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Iki's Japanese Lessons

The Lessons:

Lesson One: A lecture on accent and pronunciation(8/19/01)
Lesson Two: Accent and Pronunciation, cont. (8/20/01)
Lesson Three: Pronouns, Japanese-style(8/22/01)
Lesson Four: Basic Sentence Structure (10/21/01)
Vocabulary Sheet no. 1 (10/210/01)
Lesson Five: The Particle Ni
Vocabulary Sheet no. 2

Welcome to Iki-sensei's Japanese lessons. Oh, my, did I say sensei? Well, I will try to be as good a sensei as possible. ^_^ Although, as I am a very poor student of Japanese, the most anyone could call me is sempai anyway; bear in mind that I am NOT a professional or a liscenced educator- I just have friends who want me to teach them Japanese. Well, I will try my hardest. Who was it who said that you teach best what you most need to learn?
