeans. He turned just as Billy reached him and gripped his hand. "Dr Alan Grant, though I'm pretty sure you already know that. Welcome aboard the team, Billy. It's a pleasure to me...." He trailed off as he got his first clear look at Billy; those clear eyes and infectious grin. He suspected he had the same shocked look on his face, though he knew he hadn't gone as red as the young man in front of him. "You!" His voice dropped to a whisper, and Billy pulled his hand from the grip that had tightened on it. Alan smiled wryly. "Well, I was hoping to find out who you were after Friday night. Wasn't quite expecting it to happen quite like this!"

Billy still hadn't spoken, just stood on the spot shaking his head, mouth opening and closing but no sounds coming out. Realising what he looked like, Billy snapped his mouth shut, and took a step backwards.

Taking pity on his newest student, Alan smiled broadly and changed the subject, to save the young man any more embarrassment. "We just need to fill in some paperwork over in my trailer, then we can get you straight to work." Without waiting for Billy to reply, Alan turned on his heel, setting out across the dig site toward his trailer. Something kicked Billy into action, and he followed Alan, only just managing not to stare at the ass retreating into the distance.

When he reached the trailer, Alan was standing inside, patiently holding the door open for Billy, who slipped past him with a smile. A smile that weakened Alan's resistance and strengthened his resolve; Billy would be his. Following Billy in, Alan shut the door behind him, discreetly locking it as he did.

Billy collapsed into the nearest chair, elbow resting on the arm of it, fingers of one hand over his mouth, his eyes watching as Alan leaned against the table. Leaning in the same way as he had against the bar. Billy swallowed heavily, his mouth suddenly dry as a wave of desire thrummed through his body. Damn! But Alan Grant was an attractive man. Alan smiled as he stood and walked over to stand in front of Billy. The student was still nervous, but displaying more of that amazing confidence he had Friday night, confidence that, among other things, Alan was all but desperate to experience again and again.

Billy swallowed again as he watched Dr Grant stand up and stalk over to him. Something was telling him that he was probably going to end up doing more than paper work. Shifting slightly in his seat, he licked his lips and tried not to let his developing erection become obvious to the dark eyes watching him. He felt a thread of anxiety wind itself through the desire and was a bit surprised when it didn't dampen it but, oddly enough, heightened it.

"Do I make you nervous, Billy?" Alan bent down, his hands gripping the arms of the chair, so he was caging Billy in.

Billy's mind flashed two distinct possible endings to this. The first had him acting completely virginal and letting Dr. Grant, well, he supposed he could call him Alan now, take control or the second with him being an active participant in this little seduction. While the first one would be fun for later, if there was a later, the second one was more appealing right now.

Making a split second decision, Billy shook his head as he spoke, voice much stronger than it had been. "Nervous? Maybe, but I'm feeling much more interesting things then that...." One hand grab Alan's at the wrist, and he pulled the two hands over to palm his growing erection through his jeans, struggling not to arch up at the contact. His other hands reached up to tangle in Alan's shirt, pulling him down for a steaming kiss, Alan ending up on his lap, their hips rubbing against each other. Billy pulled one of the buttons clean off of Alan's shirt as he reached for his chest, fingers feeling out for the sensitive nubs of the other man's nipples. Moaning into Billy's mouth, Alan broke the kiss, hands coming up to frame Billy's face, staring intently into those brown eyes. Billy stared straight back, his breath coming heavily between parted lips. He tried to lean forward for another kiss, but Alan's hands held his head back. Whimpering once, Billy relaxed into Alan's touch.

"What's going on, Billy?" The confusion was plain both on Alan's face and in the tone of his voice. "In the club, Friday night, you were amazing, like nothing I've ever seen before. But you ran. Then you turn up here, and you're the total opposite, acting like a blushing virgin when you see me. How am I supposed to know what you're thinking?"

Fighting the knee-jerk response to once again pull away and run, Billy forced himself to stay, take a deep breath and talk to Alan. "I... Friday night.... That's not precisely..." He trailed off with a sigh, took a deep breath and started again. "I'm making a complete mess of this." He admitted, with a wry grin. Alan kept quiet. "I don't normally go out to clubs to pick people up, that's not me. I wasn't there to pick anyone up, I was there with friends..."

At that point, Alan interrupted. "I noticed. That's something else I needed to ask you about, before.. In case anything was to happen. You were very close to the blond you were with. Who is he?"

A grin spread across Billy's face at the mention of Chris. He grab the front of Alan's shirt and pulled the palaeontologist close for another steaming kiss. "Feeling jealous, are we, Dr Grant?" Alan return the kiss just as deeply, before breaking it, standing up and moving back. Moaning in frustration, Billy reached out to Alan, who sat down in his chair on the other side of the desk.

"I'm being serious here, Billy. I want you, I've wanted you from the minute I saw you dancing Friday night. But I'm not going to start anything if you're already involved with someone. I need to know Billy, or this goes no further. We leave this office, and Friday night is forgotten about. Unless you talk to me." He looked up and met Billy's eyes.

Billy's grin had slowly faded, and his eyes had turned sombre. "I'm sorry, Alan, I didn't mean to tease. I want you too." He admitted. "His name is Chris, and there's nothing really between us. We were dorm mates in college. We have... I guess the easiest way of describing our relationship would be that we're fuck buddies. When one of us is horny and alone, we call up the other, you get where I'm going with this?"

Alan nodded as he stood, and walked over to bend down once again over Billy's chair. "Well, let's just get one thing straight right away. You probably know how... Single-minded and possessive I get over my work." Billy nodded, and Alan continued. "I'm like that over everything." Alan's voice dropped to a low growl that sent shivers running down Billy's spine to pool in his groin. "If this goes any further, Billy Brennan, you'll find that you're mine. And I don't share."

"I can cope with that," Billy gasped, wondering where all the oxygen had suddenly fled to. Between one breathe and the next, he found himself with a lap full of Alan, who was making short work of stripping him. An act Billy was quick to reciprocate, as he pulled Alan's shirt clean off, the buttons flying in all directions.

Under any other circumstance, Alan would have mourned the loss of a perfectly good work shirt, but before he had time to realise his shirt was ruined, he found himself flat on his back on the floor of his trailer-cum-office, Billy straddling him, fingers finding all of the sensitive spots on his body.

In the split second before his higher brain functions shut down, Alan had time to muse that this could be a very interesting summer after all.


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