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I've not been working on this site much. More than anything I've been making another site with Tripod. So far there's very little on it. I think that my Invader Zim site there is better - then again, the one that this page links to might be the same one. My Index Page is here. You can go there to see the basic layout and all of what I want my site to be. Cause, that's about all that's there. Some links don't work (I'm warning you now) and most of the pages have little to no content.
I don't know if anyone comes here anymore... but oh well... if someone accidently comes to this page - I REALLY DO UPDATE IT! Sometimes... :-) It used to be that I would update it every day. Now its more of maybe every other month or so.

Here's a website I found, it's pretty funny: The illustrated Guide to Breaking Your Computer.

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This page was last updated on August 1st, 2002