The Family of RURIK



Part 1



Rurik was from Altladoga, and moved to Novgorod, living there ca 862/79. He may have been related to one Oleg (Helgi Haelghe) "the Magician" Great Prince of Kiev, who d.912. Rurik was father of Igor (Ingwar), who was apparently Great Prince of Kiev and 945; Igor m. Olga ___, who ruled as regent after his death; she d.969. Their son was Swiatoslaw I, Great Prince of Kiev 957-72 (941-972). He m. Predslawa, a dau.of the Hungarian Prince Zerind, and they had issue:


1a) Jaropolk I, Gr Pr of Kiev 972-80, murdered 980; he m.a Greek lady


1b) Swjatopolk I; he was adopted by his stepfather/uncle Wladimir, whom he succeeded in 1015 as Gr Pr of Kiev; he d.after 1019; m.before 15 Jul 1015 a dau.of King Boleslaw I of Poland


2a) Oleg, Pr of Drewljamen d.977


3a) [St.] Wladimir I, Gr Pr of Kiev, d.1015; m.1st Rogned (entered a monastery, d.1002) dau.of Pr Rogwolod of Polotzk; m.2nd a Greek woman, widow of his older brother; m.3rd 987/9 Anna, dau.of Emperor Romanos II of Byzantium; m.4th after 1011 a dau (d.after 14 Aug 1018) of Kuno [?Gf von Oehningen]; of Wladimir's children, the first three listed seem to have been by Rogned, and the maternity of the others is uncertain, though one source says that the Margravine of Nordmark was dau. of the second wife


1b) Jaroslaw I "the Wise", Gr Pr of Kiev 1019-54 (980-1054); m.1st NN (dsp); m.2nd Ingegerd=Anna (d.1050), dau of King Olaf of Sweden


1c) Wladimir, Pr of Novgorod (1020-1052); m.NN


1d) Rosislaw, Pr of Rostov, Novgorod and Wladimir (1045-3 Feb 1067); m.NN


1e) Rjurik, Pr of Przemysl, d.1092


2e) Wladimir, Pr of Przemysl, d.19 Mar 1124; m. N of Pomerania


1f) Wladimirko, Pr of Halicz, d.1153; m.a dau.of King Koloman of Hungary


1g) Jaroslaw, Pr of Halicz, d.1 Oct 1187; m.1st (repudiated 1185) Olga, dau.of Pr Jurij Dolgorukij of Suzdal; m.2nd NN (dsp)


1h) Wladimir, Pr of Przemysl and Halicz, d.1199; m.1167 Maria, dau.of Pr Roman of Wolhynia and Halicz


1i) Wasilko, Hungary 1188; m.1187 (div 1188) Feodora (d.after 1200) dau.of Pr Roman of Wolhynia


2i) Wladimir, Hungary 1188


3i) [illegitimate] Oleg, Pr of Halicz, d.1189


2h) Jewfrosinija; m.Pr Igor of Novgorod-Sevyersk (d.1202)


3h) Wjatcheslawa (d.after 1200); m.after 1184 Pr Odo of Posen (d.1194)


4h) a dau., m.Pr Jaroslaw of Halicz (d.1180)


5h) a dau., m.1167 (repudiated 1168) King István III of Hungary


2f) Rostislaw, Pr of Przemysl and Halicz, d.1126; m.NN


1g) Ivan, Greece 1121; m.NN


1h) Rostislaw, murdered 1189


3f) Irina


4f) a dau., m.1114 Pr Roman of Wolhynia (d.1119)


3e) Wasilko, Pr of Terespol and Halicz, blinded 1097, d.1124/5; m.NN


1f) Ivan, Pr of Halicz, d.1141; m.Anna, dau.of Pr Wsewelod of Tschernigov


2f) Grigorij=Rostislaw, Pr of Terespol, d.1144


3f) a dau., m.Duke Wratislaw of Moravia (d.1156)


2c) Isjaslaw I, Pr of Novgorod 1054-68, Gr Pr of Kiev 1054-78 (1025-k.a.3 Oct 1078); 1043 Gertruda (d.4 Jan 1108) dau.of King Mieszko II of Poland


1d) Mstislav, Pr of Polotzk, d.1069/70; m.NN


2d) Jaropolk Pjotr, Pr of Wladimir and Turov (b.before 1050, d.1087); 1073 Kunigunde, dau.of Otto Gf von Orlamünde, Mkgf der Nordmark


