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FanFic Challenges

Challenge by Vanessa S. Quest
  Number 1... It must have 5 team members in it (this includes all two-shot good guys too... ie: Alice Starseer, Estella, Jade, and Bennett, etc.)
Number 2... It has to be from one of these four categories: AGULAHR, Angst, Humor, or HR... one catch though, the HR can't be completely on the good guy's side, in other words, no J+J HR no J+H HR, but there could be a Jade + Zin HR etc... or Jonny and his sock... The HR can only have 1 Quest Team member in it, so be careful who you choose!
Number 3... It has to be at least 1000 words, not like I plan on counting, but make sure it's not just really really short as that might not be as indepth in chaos as I want~
Number 4... The lines "I didn't know you could do THAT with a rubber band and a stick of butter" ; "I can't believe it's not butter!" ; "Twirly twirly twirly!" ; "My hand smells like jelly!" , and/or "My mommy says I'm special!" has to be somewhere in the fic. You do not have to use all, but if you CAN get all those in and in context, you're GOOD... psychotically good.

Vanessa's fic
Meach's fic

FIC CHALLENGE: Write an alternate version of an episode, any episode, adding HR of any kind. (although I'm biased towards JJHR, myself)
Bascially your average HR redo.

If you have a videotape of the ep, try to get a copy of the audio on an audiotape, and then use a portable player to playback the lines (that you do not alter) while you are on your computer. Believe me, it'll help your accuracy.
If your QVA order has arrived, you can just use your CDROM/DVD drive instead. :)
You could use other fics to get the lines if they have already been written. ("Ghost Quest" rapidly comes to mind. It's probably the only episode out there converted to fanfic, so far.) Although, beware of inaccuracies. (This third option is what I did for "The Ultimate Alternate Ghost Quest". My QVA order had not yet arrived when I wrote it.)
  CONDITIONS: Apply. (heh heh)
o Your fic has to cover most (or all) of the entire episode
o The HR must be of the boy/girl or man/woman type. (You know it's getting bad when I have to put this in.)
o Do not add your own characters. Use only those in the actual show.
o It is OK to remove characters from the storyline.
o It is OK to have more than one type of HR, so long as there is no overlaps between them. (e.g. JJHR + HJHR would not be allowed.) If there is, one must clearly win out over the other.
o It is OK to remove *some* plot elements. (e.g. the action.)
  DUE DATE: No due date as of yet, as it may take a month or even more to find the time to write such a fanfic. (Heh, don't *I* know!)

Vanessa's fic(to this challenge)

Has to contain three of the following:
1. "HOLY CRAP! I just realized THE APOCALYPSE is in my PANTS!"
2. Jessie going Goth. Dying her hair black and cutting it short is optional :)
3. Jonny skipping a grade (Due to teachers hating him, drinking some potion from Dr.Q, or other reasons can be used here)
4. Hadji failing a grade (Due to teacher crushes, whatever ;) )
5. Someone doing the evil "No da"/"Na no da" (Trans: You know) at the end of sentences in the appropriete places, no da?
6. BEGIN SELF INSERTION The three musk-ette-teers butting in and causing chaos. /END SELF INSERTION

Have fun, no da :)

~Amy Humphries

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