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Do you like CHEESY movies?


My friends and I are basically working on THE   DEFINITIVE   Bad Movie Collection!
We actually own a few of these losers! We've rented others, and there is NO shortage of
these on television at any given hour. :)

This page is dedicated to the memory of Mike Kollar,one of my best friends,
who was taken from us without warning
after a heartbreaking battle with leukemia. Mike always loved his movies,
and I can't think of a better way to honor him!


Only watch these cinematic flops with a large supply of: aspirin, hard liquor (which by the way
helped US a lot!), or insanity (of which we have copious amounts)!


These are in no way ranked by amount of suckage! You'll have to determine that yourself!

Avenging Disco Godfather - The longest godawful insanely painful 93 minutes of my life! ouch.

Batman 2, 3, 4, 37, etc... - Take 7 of dese and call me in da mornink! (sound of blowing chunks)

Beowulf - If you like this Mortal Combat, future past piece of crap, I'll cut your arm off!

Blair Witch 2 - Watch this movie in reverse, and maybe you'll toss your cookies that way too!

Contact - I feel like I watched 19 hours worth of movie in 2 hours!

The Crow 2 - ANOTHER crow? I don't think so!

Cutthroat Island - Gina Davis is NOT a pirate! Bad dog!

Dark Star - A really bad space movie about an intelligent bomb. Watch for the beach ball/space monster!

Death Becomes Her - Death is too good for this movie!

Death Race 2000 - The movie that inspired the Carmageddon video game! A very young Sly Stallone!

Deep Blue Sea - Injecting sharks to affect brain cells, they get intelligence and then really mean! DOH!

Deep Impact - Imagine a giant wave coming towards you! You'd scream for daddy too!

Dumb and Dumber - It was. Then it got worse. Much worse.

Dungeon Master - Made by no less than seven different directors, and it shows! Excalibrate!

Dungeons and Dragons - A good Snails is a dead Snails! :-P

Eyes Wide Shut - A long, slow movie about........ what was it about again?

Face Off - Trading faces? ummmmm.....OK. Just shoot them both!

Falling Down - 0ops! It fell. Hard.

Fight Club - Rule #1: Don't talk about this cheesy movie. Rule #2: This sucks. Don't mention this movie. Rule #3:....

Final Destination - OH NO! I cheated death once! Now I have to watch my back, cause it's after me! Yeah right.

Fist of the North Star - A kung fu action flick highlighted by the phrase "Look out, he's got a knife!".

Fortress - Christopher Lambert? WHY GOD? WHY?

Ghost Dog - BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! "Do me a favor, read this book?" (Ya had to be there!)

Godzilla 1985 - Can't kill godzilla? Make sounds like a bird! (huh?)

Gremlins 2 - Was it just me, or was this an evil version of the Muppet Show?

Highlander 2 - Regular and Renegade versions - They come from another planet? Please! Leave
                                        well enough alone!

I Spit on Your Grave - Basically a long rape scene with some revenge at the end.

I Spit on Your Grave,Too! - Not related to the previous title, this is the longest,drawn out horror film I've ever experienced.

Killer Clowns From Outer Space! - Cotton candy cocoons, blow up bloodhound balloons, and popcorn guns! Icky!

Knights - Oh no, am I on fire now?

Kull the Conqueror - Ok, I like it, but it's Kevin Sorbo for gosh sakes!

Lake Placid - A giant crocodile terrorizes a little town. Doh!

The Lost Boys - HA HA HA HA HA! Slurp!

Mardi Gras for the Devil - I think the name speaks for itself!

Mars Attacks! - At least it was enjoyably horrible. Does that make any sense?

Naked Space - C'mon, sing along! I wanna eat your face....

Night at the Roxbury - STOP with the SNL skit movies!!

Q the Winged Serpent - Flying monster, David Carradine,and Scat singing? No.

The Relic - It wants your hypothalamus! How many movies can say THAT?

Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves - NEW TITLE: Prince of crap! Sorry, it just that I feel Kevin Costner must DIE!!!

Robocop 3 - Sorry, shoulda stopped the series while you were ahead!

Seven - This was actually not too bad, 'til the end!

Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity - Cult flick with the line, "I think the laws of time and space no longer apply here!".

Sliver - Get a plot. (click)

Space Truckers - Space is taken over by people with southern accents! Dennis Hopper,too!

Species - It's looking for the perfect mate! (Guess I'm safe!)

Speed 2 - At least all sequels don't suck this badly!

Supernova - has ninth dimensional matter? Oh, never mind!

Virtuosity - It was virtually unwatchable!

Waterworld - Three words: Kevin Costner Movie. 'Nuff said!

The X Files Movie - Wasn't this movie supposed to answer something?

"Let's watch the trilogy!" - Mike Kollar

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