CAPET, Part 8






Henri de Bourgogne (see part 2) and his wife, Infanta Teresa of Léon and Castile, were given what is now Portugal, and in 1093 Henri became Henrique, Conde de Portugal; on his death his widow became Queen of Portugal; they left issue:


1a) Affonso Henriquez ( 1094, 1110; bur Braga Cathedral)


2a) Urraca ( 1096, d.after 1130); 1120 Bermudo Pérez de Trava, Cde de Trastamara


3a) Sancha ( 1098, 1129); m.Fernando Mendez, sn de Bragança


4a) Teresa (ca 1102-    ); m.Sancho Nunez de Barbosa


5a) Henrique ( 1106, 1110; bur Braga Cathedral)


6a) Affonso I "the Conqueror", 1112 Conde de Portugal, 1139 King of Portugal (Guimaraes 25 Jul 1110-Coimbra 6 Dec 1185; bur Coimbra); m.1146 Mafalda (ca 1125-Coimbra 4 Nov 1157; bur Coimbra), dau of Ct Amadeus III of Savoy


1b) Henrique ( 1147, 1156)


2b) Mafalda (ca 1149-1173/4); 1160 King Alfonso II of Aragon (d.1196) [; Note: this marriage is according to Schwennicke, Band II, Tafel 38; however, in Tafel 70 of the same volume, Alfonso is said to have married only once, to Sancha of Castile]


3b) Urraca (ca 1151-16 Oct 1188); m.1165 (annulled 1175) King Fernando II of Léon and Galicia (d.1188)


4b) Sancha ( 1153, d.after 1159)


5b) Sancho I Martino "the Popular", 1185 King of Portugal, 1190 King of the Algarve (Coimbra 11 Nov 1154-Coimbra 26 Mar 1212; bur Coimbra); m.1175 Dulcia (ca 1160-Coimbra 1 Sep 1198; bur Coimbra), dau of Ramon Berengar IV, Ct of Barcelona


1c) Teresa, beatified 1705 (ca 1176-Lorvano 18 Jun 1250; bur Lorvano); m.Guimaraes 15 Feb 1191 (annulled 1198) King Alfonso IX of Castile (d.24 Sep 1230)


2c) Sancha, beatified 1705, first Abbess of Lorvano (ca 1178-Lorvano 13 Mar 1229; bur Lorvano)


3c) Raimundo (ca 1180-ca 1189; bur Coimbra)


4c) Costança (Coimbra May 1182-Lorvano 3 Aug 1202; bur Lorvano)


5c) Affonso II "the Fat", 1212 King of Portugal and the Algarve (Coimbra 23 Apr 1185-Coimbra 25 Mar 1223; bur Alcobace); m.1206 Urraca (d.3 Nov 1220; bur Alcobace), dau of King Alfonso VIII of Castile


1d) Sancho II "the Monk", 1223/46 King of Portugal and the Algarve (8 Nov 1207-Toledo 3 Jan 1248; bur Toledo Cathedral); 1246 Mencia Lópes de Haro (d.1270, bur Najéra), dau of Diego Lópes de Haro, Cde de Biscaya, and widow of Alvaro Pérez de Castro


2d) Affonso III, 1245/8 Regent 1248 King of Portugal and the Algarve, 1238/51 Cte de Boulogne-sur-Mer (Coimbra 5 May 1210-Lisbon 16 Feb 1279; bur Alcobace); m.1st 1235 (div 1253) Matilda de Dammartin, Cts de Boulogne-sur-Mer (ca 1202-14 Jan 1262), dau of Renaud Cte de Dammartin by Ida of Lorraine Cts de Boulogne, and widow of Philippe Tristan of France; m.2nd 1253 Brites=Beatrix (1242-27 Oct 1303; bur Alcobace), natural dau.of King Alfonso X of Castile


1e) Roberto (b.1239, d.young)


2e) a son ( 1240, d.young)


3e) Branca, Vcdsa de Huelgas, Abbess of Lorvano (Guimaraes 25 Feb 1259-Burgos 17 Apr 1321; bur Huelgas)


4e) Fernando (1260-Lisbon 1262; bur Alcobace)


