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Recently the Brophy wrestling program lost two essential coaches, Coach Knecht and Coach Baca, and as many of you know we are nearly halfway through our pre-season training program. Our remaining full time coach, Coach Leyba is expecting a child soon and will most likely be unable to carry the team alone. Without Coaches, the wrestling program is as good as dead. Please call the two people listed below, and have your parents call also.

Call and demand an adequate coaching staff.

Coach Knect won two national champions and his abilities are far superior than most others. We are halfway through the pre-season and under his leadership we have made tremendous gains. Coach Knecht has devoted countless hours to the team, and to cut his season brutally short is ridiculous and unfair to say the least. DEMAND that he is allowed to finish the season with the team as he has invested so much. If he is not allowed to finish the season, DEMAND an adequate replacement, which will obviously be hard to find considering his accomplishments.

Many of us have also participated in Coach Baca's strength training program and have seen how it works. Please call and state your support for him also as he has brought so much to our team as well.

Please take a few moments to call or email:

Mr. John Chambers -- Athletic Director
(602) 264-5291 ext. 6224

Mr. Edwin Hearn -- Principle
(602) 264-5291 ext. 6245

Thank you for support, and check back here for updates.






If you have any other questions you can email me at