1e) Jaroslaw, d.11 Aug 1103


2e) Wjatcheslaw, d.13 Dec 1104


3e) Wassilko


4e) Anastasia (1074-8 Jan 1159); m.Pr Gleb of Minsk (d.1119)


5e) a dau., b.1076; m.after 1087 Günther von Schwarzburg, German King (d.1109)


3d) Swjatopolk II Mikhail, 1078-89 Pr of Novgorod and Turov, 1089-93 Pr of Turov, 1093-1113 Gr Pr of Kiev (1050-16 Apr 1113); m.1st NN; m.2nd 1094 a dau.of Khan Tugor of the Polovotzians; m.3rd ca 1103 Barbara Komnene


[by 1st m.]:


1e) Jaroslaw I, Pr of Wladimir, k.a.1123; m.1st before 1091 a dau.of King Ladislaus I of Hungary; m.2nd before 1108 a dau.of Pr Wladislaw I Herman of Poland; m.3rd 1112 (repudiated 1118) a dau.of Gr Pr Mstislaw of Kiev


[by 2nd m.]:


1f) Georgi, Pr of Turov; m.a dau (d.after 1190) of Pr Wsewelod of Gorodeno


1g) Swjatopolk, Pr of Turov, d.1190; m.NN


1h) Wladimir, Pr of Pinsk ca 1207


2h) Rostislav, Pr of Pinsk, living 1236


1i) Wladimir, Pr of Pinsk


1j) Fjodor, Pr of Pinsk

2j) Georgij, Pr of Pinsk, d.1292; he had 2 sons who d.young

3j) Dionid, Pr of Pinsk


2i) Mikhail, Pr of Pinsk


2g) Ivan, Pr of Turov


3g) Gleb, Pr of Dubrovika and Turov; m.NN


1h) Alexander, Pr of Dubrovika, d.1223; m.Vera, dau.of Gr Pr Wsewelod of Kiev


4g) Jaroslaw II, Pr of Pinsk; m.Euphrosynja (d.1202) dau.of Pr Boris of Bjelgorod


5g) Jaropolk, Pr of Pinsk; m.1190 NN


6g) Anna; m.Rurik II, Gr Pr of Kiev (d.1215)


7g) Malmfred; m.1166 Pr Wsewelod of Luck (d.after 1209)


2f) Sophia, d.1158; m.Pr Rostislaw of Minsk and Polotzk (d.1162)


[by 3rd m.]:


3f) Swjatcheslaw, Pr of Smolensk and Kleck, b.after 1112, d.after 1128


4f) [parentage not certain] Pribislawa, d.1156; 1136 Duke Ratibor I of Pomerania (d.1155/6)


2e) Anna, d.after 1136; m.1103 Pr Boleslaw of Smolensk (d.1143)


3e) Sbislawa, d.1109/12; m.1103 Pr Boleslaw III of Poland (d.1138)


4e) Predslawa; m.1104 King Almos of Croatia (d.1129)


[by 3rd m.]:


5e) Brjatcheslaw (1104-1127)


6e) Isjaslaw, d.1128


7e) Marija, d.after 1145; 1118 Peter Wlast (d.1153)


8e) [illegitimate] Mstislaw, k.a.1099


4d) Swjatoslaw

5d) Wsewelod

6d) Igor


3c) Swjatoslaw I, 1054 Pr of Tschernigov, Gr Pr of Kiev 1073-6 (1027-27 Dec 1076); m.a dau.of Etheler Gf von Dithmarschen


1d) Gleb, Pr of Novgorod, k.a.30 May 1078


2d) Roman "the Handsome" Pr of Tmutorokan, k.a.2 Aug 1079


3d) David, Pr of Smolensk and Tschnernigov, d.1123; m.NN


1e) Swjatoslaw, Pr of Luck, b.1080, became monk 1108, d.1145; m.Anna, dau.of Gr Pr Swjatopolk II of Kiev


1f) a dau., m.1123 Pr Wsewelod of Novgorod and Pskov (d.1138)


2e) Isjaslaw III, Pr of Tschernigov, Gr Pr of Kiev 1161-7, k.a.6 Mar 1167; m.NN


1f) a dau., m.Pr Gleb of Perejaslawl (d.1171)


3e) Wsewelod, Pr of Murom; m.1124 a dau.of Pr Boleslaw III of Poland


1f) Wsjatoslaw, Pr of Tschernigov

2f) Wladimir, d.1201

3f) Rostislav


4e) Rostislaw, d.1120


5e) Wladimir, Pr of Tschernigov, d.1151; m.1144 a dau.of Pr Wsewolodko of Gorodeno


