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Grey Bard's Amazing Firefly Fortune Cookie Language Class!


Impress your readers, surprise your friends, stun your waiter! Learn Chinese the fun and easy way!


Would you love to insert catchy little bits of Earth's most popular conversation into everyday speech? Did you think you would have to spend several years and hundreds of dollars learning Chinese? Well now, you don't have to thanks to Grey Bard's Amazing Firefly Fortune Cookie Language Class!


Thanks to the ancient wisdoms of the secret second side on a rare breed of fortune cookie, Grey Bard's Amazing Firefly Fortune Cookie Language Class can have you speaking Chinglish like a native in minutes.


Imagine how good you'll feel the next time you write an interrogation scene and you can type the words

"Ni jiao shenme mingzi!" he spat, slapping her brutally.


Just think how impressed attractive Chinese-speakers will be as you strut down the street boasting

Wo hen-hao!


And now, on to the Amazing Firefly Fortune Cookie Language Class:


Chi bao le I'm full

Eryue February

fangbian ma? Is it convenient?

hen hao very well

Ni jiao shenme mingzi? What is your first name?

shengcai lettuce

Ta gao She is tall

Ta ai ni He loves you

Wo gao I am tall

Wo hen-hao I am fine

Wo mang I am busy

Wo-men chi-de man-yi, xie-xie. We enjoy it, thank you.

Wo xuayao cha I need tea

Zhe dun fan chi-de hen hao That was a very good meal

Zhu ni hao-yun Good luck

zi purple



Grey Bard's Amazing Firefly Fortune Cookie Language Class FAQ


1.What kind of Chinese is this?

What, there's more than one kind? Do not plague the master, child.


2. I found one of the mystical double-sided breed of fortune cookie. It has a novel phrase on the back. What do I do?

Send your important findings to me here.


3. I found Grey Bard's Amazing Firefly Fortune Cookie Language Class most useful. How do I pay my respects?

On your site or work of literature either type:

"Random Chinese brought to you by Grey Bard's Amazing Firefly Fortune Cookie Language Class


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