The Top 20 Spookiest Places on Earth

This is a listing of the top twenty scariest places on earth as picked by "The World's Best" on the Travel Channel:

The Top 10 Creepiest Places on Earth:
10) The Bermuda Triangle--known for the high number of planes and ships that have disappeared there. Also known for Bimini Island, an island surrounded by sand dunes that look like animals when viewed from the air including a shark, cat and a seahorse.

9) Haunted Hollywood--known for the tragedies in film and theater industry. Room 928 in Roosevelt Hotel is believed to be haunted by a trumpet player named Montgomery Cliff. Room 236 in the same hotel is believed to be haunted by Marilyn Monroe.
Other areas of rumored hauntings include the Knickerbocker Hotel and Hollywood Forever Cemetery which is believed to be haunted by Rudolph Valentino who died of a perforated ulcer.

8) The Tower of London--Deaths by guillotine, beheading by axe, public executions by firing squad and numerous hangings create the atmosphere for the many spirits who still roam the Tower of London. Those who were guilty of religious heresy were burned alive.

7) Mutter Museum in Philladelphia PA (opened 1863)--This museum is dedicated to the more macabre side of life. Diseased organs, human skeletons ranging from midget sized to nine-foot giants, documentation of physical anamolies including a three-headed baby, a giant colon and a plaster cast of siamese twins. Jars of cancerous growths including one from president Cleaveland's jaw are a few amond the hundreds of oddities found in the Mutter Museum.

6)Gettysburg PA--Rumored to be the "Most haunted place in America." The bloodiest battle of the Civil War was fought here. 51,000 men were killed and many still fight the battle as spirits today.

5)New Orleans LA--Said that every known demon in reality and mythology is waiting for you there. The Voodoo Museum, the French Quarter and the Cemeteries are amongst the most haunted areas. The French Quarter is also rumored to be stalked by vampyres.

4) Salem Massachusettes--The Salem Witch Hunt of 1692 is the cause for this high-spirited area. 19 people died in this hunt. Fourteen were women. Five were men. One was even crushed to death. 150 were imprisoned. "Gallows' Hill" and the Salem Witch Musem are places of high interest to visitors.

3) "Area 51" in Nevada--75 miles NW of Las Vegas. Known for alien sightings and governement conspiracies. It is located off of the aptly named "Extraterrestrial Highway". The governement denied its existence until 1995. In 1989 a scientist named Bob Lazar claimed to work on the reverse engineering of UFOs--to figure out how it ran. One of the most popular places to go is Little Al-E-Inn in Rachel, Nevada. The proprietors believe that aliens have stayed in their inn. 2) Winchester Myster House, San Jose CA--160 rooms in this house. Secret passages, doors leading to walls, stairs leading to ceilings. Other doors that lead to outside...from the third floor. It all began as an 8-room farmhouse. Sarah Winchester and her husband lived there until his sudden and tragic death. Legend has it that Mr. Winchester's death was brought about by angry spirits who had been killed by Winchester rifles. Sarah Winchester became mad (or enlightened?) In her mind's eye, the only way to appease the spirits who had killed her husband was to continually build on the house. 13 carpenters worked round the clock on the house. Something was always being built including a seance room. It has one entrance and five exits, one of which leads to an eight-foot drop to the kitchen below. One psychic believes that the spirits of the carpenters still work on the house from the other side.

And the award for the creepiest place on earth goes to... 1)Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast Museum, Fall River, MA--Lizzie Borden's father and stepmother were murdered in this house by a hatchet. The stepmother had 19 wounds--18 to the head. The father had 10 blows to the head. The house is worth $12 million today.

The Top 10 Scariest Places on Earth:
*My apologies. I need to post this list. I'm sorry its not up yet.