5e) Diniz "the Just", 1279 King of Portugal and the Algarve (9 Oct Lisbon 1261-Santarem 7 Jan 1325; bur Odivellas); proxy at Barcelona 2 Feb 1282 and in person at Trancosa 24 Jun 1282 Isabel (Saragossa 1271-Estremos 4 Jul 1336, canonized 1625; bur Coimbra), dau of King Pedro III of Aragón


1f) Costança (3 Jan 1290-18 Nov 1313; bur Valladolid); m.Valladolid 23 Jan 1302 King Fernando IV of Castile (d.7 Sep 1312)


2f) Affonso IV "the Bold", 1325 King of Portugal and the Algarve (Lisbon 8 Feb 1291-Lisbon 28 May 1357; bur Lisbon Cathedral); m.Lisbon 12 Sep 1309 Beatrix (Toro 1293-Lisbon 25 Oct 1359; bur Lisbon Cathedral), dau of King Sancho IV of Castile


1g) Maria (1313-d.of poisoning at Evora 18 Jan 1357; bur Seville); m.1328 King Alfonso XI of Castile (d.27 Mar 1350)


2g) Affonso (Villa de Penella 12 Jan 1315-Villa de Penella 1315; bur S.Domingo, Saantarem)


3g) Diniz (Santarem 12 Jan 1317-1318; bur Alcobace)


4g) Pedro I "the Cruel", 1357 King of Portugal and the Algarve (Coimbra 18 Apr 1320-Estremos 18 Jan 1367; bur Alcobace); m.1st Alfayate 1325 (annulled 1330) Blanca of Castile (d.Las Huelgas 1375), dau of Infant Pedro of Castile; m.2nd Lisbon 24 Aug 1339 Costanza de Castilla (ca 1323-Santarem 13 Nov 1345; bur S.Francesco, Santarem), dau of Juan Manuel de Castilla, Pr de Villena, Duque de Penafiel y Escalona; m.3rd, secretly, in 1346, and openly at Bragança 1 Jan 1354, Inez ( 1327, murdered at Coimbra 7 Jan 1355; bur Alcobace 1361) natural dau.of Pedro de Castro, sn de Lemos; the children of this 3rd marriage were excluded from the succession to the throne, which, ironically, eventually went to their illegitimate brother, João I


1h) Luiz (Lisbon 27 Feb 1340-Lisbon 6 Mar 1340; bur Lisbon Cathedral)


2h) Maria (Evora 6 Apr 1343-d.Aveiro after 1367; bur S.Francesco, Santarem); m.Evora 3 Feb 1354 Inft Fernando of Aragón, Marques de Tortosa (d.16 Jul 1363)


3h) Fernando I "the Gentle", 1367 King of Portugal and the Algarve (Santarem 31 Oct 1345-Lisbon 29 Oct 1383; bur S.Francesco, Santarem); m.Mar 1372 Leonor Tellez de Menezes, 1383 Regent of Portugal (d.Tordesillas 27 Apr 1386, bur Mercede nr Valladolid), dau of Martim Affonso Tellez de Menezes


1i) Brites, 1383 Queen of Portugal and the Algarve, deposed later that year (Coimbra 1372-Madrigal after 1409); proxy at Salvaterra 30 Apr 1383 and in person at Badajoz 14 May 1383 King Juan I of Castile (d.9 Oct 1390)


2i) Pedro (b.and d.1380)


3i) Affonso (b.and d.1382)


4i) [illegitimate] Isabel, b.1364, d.Marans, France after 1395; m.Burgos 1373 Alfonso Enriquez, Cde de Gijon y Noronha (d.after 1395)


4h) Brites (ca 1347-Ledesma 5 Jul 1381); m.1373 Sancho de Castilla, Cde de Albuquerque y de Haro (d.19 May 1374)


5h) Affonso ( 1348, d.young)


6h) João, Duque de Valencia de Campos (Coimbra ca 1349-Salamanca 1397; bur Salamanca); m.1st 1376 Maria Tellez de Menezes (murdered 1379), dau of Martim Affonso Tellez de Menezes, and widow of Alvaro Diaz de Sousa, Duque de Sousa; m.2nd Valencia by 1383 Costanza, natural dau. of King Enrique II of Castile; his legitimate children took the surname "de Eca"


