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Rowen Kariya

Name: Rowen Kariya

Aliases: Ro, Blue Haired Jedi, Blue Lad

Species/Homeplanet: Half Ranyan/Half Alderaan human/Alderaan

Age: mid 20s

Height: 6'

Weight: 145 lbs.

Hair: blue, semi long. He has several long, thin braids

Eyes: blue

Aura: blue-green

Clothing: Usually black clothing; officer style battle pants, battle boots, black shirt. Tends to wear a grey vest jacket.

Other distinguishing marks/traits/habits: Tends to be quiet and reserved at times. Highly educated and a quick thinker.

Weapons: Owns a blue bladed lightsabre, with a simple handle design.

Occupation/Training: Alderaan style Jedi. He's trained as a Jedi Scholar, but has done many missions as a Jedi Guardian.

Notable Skills: Excellent lightsabre duelist, specializing in defensive techniques. He's also trained in 8 Fence Sword, which works well with his left handed style of fighting. Well trained gynmnast; very agile and quick. Also an escape artist. Can understand the "beep language" of certian droids, particularly R2 style ones. Good piloting and blaster rifle skills. Also a historian; well learned in much of the history of the Jedi.

Bio: After the Jedi War, the planet known as Alderaan has had a history of producing valiant Jedi Knights. One of the more interesting ones is the young Jedi Scholar named Rowen Kariya. Most Jedi scholars tend to live quiet, seditary lifestyles, and yet, this Jedi has lived through more adventures than many of them before he even reached the rank of Jedi Knight. While he is quiet and reserved, he is also full of energy and zeal, and is always prepared to head out into the galaxy to fight against some new danger if he is needed.

As he was born Force sensitive, his parents put him on the Jedi path as early as they could. He learned his lessons quickly, and while he showed natural talent in athletics and the fighting arts, he had an innate love for the scholarly side of Jedi culture. Thus, when he was of age, he decided to enroll in the galacticly well known University of Alderaan. Not only was it known for it's high standards of academics, but it also had joint relations with the Alderaan Jedi Council, so many Jedi apprenticies learned and trained there. One of them was a female twi'lek named Sayl Rukath, who would soon become close to the young Rowen. They would later fall in love and marry.

A major moment in Rowen's life came about in a dramatic fashion. Several Dark Jedi, many from Alderaan, banded together in an attack on the planet. They successfully kidnapped the prime minister, and threatened to anihalate several major cities from their warship above the planet if they didn't recive all the tomes within the planetary Jedi Archives. The knowledge contained in the various books, scrolls, disks, holocrons, and such, could not fall into the wrong hands, and yet, millions of lives were at stake. The Alderaan Jedi council were not sure what was the right course of action, and they were wary of attacking outright; not just because of the risk of cities being wiped out, but also because many of their advisaries were once powerfully gifted Jedi.

Rowen, still a young adult, was not one to take this lying down however. He, Sayl, and 14 other Jedi made a plan to sneak onto the ship and take out the dark warriors. It was a risky, dangerous plan, and the battle was fierce, but they succeeded in defeating their foes. The planet was overjoyed by the news, and the Jedi council, while reminding them that they went over the heads of their masters, praised them for their quick thinking and valiant actions. They were all commended, and the people afterwards labeled them the 16 Heroes of Alderaan, which was a play on the 14 original heroes who freed the planet from Sith rule during the Jedi War.

Rowen soon was given the rank of Jedi Knight, and he continued to prove his worth, going on various missions, both peaceful and otherwise. His diplomatic skills were as good as his combat skills, and he was quick to end a conflict rather than participate in one.

Rowen and his wife Sayl traveled to many parts of the galaxy, Earth one of them. As the Jedi Academy was well known and highly thought of by Jedi, Rowen just had to visit. He quickly made friends there, and for a time it was a home away from home. Many of his duties would bring him back to his planet or to another part of the galaxy, but he would always find time to head back the the halls of JA. His contact with them has lead to even more adventures, chief amount them the affair with the group known as the Children of Grendok.

Presently, Rowen is still caught up in his scholarly pursuits, seeking out more and more history on the lives of Jedi long before him. It's a rare sight indeed to find him without some old book and/or a data pad in his hands. But that doesn't mean that he won't be able to put the aside and deal with some new threat at a moments notice when called upon.

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