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24th April 2003
Hey guys this is just an update for my Connect Four assignment for IPT so if you would like more information about Connect Four Click Here


29th September 2002
Hey there every one long time no see. well this is just a short message to say that the games section is now up and runnning. But knowing me I didn't try and Treeboy will upgrade it. Ohh and also the Riddles section has been upgraded. CYA


15th July 2002
Hello there, Hope you enjoy the wallpapers, any way If you find your self with nothing to do try and figure out some Riddles. Yeah it sounds kinda corny but I promise it's hours of fun. If you have some riddles or you want to suggest ideas for content send e-mails to


14th July 2002
The Downloads section has been updated with some Star Wars wallpaper so check that out. Iv'e also added some more sites to the links section. For those of you finding yourself asking "What Links Section?" The header at the top of the page with the moving thingy also has links to parts of the site.


11th July 2002
Treeboy sighnig in for JIMFLOWER.TK, I'll be the
"Content Developer" which is a fancy way to say i'll be making most of the animations, games etc... So hope you enjoy the stuff and any positve feedback would be nice and any negetave feedback you can stick up your a**. Any way check out the content, download some wallpapers play the games, go nuts.



11th July 2002
Hey, It's the one and only, JimFlower. My job is to keep the sight up to date, by uploading the content, making everything work and what not. Also I'll try and sighn in at least once a week to let you know whats happening. I'll also submit some of my stuff.