1i) Fernando de Eca, b.1378, d.Eca ____; m.6 times à issue


2i) Maria Brites, sna de Valencia de Campos, b.1381; m.Martin Vasquez da Cunha, Cde de Valencia


3i) Isabella Brites, b.1382; m.Pedro Nunho, Cde de Cigales e Buelna (d.1454)


4i) Joana, b.1384; m.Lope Vaz da Cunha, sn de Buendia


5i) [illegitmate] Affonso, sn de Cascaes e Lourinhao, d.Zamora 1442; m.1st 1388 Branca da Cunha das reglas, sna de Cascaes e Lourihao; m.2nd Maria de Vasconcelhos, sna de Soalhaens (d.1438) à issue


6i) [illegitimate] Pedro, d.after 14 Aug 1385; m.Teresa Andeiro


1j) Fernando, Archbishop of Braga, Primate of Spain and Portugal, bur Braga 1467

2j) Luiz, Bp of Guarda, d.Abrantes 1458

3j) Ignez; m.Alvaro Pirez de Tavora, sn de Mogadouro


7i) Fernando, sn de Bragança, d.after 30 Dec 1410; m.Leonor Coutinho


1j) Duarte, sn de Bragança, d.Evora 1442


7h) Diniz, Duque de Cifuentes y Escalona, titular King of Portugal 1383 (ca 1354-Castile 1397); 1376 Juana, natural dau. of King Enrique II of Castile; he left issue, surnamed "de Torres e Portugal"


1i) Fernando, sn de Cifuentes, etc; m.Maria de Torres à issue


2i) Pedro, sn de Colmenarejo, d.after 1408; m.Isabel de Henriques à issue


3i) Brites, d.after 1467


8h) [by Teresa Gille Lourenço] João I "the False", 1385 King of Portugal and the Algarve (Lisbon 11 Apr 1358-d.Lisbon of the plague 14 Aug 1433; bur Batalla); m.Oporto 11 Feb 1387 Philippa (Leicester 31 Mar 1360-d.of the plague at Odivellas 19 Jul 1415; bur Batalla), dau of John of England, Duke of Lancaster; for his issue see Part 9


5g) Isabel (21 Dec 1324-11 Jul 1326; bur Sta Clara, Lisbon)


6g) João (23 Sep 1326-21 Jun 1327; bur Odivellas)


7g) Leonor (1328-Teruel 29 Oct 1348; bur Poblet); proxy at Santarem 11 Jun 1347 and in person 15 Nov 1347 King Pedro IV of Aragón (d.5 Jan 1387)


8g) [illegitimate] Maria; m.Fernando, sn de Valencia de Campos, etc (d.1384)


3f) [by Aldonca Sanchez de Sousa] Affonso Sanchez de Portugal, Cde de Albuquerque, b.before 1286, Castile 1329; m.1304 Tereza, sna de Albuquerque (d.1350, bur nr Braga)  dau.of Juan Alfonso de Menezes, sn de Albuquerque, by Tereza Sanchez de Castilla


1g) Juan Alfonso "the Good" de Portugal, Cde de Albuquerque (ca 1305-d.of poisoning by King Pedro I of Castile autumn 1354); m.Isabel Tellez de Menezes (d.after 1354)


1h) [by Maria Barba] Martim Gil, sn de Albuquerque e Menezes (ca 1325-murdered by King Pedro I of Castile 1365)


2h) [by Maria Barba] Fernando Alfonso d'Albuquerque, sn de Villa Nova de Ancos, Grand Master of the Order of Santiago, 1327, d.after 1384


1i) [by Laura N] Juana d'Albuquerque; m.Goncalo Vasquez Coutinho, sn do Couto de Leon, Marshal of Portugal


2i) by Laura N] Teresa d'Albuquerque; m.Vasco Martins da Cunha, sn de Morgado de Tavoa


3h) [by Maria Barba] Brites d'Albuquerque; m.João Affonso Tellez de Menezes, Cde de Barcellos, Admiral of Portugal (k.a.Aljubarrota 14 Aug 1385)