1f) Swjatoslaw, Pr of Wczyz, d.1166/7; m.1159 Rostislawa (d.1167) dau.of Pr Andrej Bogoljubskij of Suzdal


4d) Oleg Mikhail "of sad renown", 1073 Pr of Wladimir-Wolhynsk, 1079 Pr of Tmutorokan, 1094 Pr of Tschernigov, 1096 Pr of Murom and Suzdal, 1097 Pr of Novgorod and Rjasan (1058-1 Aug 1115); m.1st before 1083 Theophane Musalonissa; m.2nd a dau. (dsp) of Khan Ossolur of the Polovetzians


1e) Wsewelod II, 1127 Pr of Tschernigov, Gr Pr of Kiev 1139-46, d.1 Aug 1146; m.Maria (d.1179) dau.of Gr Pr Mstislaw I of Kiev


1f) Swjatoslaw III, Gr Pr of Kiev 1177-94, d.24 Jul 1194; m.1st 1143 Maria, dau.of Pr Wasilko of Polotzk; m.2nd NN (dsp after 1190)


1g) Mstislaw, Pr of Tschernigov, k.a.31 May 1223; m.1182 NN


1h) Wassilko, Pr of Neswitsch, k.a.31 May 1223


2g) Wladimir, 1180-82 Pr of Novgorod, d.1201; m.1177 Febronia, dau.of Gr Pr Jurij of Wladimir


3g) Gleb, Pr of Tschernigov, d.after 1219; m.Anastasia, dau.of Pr Rjurik II of Owrutsch


1h) Mstislaw, Pr of Tschernigov, d.after 1239; m.NN


1i) Andrei, Pr of Tschernigov, k.a.after 1261; m.1261 Olga (d.after 10 Dec 1288) dau.of Pr Wasilko of Halicz


2i) a son, b.1233, d.after 1245


2h) Jewfemia, sent to Constantinople 1194


3h) a dau., k.a.1238; m.1215 Pr Wladimir of Perejaslawl (d.1229)


4g) Wsewelod, Gr Pr of Kiev 1210-14, d.1214/5; m.1st 1178 a dau. (1164-1194) of Pr Kazimierz II of Poland; m.2nd NN


[by 1st m.]:


1h) [St.] Mikhail, Gr Pr of Kiev 1231-40 (1185-k.a.20 Sep 1246); 1211 Maria (d.after 1241) dau.of Pr Roman of Halicz


1i) Rostislav, 1229-30 Pr of Novgorod, 1231-40 Gr Pr of Kiev, 1236/8 Pr of Halicz, 1241 Ban of Slovenia (1225-1263); m.1243 Anna, dau.of King Béla IV of Hungary


1j) Constantine


2j) Béla, Ban of Macsva, k.a.1272


3j) Mikhail, Ban of Bosnia, k.a.1270


4j) a dau., m.1st 1255 Pr Michail II Asen of Bulgaria (d.1257); m.2nd 1257 Tsar Koloman II of Bulgaria (d.1258)


5j) Kunigunde, d.1285; m.1st 1261 King Przemysl Otakar II of Bohemia (d.1278); m.2nd 1284 Zawisa von Falkenstein und Rosenberg (d.1290)


6j) Agrafena, d.1303/7; m.1265 Pr Leszek of Cracow (d.1288)


7j) [St.] Margaret, Abbess of Hafeninsel, b.1250, d.after 1290


2i) Roman, Pr of Brjansk, d.after 1305; m.Anna N


1j) Oleg, Pr of Tschernigov


2j) Jelena, d.after 10 Dec 1288; m.Pr Wladimir of Halicz (d.1288)


3i) Mstislaw, Pr of Karatschev


1j) Tita, Pr of Karatschev


1k) Swjatoslaw, Pr of Karatschev; m.1376 Feodora of Lithuania à issue, including the Princes Koltzov-Mossalsky and Princes Khotetovsky


2k) Fjodr, Pr of Kosielsk; he was probably ancestor of the Princes Oginsky and Prince Puzyna


3k) Ivan, Pr of Kosielsk; m.Agrafena, dau of Oleg, Gr Pr of Rjasan


1l) Roman, Pr of Kosielsk à issue, the Princes Gortchakov


2l) Fjodr, Pr of Jeletz à issue, including the Princes Jeletzky


4k) Adrian, Pr of Zwenigorod; m.Helena of Lithuania


1l) Fjodr, Pr of Zwenigorod, k.a.1377 à issue, including the Princes Zwenigorodsky, Rumin-Zwenigorodsky, Barachev-Zwenigorodsky, Schistov-Zwenigorodsky, Zwentzov-Zwenigorodsky and Nozdrowaty-Zwenigorodsky


