The families of the Counts of Flanders, Hainaut & Holland





Part 2



Ct Baldwin II of Hainaut (see Part 1) had issue:


1a) Baldwin III, Ct of Hainaut, d.1120; m.Yolande, dau.of Ct Gerhard I of Geldern (and later wife of Geoffroy de Bouchain)


1b) Baldwin IV, Ct of Hainaut (ca 1110-6/8 Nov 1171); 1130 Alice (d.Jul 1169) dau.of Ct Godefroid I of Namur


1c) Baldwin (ca 1134-1147/50)


2c) Geoffroy, Ct of Ostervant (1147-7 Apr 1163); he may have married Eleonore de Vermandois


3c) Baldwin V, Ct of Hainaut, became Mgve of Namur 1190, and in 1191, in right of his wife, Ct Baldwin VIII of Flanders (1150-Mons 17 Dec 1195); m.Apr 1169 Margaret of Lorraine, Css of Flanders 1191-4 (d.15 Nov 1194), dau.of Dietrich=Thierry of Lorraine, Ct of Flanders


1d) Baldwin IX & VI, Ct of Flanders and Hainaut; in 1204 he became Emperor of Constantinople after the Latin crusaders defeated the Byzantines (Jul 1171-d.imprisoned in Bulgaria 11 Jun 1205); m.6 Jan 1186 Marie (ca 1174-9 Aug 1204) dau.of Cte Henri I de Champagne


1e) Joanna, Css of Flanders and Hainaut (1200-Marquette 5 Dec 1244); m.1st 1 Jan 1212 Infant Fernando of Portugal (d.1233); m.2d 2 Apr 1237 Ct Thomas II of Savoy (d.1259)


2e) Margaret, Css of Flanders and Hainaut (1202-10 Feb 1280); m.1st before 23 Jul 1212 (div ca 1221) Bouchard d'Avesnes; for the descendants of this marriage see Part 3; she m.2nd 1223 Guillaume de Dampierre (d.3 Sep 1231); for the descendants of this marriage see Parts 4 and 5


2d) Philip, Margrave of Namur, Regent of Flanders 1200-12 (1175/6-8/9 Oct 1212); m.1210 Marie (1198-15 Aug 1224) dau.of King Philippe II Auguste of France


3d) Henry, Emperor of Constantinople 1206 (ca 1176-murdered 11 Jul 1216); m.1st 4 Feb 1207 Agnes (d.1208) dau.of Mgve Boniface I of Montferrat; m.2nd 1209 Maria (d.after 1216) dau.of Tsar Kalojan of Bulgaria


1e) [illegitimate] a dau; m.Alexius of Bulgaria


4d) Eustach, Regent of the Kingdom of Thessaloniki 1210-16, d.after 1217; m.after Jul 1209 a dau.of Michael Komnenos Dukas


5d) Godfrey


6d) Isabelle, Cts d'Artois (Apr 1170-15 Mar 1190); m.28 Apr 1180 King Philippe II Auguste of France (d.1223)


7d) Yolande (ca 1175-Aug 1219); m.1 Jul 1193 Pierre de Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople


8d) Sibylle, d.9 Jan 1217; m.after 1195 Guichard de Beaujeu (d.27 Sep 1216)


9d) [illegitimate] Gerhard


10d) [illegitimate] Godfrey, Archdeacon of Cambrai


4c) Henri, sn de Sebourg, d.after 1207; m.1st Joanna van Peteghem; m.2d Anastasia N


1d) Baudouin, d.young


2d) Philippe, sn de Sebourg; m.a dau.of Alard d'Estrepy


1e) Baudouin


2e) Philippe


3e) Jeanne, a nun at Quesnoy


4e) Alix; m.Gauthier de Bousies


5e) Isabelle, heiress of Sebourg; m.1st Baudouin de Cuinchy; m.2nd Arnold van Oudenaarde


3d) Sibylle, a nun at Ghislenghien


4d) Yolande, a nun at Ghislenghien


5c) Eustach


6c) Yolande, b.1131, d.after Apr 1202; m.1st 1151/2 Ives de Nesle, Cte de Soissons (d.1178); m.2nd ca 1179 Cte Hugues IV de St.Pol (d.1205)


