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Name: Jundal Desh

Alias: Dundesh, The Drummer

Species/Homeplanet: Human/Venus

Age: early 20's

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 239 lbs

Hair: brown and spiked.  has a ginger beard.

Eyes: brown/hazel

Aura: aqua blue

Clothing: usually wears loose fitting jeans, and a gi like garment, made of thick cotton. also wears an over coat with a few pockets for storing various items and devices.

Other distinguishing marks/traits/habits: Small mark over right eye, from a childhood accident.  Tends to only speak when he feels his voice is needed.  Has a wacky sense of humor.

Weapon: owns an amber bladed lightsabre, named Iss Hogai. Means "for life".

Discipline: Cosmic Order Jedi.  Follows a Jedi discipline simply called The Way, a tradition centered around the state of "oneness" with themselves and the universe.  Rank is Jedi Knight.

Notable Skills: Very skilled fighter, specializes mostly in close quarters empty hand combat.  Has a very good lightsabre style as well, though it is not as graceful as many others; it is based mostly on rapid, close quarters strikes and hacks.  Combat skills are refined to his personal tastes and attributes; he perfers to simply name his system Violence.  Also naturally empathic.  Very good at using his humor to relax any tense situations.

Bio:  Jundal is one of the newer members of the Academy.  A somewhat "cut from the rough" type of Jedi, Jundal is known for his down-to-earth nature, as well as his off beat sense of humor.  He has a natural sensitivity for people, and feels the most at ease when his friends and peers around him are in good spirits.

Jundal hails from Venus, a planet colonized through a joint effort between Earth and Mars.  He was born into a good, well-to-do family, who were very concious of how they appeared to others.  Jun's father was a strict man, concerned that his children recieved a good eduacation and became very intelligent contributors to society. They were, therefore, pushed in that direction.  While his intentions were noble, his efforts to make his children into bright individuals frequently infringed upon their happiness.  Their mother, while realizing this, was also dominated by their father and thus was able to do very little about it.  To make things rougher on the younger Jundal, his older brother tended to bully him from time to time.

Jundal pretty much kept to himself in school, focusing on his love of literature.  Ostracized by other students for not being "normal", he later became accustomed to his solidtude and valued it.  One of his literature instructors took a liking to him, and the two soon became close, spending a good deal of time talking after school.  The teacher was also pretty good at martial arts, and soon was teaching Jundal bits of what he knew.

One thing that Jundal knew about himself was that he was Force sensitive, but he chose not to reveal it to others, including his family.  However, one day, he decided to reveal it to his mentor.  Jundal would thusly be surprised by his mentor telling him that not only did he already know this, but he himself was also Force senstivie.  In fact, he was actually a Jedi, who had chosen to live a quiet life for the remainder of his days.

Not wanting to pass up this chance, Jundal soon asked his mentor to train him as a Jedi.  After some time, the master agreed, and his secret training began in earnest.  The Jedi Master would teach him the ways of the Force, the philosophy of the Jedi and being one with all things, the appreciation for all life, and the combat arts.  He also strove to help Jundal work with and resolve the anger that remained inside of him, a remnant of his past.  Thoughout all this, the apprentice grew in his ablilties and confidence.

It was soon growing apparent to many who knew him that Jundal was now a different person.  There was a presence and clarity about him now, a powerful sense of purpose.  Even his brother didn't want to pick on him anymore; Jundal suddenly seemed too intimidating for that.

When Jundal finally revealed his pursuit of the Jedi Way to his family, it was met with mixed emotions.  The father felt that Jundal could have picked a better path in life, and didn't agree with his calling.  His mother, however, fully understood him, and wished him the best in his new way of life.

Jundal's mentor would soon be pleased with his apprentice's progress, and told him that there was no longer anything more he could teach him.  While Jundal was now a Jedi Knight in his mentor's eyes, he felt there was still a lot more he had to learn.  His mentor told him of an institution on Earth where many Jedi dwelled; he could go there to continue his training and knoweldge searching.  Taking his advice, and going with his mentor's blessings and recomendation, the young Knight would soon arrive at the Jedi Academy of Earth.

It didn't take long for the Jedi there to take a liking to him.  He was a warm, unpretentious Jedi Knight with a willingness to help others, as well as get to them to laugh on occasion.  In other words, he fit right in with this crowd of focused, fun loving, and somewhat eccentric group of Jedi, including a small group of friends who dubbed themselves the "Outcasts".

Jundal continues to dwell there, pondering the Way of the Jedi further, as well as continuing to further develop his combat training skills which he simply dubs "Violence" (to the amusement of his friends).  He is a quiet, helpful and strangely amusing force at the humble institution.

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Edited by Jitka Marie, 8/11/03