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Now, What's This??

The Star War's Universe that Lucas conceved is vast and wonderfull, filled with wonderous environments, fantastic lifeforms, and really cool technology. So it tends to be many a writer's dream to bring forth their characters in such a universe.

I am not one of those writers.

Sure, it's a great place to write about, and yes there are people who would sell their souls to do so and forever be imortalized in geeky Star Wars fandom, but the truth is, I actualy find some things about it limiting. There are a lot of crazy ideas, and concepts I have about the Jedi...powers, clans, fighting styles, weapons, philosophy, etc.... that wouldn't really work in the Star Wars universe. I mean, imagine the furor that would arise over a Jedi blasting someone with an energy wave that looks something out of a fighter in Dragon Ball Z. I think that would be cool, but I doubt the purists would.

Not only that, but I also faced the dilema with the very Jedi I wanted to write about. See, I wanted to write about the people at the Jedi Academy web site, and put them in adventures and the like. You know, portray them as Jedi and all, and write about an actual Jedi academy with us in it, doing what we do. Thing is, the way the site is set up, it really wouldn't work in the Star Wars Universe. Unlike other Star Wars sites, we aren't as...fanatical as some might be. We're a bit unorthodox in our belifes and in the way we see what Jedi are. Sure there are those who see them pretty much in the Lucasian light, but in translating this stuff to "real life", well...things can get hazy, and thus you got a lot of interpetations. Some of them are pretty interesting, but they wouldn't really work in a Star Wars universe. Still I wanted to use them. So what to do?

The obvious solution, at least to me, was to simply make up another universe to play with. One where I wouldn't have any restrictions with what I wanted to do, yet would also have enough references to the original source to be recognizable to Star Wars fans.

Obviously, there's no way I can ever publish this stuff. After all, I didn't make up the things in the Star Wars universe, and the Jedi are not my idea. This is George Lucas' property, period. And he has some mighty lawyers to back him up. Me, I'm just a poor individual, working for a retail chain, who likes to write and draw. I'm really not in the mood to piss off a mighty organization, so this stuff is pretty much just gonna stay nice and quiet, to be enjoyed by friends, and anyone interested. Still though, the stuff that I made up, is well, MY stuff. I hope you guys enjoy the weird fruits of labor my imagination came up with. And I also hope that you guys have the respect to not steal any of the stuff I came up with. Then again, why not try me? After all, I am pretty broke guy, and I could use sure use the extra money. ;)

Anyway, this is the universe I came up with for my "Jedi" tales. I dubbed it The JA Universe, simply because it was for the (now somewhat troubled) Jedi Academy that I did this stuff anyway. It's placed way in the future, in our own universe...well an imagined version of it anyway. Besides it being filled with a lot of wild people, star systems, and technology, it's completely open ended. You can add just about anything you want to it. And Star Wars stuff can fit in nicely as well. The main gag about this place is that even though there are Jedi running around, Star Wars is just a movie. The way I set it up, it's just that Lucas knew about things that were going on in the universe, but he didn't know how to relate it without people calling him crazy...thus, he made the movies, with a fantasy tale used to showcase the things he knew about. ;) So if there's a certian thing in Star Wars that I, or any one of my friends think is cool, and want in here, well all I have to say is that Lucas was telling the truth about...though one interesting way is finding an equivalent, like what I did with the wookiee/yeti conection. ;)

So here it is. My twisted little universe...filled with Jedi and Spacers and pirates and Galactic Federation solders and droids and katchzin blades and Zarr Clan assassins and...well you can find out for yourself. This resource archive I put up here will give you all you need to know about it so that if you read my tales in the Jedi Academy Lore section, you'll understand why things are a little...different than normal.

This is the The JA Universe for our newly born Jedi Mythos site. Not the Star Wars Universe. The stories I do aren't Star Wars stories; they are Jedi stories. JAU stories.

I'll do my best to update this place as much as I can, and keep it filled with as much art and text as possible. I hope you guys enjoy it. :)

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