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The Halo Caption Competition


Ever seen a funny picture with a caption and thought of a better one? No? Oh…in that case this page isn’t for you then…for everyone else here is YOUR chance…

Its simple really…just look at this picture…


And think of something funny

We here at Halo came up with these…

1.  “No matter how much he held his hands there it was still obvious he had a mullet

2.  “It was only after he had finished having the enormous dump he realised he had forgotten the toilet paper”

3. “Dave’s ‘Scream’ impersonation always livened up even the dullest parties”

If YOU think you can do better… why arent you working for Hallmark?

Send your amusing comments to

The funniest ones will appear on these pages

Home Pages

Disclaimer: - please read carefully – while we here at halo like to encourage you to interact with us…and we don’t mean the hate mail we keep getting either…when we say this is a “competition” strictly speaking there isn’t actually any sort of prize apart from getting it and your name printed on this site…what can I say? We are cheap.