This will be a genealogy of a sprawling family which some call “Ivrea”, from one of its early territories.


Part 1: The Margraves of Ivrea, Kings of Italy and Comtes de Mâcon up to the late 12th century.

Part 2: The de Chalon, Comtes de Chalon, d'Auxonne, d'Auxerre et de Tonnerre

Part 3: The Chalon-Arlay, Princes d'Orange

Part 4: The Comtes de Mâcon and seigneurs de Salins

Part 5: The Kings of Castile 1126-1312 and various collateral branches

Part 6: The Kings of Castile 1312-1555; Kings of Aragon 1412-1555; Kings of Sicily and other collateral branches

Part 7: The descendants of Fadrique de Castilla, sn de Haro

Part 8: The illegitimate descendants of King Pedro I of Castile

Part 9: The illegitimate descendants of King Enrique II of Castile

Part 10. The illegitimate descendants of King Juan II of Aragon

Part 11. The Barons d'Oiselet



Part 1.


Sources list the first proved ancestor of this house as one Amadeus, who lived in the county of Langres, and who d.after 827; he was father of 2 sons: Wido, k.a.889, and:


   Anscar, Ct of Oscheret, went to Italy 888, where he became Margrave of Ivrea; he d.898/992 and was father of:


   Adalbert, Ct and Margrave of Ivrea, Ct of Parma, d.923/4; m.1st ca 898/900 Gisela (d.910/3) dau.of Margrave Berengar of Friaul; m.2nd 911/4 Ermengarde (d.after 29 Feb 932) dau.of Margrave Adalbert of Tuscany; he had issue:


1a) [by 1st m.] Berengar II, 941 Ct of Milan, 924 Margrave of Ivrea, became King of Italy 950; b.ca 900, d.an imperial prisoner in Bamberg 6 Aug 966; m.930/1 Willa (d.after 963) dau.of Margrave Boso of Tuscany


1b) Adalbert, co-king of Italy 950-62, Ct of Aosta (932/6-    ); m.Gerberga (d.986/91) dau.of Ct Leotald of Mâcon and Besançon (she m.2nd Henri, Duc de Bourgogne)


1c) Othon Guillaume, adopted by his stepfather, whereby he became Cte de Bourgogne; Cte de Mâcon et de Nevers, pretender to the Duchy of Bourgogne 1002-5 (958/9-21 Sep 1026); m.1st Ermentrude de Roucy (d.1002/5); m.2nd before 1016 Adelaide=Blanche (dsp 1026) dau.of Cte Foulcques II d'Anjou


1d) Guy I, Cte de Mâcon d.ca 1004; m.ca 991 Aelis, dau.of Cte Lambert de Chalon


1e) Othon II, Cte de Mâcon, d.1033/41; m.Elisabeth de Vergy


1f) Geoffroy, Cte de Mâcon, d.ca 1065; m.Beatrice ___ (d.ca 1072)


1g) Guy II, Cte de Mâcon, became a monk at Cluny 1078, d.1109; m.before 14 Nov 1066 Maitris ___


2f) Robert de Mâcon


2d) Matilda de Bourgogne (ca 975-1005); m.ca 995 Landeric de Monceau, Cte de Nevers (d.1028)


3d) Gerberga de Bourgogne (ca 985-1020/3); m.ca 1002 Cte Guillaume II de Provence (d.1018)


4d) Renaud I, Cte de Bourgogne (ca 990-3/4 Sep 1057); m.before 1 Sep 1016 Adelaide=Judith (d.after 1037) dau.of Ct Richard II of Normandy


1e) Guillaume I, Cte de Bourgogne, d.12 Nov 1087; m.1049/57 Stephanie (d.after 1088) possibly dau.of Adalbert de Longwy, Duke of Upper Lorraine


1f) Eudes de Bourgogne, d.by 1087


2f) Renaud II, Cte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon, d.on Crusade 1097; m.Regina (d.after 1097) dau.of Ct Kuno von Oltigen


1g) Guillaume II "the German" Cte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon, murdered after 3 Jan 1125; m.Agnes von Zähringen


1h) Guillaume III, Cte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon (ca 1110-murdered at Payerne, Switzerland 1 Mar 1127)


3f) Guillaume de Bourgogne, d.by 1090


4f) Etienne I "Tete-Hardi", Cte de Mâcon, murdered at Askalon 27 May 1102; m.ca 1090 Beatrix ___ (d.after 1102)


1g) Renaud III, Cte de Bourgogne et de Mâcon, d.1148/9; m.ca 1130 Agatha, dau.of Duke Simon II of Lorraine


1h) Beatrix, Css Palatine de Bourgogne (ca 1145-15 Nov 1184); m.10/16 Jun 1156 Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa (d.10 Jun 1190)


2g) Guillaume III, Cte de Mâcon et d'Auxonne, d.27 Sep 1155; m.Ponce, heiress of Traves, dau.of Renaud de Traves


1h) Etienne II, Cte d'Auxonne, sn de Traves, d.after 21 Jul 1173; m.ca 1170 Judith, dau.of Duke Matthias I of Lorraine


1i) Etienne III, Cte d'Auxonne, d.16 Mar 1241; m.1st ca 1186 (div 1197/1200) Beatrix (d.7 Apr 1227), Cts de Chalon-sur-Saone, dau.of Guillaume de Thiers, Cte de Chalon; m.2nd before 1212 Agnes (1195-19 Oct 1258) dau.of Cte Robert II de Dreux; he left issue by his 1st wife, for which see Part 2


2h) Geraud I, Cte de Mâcon et de Vienne, d.15 Sep 1184; m.Guyonne=Maurette, heiress of Salins, dau.of Gaucher III de Salins; for his descendants see Part 4


