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Hawkwolf's Update Page

January 23,2000

Loaded the new page. Added link page, counter, guestbook.

January 27,2000

Added Elfwood banner, two more links to link page.

February 05,2000

Added links to art page, uploaded art page 1, Someday I might even add some art to the page! Added link to update page.

February 06,2000

Added thumbnail links to pictures for table on art page 1. Also added a movies section and two movie links to the links page. Fixed broken links, adjusted thumbnail size for tattoos.

February 11,2000

Worked on color coordination with backgrounds.

February 12,2000

Added opening welcome page. Moved counter to opening page to prevent multiple counts at main page by returns. Fixed resulting broken links.

February 13,2000

Added second art page, corresponding links.

February 19,2000

Added a few links to link page, Added a new feature called "My Life" to the main page. Heavily under construction right now! Fixed that sissyfied front page,too!('member that old thing?)

February 21,2000

Added pics to Pets and Rennaisance Faire links. Also added the Prohibition page! Don't take this page seriously,folks! IT'S A JOKE! I'm having too much fun! Added second page to Pets link.

February 22,2000

Added a few pics to the Wedding Link, Still quite a few to add! Could end up being a few pages long! Also trying out a new horizontal rule on this page. Small adjustment on opening page.

February 25,2000

Fixed wedding page, Added a pic to renfaire, third art page, accompanying links added. Also trying to add sound to this page as an experiment. Here goes nuthin'!

February 26,2000

Added second wedding page, with accompanying pics, fixed missing pic in art page two, replaced the text: Sign my guest book with the animated book picture.

March 1,2000

Fixed small things like centering and backgrounds I didn't like. Added music page with the background midi files. Added a few links to Links Pages.

March 5,2000

Internal rearranging of files, Added Joust page to Ren Faire page. Added pic to bio, my most flattering to be sure!

March 12,2000

Added pictures to Reception Page. Added Bad Movie page. This is one of our favorite thing to do at home: watch bad movies! Added appropriate link to main page, and added a link on the movie page to a movie listing site. There's a lot more movies to come! Stop back!

March 18,2000

Added a third reception page, and more bad movies!!

March 20,2000

Added more music to music pages, more pictures to The Joust. Also added 'The Weather in Hell' to the Main Page. Found this on another site and thought it was hilarious!!!

March 22,2000

Added a song to each link page. Also dressed up the Movie Page, and Hellweather Page.

March 26,2000

Added my Homeworld Tribute page, and adding downloads for maps and mods soon.

March 27,2000

Added the Mod and Map download page. Also added a few more movies to the Dungeon!

March 29,2000

Added my friend's homepage links.

April 9,2000

Lots of updates today! Decorated the Hellpage some more, Added a fourth Art Page.
Also added more pics to the Homeworld site. Added more music to Music Page too.

August 11,2000

Finally, an update!
Added a graphic so you guys can E-mail me, A new picture (that was SUPPOSED to be my wife!)
Plus I added some more to my bio page! INCREDIBLE! Oh yes, and a page devoted to nothing but
safe sex! Yes, you read this correctly! Check it!

September 15,2000

Added new Ren Faire Pics from our outings in 2000! New page!
Also added aquarium pic to 2nd pet page. I put a recording of my guitar
on my bio page also! Hold yer ears! More stuff comin', tune in!

September 25,2000

Added a few new movie rating to the dungeon! I also took off the Save Jack banner. Sadly,
Jack of all Trades has been dropped! A moment of silence, please........
Added a GOOD movie page! Enjoy!

October 8,2000

Added a few new pictures to Art Page 4. Kinda wimpy update, but slow progress is progress still,
right? heh.

October 11,2000

Added some info to my bio page (recently renamed, BTW!).
Also, added a few more movies according to their respective goodness or lack thereof!
Oh, yes, I almost forgot! I'm adding a second update page! This one's getting a little long in the

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