7c) Laurette, d.9 Aug 1181; m.1st Dietrich van Aalst (d.1166); m.2nd 1173 Bouchard de Montmorency (d.1189)


8c) Agnes, d.1168/73; m.before 1164 Raoul de Coucy (d.1191)


9c) [illegitimate] Willem de Werchin, regent of Hainaut 1201-5, Chancellor of Flanders; m.Hawit de Saint-Saulve; for his descendants see Part 9


10c) [illegitimate] Gerhard, Chancellor of Flanders, a priest, d.after 12 Dec 1205


2b) Gerhard, d.1166; m.Hedwig von Dale; their descendants were the Counts von Dale:


1c) Heinrich, 1212; m.Regenwiza, dau.of Wolbert von Diepenheim


1d) Otto, bur 15 Sep 1232; m.Richarda, dau.of Ct Adolf von Altena


1e) Heinrich; m.1st Bertha von Bentheim; m.2nd Adelheid von Boxtel


1f) Otto; m.Kunigunde von Bronckhorst


1g) Wilhelm; 1302 Richarda von Arnsberg


1h) Kunigunde; m.1st 1316 Otto Gf von Tecklenburg (d.1328); m.2nd before 18 Mar 1329 Wilhelm von Cuyck (d.1350); Kunigunde and Wilhelm sold the county of Dale and the lordship of Diepenheim in 1330/1 to Johann von Diest, Bp of Utrecht


2g) Heinrich, a canon in Bremen, d.1 Jul 1316


3g) Bertrade; m.Gottfried von Borculo


4g) Katharina; m.Hermann von Gemen


5g) Bertha; m.Stephan van Zuylen


6g) Irmgard; m.1st Hermann von Lüdinghausen; m.2nd Hermann von Münster


2f) Katharina; m.Simon van Haerlem


2d) Eberhard, a canon in Deventer 1217


2c) Eberhard, living 1174


3b) Gertrude; m.before 9 Aug 1138 Roger II de Tosny (d.1162)


4b) Richildis; m.1st Thierry d'Avesnes; m.2nd Everard II Radulf, Burggrave of Doornick


2a) Louis, living 1096


3a) Simon, a canon in Liege


4a) Henry, living 1096


5a) Willem, d.after 1117


6a) Arnould; m.Beatrix, dau.of Walter von Ath by Ade de Roucy


1b) Eustache, the Holy Land 1192; m.Marie de Morlanwelz, heiress of Roeulx


1c) Nicolas, Bp of Cambrai


2c) Eustache le Valet, Sire de Roeulx, d.Jul 1186; m.Bertha de Gavre


1d) Eustache Canivet, Sire de Roeulx, 1224; m.Marie, dau.of Baldwin, Bggve of Doornick


1e) Eustache Campulus, Sire de Roeulx, 1282; m.Marie de Trith


1f) Eustache, Sire de Roeulx; m.1st ca 1225 Philippine d'Antoing; m.2nd Agnes de Trazegnies (d.after 1270)


1g) Eustache Canivet, sn de Roeulx, de Silly et de Trazegnies, d.1287/8


2g) Marie; m.Hugo IV, Burggrave of Ghent


3g) Agnes; m.Dietrich van Beveren, Burggrave of Dixmuiden


2f) Gilles-Rigaud, living 1274


3f) Arnould


4f) Thierry, sn de Huissignies


2e) Nicolas


3e) a dau., m.N d'Ecaussines


2d) Beatrice


3c) Beatrice; m.Gautier de Lens


4c) Alide; m.NN


5c) Ada; m.1st Nikolaus van Boulaere; m.2nd Drogon de Bousies; m.3rd Gossuin de Wavrin


2b) Gauthier, 1176


3b) Ade, Abbess of Nivelles


7a) Ide, 1085, d.after 1101; 1100 Thomas de Coucy, sn de Marle (d.1130/1)


8a) Richilde, 1095, d.after 1118; 1115 (div 1118) Amaury IV de Montfort, Cte d'Evreux


9a) Aelidis, living 1153; m.Nicolas II de Rumigny