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Bross Karte

Name: Bross Karte

Alias: Karte the Darth, "Not him again!", Webs

Age: possibly late 20's

Species/Homeplanet: Human? (most likely genetically altered)/unknown

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 161

Hair: black, shoulder length

Eyes: blue

Aura: red

Clothing: usually wears Human Sith Lord tradition style battle garments, in various designs.

Other distinguishing marks/traits/habits: Two lightsabre scars on both of his cheeks. Has a strange tattoo on his forehead, possibly an old Sith clan symbol. Hands and toes are slightly webbed, hinting at genetic engineering. Prone to go on long angry ranting fits at the slightest provocation. Abrassive personality.

Lightsabre/weapons: Gold-like handle, red blade, named after his lover. Also owns various blaster rifles and pistols, plus lots of thermal detonators and other types of explosive devices, as his paranoid nature moved him to collect a large amount of weaponry.

Discipline: Sith Warrior, trained in self-devised "Unsei Tradition."

Notable Skills: Violent swordsman, mastered a very aggressive, graceless Sith lightsabre style known as The Blade of Rage. Good martial arts prowess. Proficient in several Darkside Force practices and Sith techniques, including his trademark "Bolt of Hatred". Decent Star Fighter Pilot.

Bio: Not availible at this time.

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Edited by Jitka Marie, 8/03