4i) Semjon, Pr of Gluchov à issue, including the Princes Odojevsky


5i) Jurij, Pr of Torussa


1j) Wsewelod, Pr of Torussa à issue, the Princes Bariatinsky


2j) Constantine, Pr of Oboloensk


1k) Ivan, Pr of Obolensk


1l) Constantine, Pr of Obolensk, k.a.1368


1m) Ivan, Pr of Obolensk à issue, the Princes Obolensky


2m) Andrei


1n) Ivan à issue, the Princes Dolgoruky


2n) Wassili à issue, the Princes Stcherbatov


3j) Ivan, Pr of Wolkonsk


1k) Fjodr, Pr of Tarussky, k.a.8 Sep 1380 à the Princes Wolkonsky


6i) Maria, d.1271; m.1227 Pr Wasilko of Rostov (d.1238)


7i) Jewfrosina Theodula (1212-1250)


[by 2nd m.]:


2h) Jaroslaw; m.a dau.of Pr Mstislaw of Novgorod


3h) Swjatoslaw; m.a dau.of Pr David of Murom


4h) Vera; m.Pr Alexander of Dubrovika (d.1223)


5h) Agafija, d.1238; m.Gr Pr Jurij of Wladimir (d.1238)


6h) a dau., m.Pr Mikhail of Pronsk (d.1217)


5g) Oleg, Pr of Tschernigov, d.1204; m.1st a dau.of Gr Pr Andrej of Wladimir; m.2nd a dau.of Pr Jurij of Rjasan


1h) David, Pr of Tschernigov, d.1196; m.1190 a dau.of Pr Igor of Tschernigov


1i) Mstislaw


6g) a dau., m.1170 Pr Mstislaw of Dorogobusch (d.after 1202)


7g) a dau., m.Pr Roman of Rjasan (d.1215)


8g) Marija, m.1166 Pr Jaropolk of Wladimir-Wolhynsk (d.1170)


2f) Jaroslaw, Pr of Tschernigov (1139/40-1198/9); m.Irina N


1g) Rostislaw, Pr of Snov (1174-after 1214); m.1187 Wseslawa, dau.of Gr Pr Wsewelod of Wladimir


1h) Wsewelod, Pr of Tschernigov, d.after 1261; m.Anastasija N


1i) Andrei; m.1261 Olga ( 1289) dau.of Pr Wasilko of Wolhynia


2i) Mikhail


2h) [St.] Fjodor, d.1299


2g) Jaropolk, Pr of Novgorod-Sevyersky, d.after 1214; m.NN


1h) Wsewelod, Pr of Tschernigov


3g) a dau., m.1179 Pr Wladimir of Perejaslawl


3f) Anna; m.Igor, Pr of Halicz (d.1141)


4f) Swenislawa; m.1142 Duke Boleslaw of Silesia (d.1201)


2e) David


3e) Igor, Gr Pr of Kiev 1146, murdered 19 Sep 1147


4e) Gleb, Pr of Kursk, d.1138; m.NN


1f) Isjaslav, d.1134


2f) Rostislav fl 1144


5e) Rurik fl 1146


6e) Swjatoslaw Nikolai, 1139-41 Pr of Novgorod, 1157 Pr of Tschernigov, d.15 Feb 1164; m.1st 1107 a dau of Khan Aspa of the Polovetzians; m.2nd Maria (d.1164), dau of Petril of Novgorod


[by 1st m.]:


1f) Oleg, Pr of Novgorod-Sewjersk, d.1180; m.1st 1150 Maria, dau of Pr Jurij of Suzdal; m.2nd 1165 Agafia, dau of Pr Rostislav of Smolensk


1g) [ex 2] Swiatoslaw Boris, Pr of Rylsk (b.1167, d.after 1186); m.NN


1h) Mstislav, Pr of Rylsk, k.a.1241


2f) a dau; m.1123 Pr Wsewelod of Novgorod (d.1136)


[by 2nd m.]:


3f) Igor, 1180 Pr of Novgorod-Sewjersk, 1199 Pr of Tschernigov (1151-1202); m.Jewfrosinia, dau of Pr Jaroslaw of Halicz


1g) Wladimir, Pr of Halicz, d.1210/1; m.a dau of Khan Konczak of the Polovetzians


