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     This is a tale, an ancient tale that only few men have ever heard. Now after centuries of concealment it has come out of it's den and is ready to let the world know.....from whence came Herr Stev.  

     Alright, I think I've had enough of that. Now I will tell you how I was nicknamed "Herr Stev". 

   My father is bilingual, he speaks English and Spanish. Sometime while he is talking he will randomly switch between them. For example he always says "San Antonio" with a Hispanic accent and It irritates me. When my brother discovered my weakness he began to exploit it without remorse. For the next week or so he would purposely find a way to stick "San Antonio" into as many sentences as possible. He would even tell me that I should pronounce it that way because "It is part of your culture." I fought his attempts to convert me with all my power. Finally he gave up and asked me if I would rather be German. From then on he began to call me "Herr Stev". Herr in German means Lord, Sir or Mr. and is pronounced "hair" 

     Now you know "From whence came Herr Stev ".


  Home of  "Brownbear"



Thanks to my "connections" (Phil Koch) I am able to link you to one of the coolest page on the net! Thanx Phil!



If you are offended by violence I do NOT recommend that you proceed!


*animated Violence*





Pic of the Week(s)!

The End