3g) Elisabeth de Mâcon, d.after 1125; m.ca 1110 Hugues I, Cte de Troyes (d.14 Jun 1126); in addition, she was mother (by an unknown father) of an illegitimate son: Eudes de Champlitte, ancestor of the family de Champlitte


4g) Clemence de Mâcon, dit Marguerite Dauphine de Vienne, d.1164; m.ca 1120 Guigon VI d'Albon, Dauphin de Vienne (d.1142)


5f) Raimond de Bourgogne, Cte d'Amerous; in 1087, at Toledo, he m. Queen Uracca of Castile and Leon (d.1126) and became Ct of Galicia and Coimbra; he d.at Grajal 1107; for his descendants see Part 5


6f) Hugues de Bourgogne, Archbishop of Besançon 1086, d.13 Sep 1101


7f) Guy de Bourgogne became in 1119 Pope Calixtus II; d.13 Nov 1124


8f) Gisela de Bourgogne, d.after 1133; m.1st ca 1090 Ct Humbert II of Maurienne, Margrave of Turin (d.1103); m.2nd Margrave Rainer of Montferrat (d.1135/7)


9f) Clemence de Bourgogne, d.ca 1133; m.1st before 1092 Ct Robert II of Flanders (d.1111); m.2nd ca 1125 Duke Godfrey III of Lower Lorraine (d.1139)


10f) Etienette de Bourgogne; m.Lambert Francois, Pr de Royans (d.after 1119)


11f) Sibylle de Bourgogne (1085-after 1103); m.Duc Eudes I de Bourgogne (d.1103)


12f) Bertha de Bourgogne, d.1097/8; m.1093 King Alfonso VI of Castile and Leon (d.1109)


13f) Ermentrude, heiress of Mömpelgard (Montbeliard), d.after 8 Mar 1105; m.ca 1065 Ct Thierry I of Bar (d.1102/5)


2e) Guy de Bourgogne, d.after 1069


3e) Hugues de Bourgogne, d.after 1045


5d) Agnes de Bourgogne (ca 995-10 Nov 1068); m.1st 1019 Guillaume de Poitou, Duc d'Aquitaine (d.1030); m.2d 1 Jan 1032 (div 1049/52) Geoffroy II Martel, Cte d'Anjou


2b) Wido, Margrave of Ivrea 957-62, conquered Spoleto 959, k.a.on the Po 965


3b) Cunrad-Cono, Margrave of Milan 957-61, Margrave of Ivrea, Duke of Spoleto and Camerino; m.Richilda, dau.of Arduin Glabrio of Turin 969-87


4b) Gisla of Ivrea, a nun, living 965


5b) Gerberga=Gilberga of Ivrea; m.before Aug 961 Aledram, Ct of Vado, Margrave in Liguria Occidentale


6b) Rozela=Suzanne of Ivrea, Dame de Montreuil, d.1003; m.1st ca 968 Ct Arnulf II of Flanders (d.987); m.2nd 988 (repudiated 992) King Robert II of France (d.1031)


2a) [by 2d m.] Anscar II, Ct and Margrave of Ivrea, Duke and Margrave of Spoleto and Camerino, k.a.940/1; m.NN


1b) Amadeus of Mosezzo; m.959/62 Guntilda, dau.of Ct Roger of Auriate, widow of Ct Maginfred of Mosezzo


1c) Berengar of Mosezzo, d.ca 1022; m.Christina, dau.of Amalbert ___


1d) Berengar of Mosezzo, living 1022; m.Ichilda ___ à issue


2d) Guntilda of Mosezzo


3a) [by 2d m.] Adalbert, Ct of Pombia ca 962, who was probably father of:


1b) Ct Dado of Pombia and Milan


1c) Ct Wibert of Pombia ca 1001-14


1d) Ct Wido of Pombia, d.ca 1040; probably father of:


1e) Ct Amadeo of Pombia and Canavese, d.ca 1094


1f) Cte Uberto di Canavese à issue


2d) Riprand di Pombia, a priest in Pavia


3d) Ct Wibert, a priest in Pavia, d.ca 1034


1e) Ct Wido di Pombia e Biandrate


1f) Ct Guido di Biandrate, went to Anatolia in 1101


2e) Ct Otto de Pombia e Biandrate, d.ca 1087


1f) Cte Alberto di Biandrate, a leader of the 1st Crusade, d.ca 1119; m. NN


1g) Cte Guido di Biandrate, a burgher of Milan, d.after 26 Aug 1172; m.a dau.of Mgve Rainer of Montferrat à issue


?4d) a dau., m.Ct Richard di Val d'Ossola e Valdesia?


2c) Arduin, Margrave of Ivrea, King of Italy 1002-1013, d.at Fruttuaria as a monk 15 Dec 1015; m.before 1000 Berta, probably dau.of Ct Otbert di Luni, Mgve of Liguria Occidentale


1d) Ct Otto of Ivrea, living 1026


2d) Arduin-Ardicin, Margrave of Ivrea, living 1029


1e) Arduino, Cte d'Ivrea, d.ca 1089


2e) Amedeo, Cte d'Ivrea, d.ca 1097; he and his brother were ancestors of the Contes di Castellamonte, Aglie, Brosso, Rivarolo e Front, but I have no details of them


3e) Ct Wibert of Ivrea, living 1029


3c) Amadeus of Pombia, living 997


?4a) a dau., m.a Lombard noble, and was mother of Perinza, wife of Robert of Canavese-Volpiano; their son, Guillaume de Dijon, was an Abbot in Dijon