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Last Updated: December 30th, 2001

This site is best viewed with: Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 + or AOL 4.0 + Netscape Navigator cannot be used to view this site! All of my pages show up in html, and graphics/marquees/music don't show up/work. Let me remind you to read the information on bandwidth at the bottom of my page! The font used on this page is Libra BT . I will soon have this font up to download in case your computer does not carry it at the time.

August 25th, 2001 - Ok, I've started to move to here, realm/grenadahd. Now that I've started to move it asks for a password and screen name every time. My other page was old when I registered and I didn't have either of those things. Now I have found that I can't get back into my old section of pages to even update them!! None the less transfer them. Uh oh!! If anyone could give me help that would really be great!! Thanx!!

July 15th, 2001 - Well, for a long time I have realized that I'm not getting as much traffic as I have hoped. And then I realized an even longer time ago that my directory is "zine"! Short for magazine. Of course I was younger when I started this and just thought zine was a cool word! So I have decided to move my website! EEK! Ok, it'll be alright. RIGHT?! I figured "realm" would be a good place, but there is already a Mystical World taken! I guess I'm going to re-name it Grenadahd. I'll have a new update when I have actually started to move!

July 14th, 2001 - I've decided that keeping all of my creatures' links alive and letting them be seen all on one page is too much of a hassle. I'm going to completely let go of some of them! :*o( But most of them will be seperated so it doesn't take so long for one whole page of them to load. You know, the unicorns on the unicorn/pegasi page and so on!

You are walking along in a forest, when you hear a voice in your head whispers to you..."There are many paths in this... Mystical Land... choose your destination wisely. Almost all destinations will prove good, but some may not. When entering the creature cave, be sure to keep quite, or you will disturb the hatchlings. If you have anything you would like added to MystcTwilight's pages, or have found broken linkz or graphics, e-mail her. She asks that you please do not take any graphics without asking, because they are copywrited. If you want to find out where she got things, go to her credits page. On with you now!! I must catch up on my sleep, always being disturbed by visitors." You are completely shocked at this, for the forest must really be magical. You continue on your journey...

A cave is on your right, apparently a "Creature Cave"...

Further ahead you spot some eggs resting near and in a tree...

To your left is a firey, inlet, to something that looks... creature made...

On you right, you encounter a pond, you look into, almost frightened at what you might see, a beautiful poem appears out of no where...

In front of you, the forest loses density, but you see many hills, you decide to sit down and take a rest... when you start to sit down, you realize, a plaque is lying on the grass, you read it to find... its an award...

You leave the award to see playful pups and kittens romping through the field. So many breeds, so many personalities...

Hours later you walk towards a statue, and read the engravement in a block on which it is standing... it says, "look into the eyes of the statue and you will see the soul of the creator of this land, inside the story of her life is hidden...

You decide to leave the statue for a while and come upon a Credits/Faq meadow, centaurs are talking about how the site was made, and asking questions, and centaurs giving credit to others...

You blink, and as if appearing out of no where, you suddenly see a stable with winged creatures... unicorns...

You leave the winnies of joy in your past, and continue into a land of less myterious enjoyments, but more of a human hobby, dancing...

Suddenly you snapped back into the world of magical happenings, where ogres, gnomes, elfs and such are merrily rejoicing in different tongues all around you...

Amazed by everything appearing, and the voice, you decide to get up and go back to where weird things first started happening... only to realize there is a scroll on the ground, you pick it up and start reading different lands and forests you can go to, other than owned by Mystc Twilight...

AIM name: MystcTwilight or Dancrbuns

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This page has been Copywrited © by: MystcTwilight
Therefore, I ask that you simply e-mail me and ask if you can have something on my pages. Please do NOT take graphics from my pages without permission.
This is known as stealing. Which is illegal any time any place. The internet term we use for stealing, is bandwidth. SO... Please e-mail me before using graphics, because not all of them are mine, I have asked permission to use them on my pages. Kidnapping pets is also a big deal here on the net. You can be reported,if you have stolen. The consequences after that are; having your website erased by your server, (angelfire, expage, geocities, aol, etc.) and getting the lucky reputation of a stealer! So please do not steal graphics. Instead; ask, if given the *OK*, save them to YOUR server, and upload them to your site. For more information on Uploading and the consequences of bandwidth, click here.

~ The Cave ~ The Nest ~ The Firey Inlet ~ The Pond ~
~ The Plaque ~ The Scroll ~ Me ~ Credits/Faq Meadow ~ The Stable ~ Spirit ~ Dance ~ Mystical Languages ~