1h) Isjaslaw, Pr of Terespol, d.after 1256


2h) Wsewelod


2g) Roman, Pr of Novgorod-Sewjersk, Swenogorod and Halicz, d.1211


3g) Oleg, Pr of Novgorod-Sewjersk


4g) Swjatoslaw, Pr of Wladimir-Wolhynsk and Przemysl (1177-1211); m.NN


1h) Agafia; m.1207 Pr Konrad of Masovia


2h) Oleg, Pr of Kursk; m.NN


1i) Marina, d.1 Mar 1279; m.Pr Wsewelod of Jaroslawl (d.1238)


5g) Rostislav, Pr of Novgorod-Sewjersk, d.1211


6g) a dau; m.1190 Pr David of Tschernigov (d.1196)


4f) Wsewelod, Pr of Kursk and Trubtschewsk, d.1196; m.Olga, dau of Pr Gleb of Perejaslawl


5f) Maria; m.1st 1149 Pr Roman of Smolensk, Gr Pr of Kiev (d.1180); m.2nd Pr Roman of Rjasan (d.1215)


6f) Maria (1149-1189); m.1166 Pr Jaropolk of Druck (d.1170)


5d) Jaroslaw, 1123-27 Pr of Tschernigov, 1127 Pr of Rjasan; for his descendants see Part 2


6d) Predslawa, a nun, d.1116


4c) Wsewelod I, 1054 Pr of Perejaslawl and Suzdal, 1093 Gr Pr of Kiev (1030-13 Apr 1093); m.1st 1046 Maria (d.1067), dau of Emperor Constantine Monomaches of Byzantium; m.2nd 1067 Anna, a Polish princess (d.7 Oct 1111); for his descendants see Part 3


5c) Wjatcheslaw, 1054 Pr of Smolensk, d.1056/7; m.NN


1d) Boris, Pr of Tmutorokan, k.a.3 Oct 1078


6c) Igor, 1054 Pr of Wladimir-Wolhynsk, 1057 Pr of Smolensk, d.1059/60); m.NN


1d) David, Pr of Wladimir-Wolhynsk, 1081-3 Pr of Tmurokan, 1084-1100 Pr of Dorogobusch (1058-25 Dec 1112); m.a dau.of King Wladislaw I Herman of Poland


1e) Jaroslaw


2e) Wsewelodko Gorodeskij, d.1 Feb 1142; m.1116 Agafija, dau.of Gr Pr Wladimir II of Kiev


1f) Boris, Pr of Gorodeno


2f) Gleb, Pr of Gorodeno, d.after 1169; m.NN


1g) Isjaslaw, k.a.1183

2g) Wladimir


3f) Mstislaw, d.after 1183


4f) a dau., m.1st 1144 Pr Wladimir of Tschernigov (d.1151); m.2nd ca 1152 Baszkard, Khan of the Polovetzians


5f) a dau., d.after 1190; m.1144 Pr Georgij of Turov


2d) Wsewelod


7c) Elisabeth; m.1044 King Harald III of Norway (k.a.25 Sep 1066)


8c) Anastasija, d.after 1074; 1039 King Andras I of Hungary (d.1060)


9c) Anna=Agnes (1036-1076/89); m.1st 1051 King Henri I of France (d.4 Aug 1060); m.2nd ca 1061 Raoul de Valois, Cte de Crépy (d.8 Sep 1074)


2b) Wsewelod, Pr of Wladimir=Wolhynsk and Perejaslawl, d.1015


3b) Predslawa, mistress of King Boleslaw I of Poland, d.after 1018


4b) Wjatcheslaw, Pr of Novgorod, d.1010


5b) Swjatoslaw, Pr of Drewljanen, k.a.1015; m.NN


1c) Jan, b.1002


6b) Boris, Pr of Rostov and Novgorod, k.a.1015


7b) Gleb, Pr of Murom, murdered 1015


8b) Mstislaw, Pr of Tschernigov, d.1035/6; m.NN


1c) Eusthatios, d.1033


9b) Pozwizd, d.after 1015


10b) Sudislaw, Pr of Pskov, imprisoned 1035-59, d.1063/5


11b) Stanislaw, Pr of Smolensk


12b) a dau, m.Bernhard IV, Margrave of the Nordmark (d.1044/51)


13b) Premislawa, d.1015; m.Pr László "the Bald" of Hungary


14b) Maria Dobronega, b.before 1012, d.1087; m.Pr Kazimierz I of Poland (d.1058)