4h) Maria d'Albuquerque; m.Goncalvo Tellez de Menezes, Cde de Neiva e Faria


5h) Pedro Gil d'Albuquerque


4f) [by Gracia, sna de Ribeyra] Pedro de Portugal, Cde de Barcellos (1287-1354, bur Tarouca; m.1st Branca Peres de Sousa; m.2nd Maria Ximenez Coronel (d.1347, bur Xixena); m.3rd ca 1348 Tereza Annes de Toledo ( 1350)


1g) Pedro de Barcellos, bur Tomar

2g) Maria Ximenes de Barcellos


5f) [by Maria Pirez] João Affonsa de Portugal, legitimized 1317, sn de Arouca, murdered by King Affonso IV 4 Jun 1336; m.30 Aug 1315 Juana Ponce de Léon


1g) Urraca Affonsa; m.1335 Alvaro Perez de Guzman, sn de Gibraleon y Olvera

2g) [illegitimate] Leonor de Arouca; m.Gonçalo de Martinez-Portocarrero


6f) [by Marina Gomez] Maria Affonsa, living 1340; m.Santarem 1318 Juan Alfonso de la Cerda, sn de Gibraleon, Huelva y Deza (d.1348)


7f) [illegitimate] Fernando Sanches de Portugal, d.after 13 Nov 1327, bur Santarem; m.Froila Annes de Briteyros


8f) [illegitimate] Pedro Affonso de Portugal; m.before 17 Jul 1309 Maria Mendez


9f) [illegitimate] Maria Affonsa de Portugal, a nun, d.1320, bur Odivellas


6e) Affonso, sn de Portalegre,, de Castel-de-Vides, de Ourem, de Sintra, de Marvam e Arronches, Leyra, Lourignan, etc, Gov of Guarda, Lamego and Viseuetc (Lisbon 8 Feb 1263-Lisbon 2 Nov 1312; bur Dominican cloister, Lisbon); 1287 Violante=Yolande de Castilla (ca 1265-Lisbon 1314; bur S.Domingo, Lisbon), dau of Juan Manuel de Castilla, Duque de Penafiel y Escalona


1f) Affonso, sn de Leiria (ca 1288-1300)


2f) Maria (ca 1290-    ); m.1st Tello Affonso de Molina, sn de Montalegre (d.1315); m.2d 1315 Fernando de Haro, sn de Ordono


3f) Isabel, sna de Pinella e Miranda ( 1292, d.shortly before 1367); m.Juan el Curvo de Castilla, sn de Biscaya, titular King of Léon (d.2 Nov 1326)


4f) Costança (ca 1294-    ); m.Gonzala Nuñez de Lara


5f) Brites (ca 1298-    ); m.Pedro Fernández de Castro, sn de Lemos (k.a.Jun 1343)


7e) Sancha (2 Feb 1264-Seville 1302; bur Alcobace)


8e) Maria (21 Nov 1264-Coimbra 6 Jun 1304; bur Sta Cruz, Coimbra, then Alcobace)


9e) Costança ( 1266, d.Seville by 23 Nov 1271)


10e) Vicente (22 Dec 1268-Lisbon 23 Nov 1271; bur Alcobace)


3d) Leonor (1211-28 May 1231; bur Ringsted); m.24 Jun 1229 King Waldemar III of Denmark (d.28 Nov 1231)


4d) Fernando, sn de Serpa e Lamego (1217-19 Jan 1246); m.1242 Sancha Fernández de Lara


1e) Leonor (ca 1244-    ); m.N, Pr of Dacia


5d) Vicente ( 1219, d.young; bur Alcobace)


6d) [illegitimate] João Affonso de Portugal, d.9 Oct 1234, bur Alcobace


6c) Pedro, 1228/31 Condde de Urgel, 1231-44 King of Majorca, Pr de Segorbia (Coimbra 23 Feb 1187-Majorca 2 Jun 1258; bur San Francisco, Majorca); m.15 Jul 1229 Arumbaix, Cdsa de Urgel (ca 1180-Aug 1231), dau of Ermengaud, Cde de Urgel, and widow of Alvar Pérez de Castro


1d) [illegitimate] Rodrigo "il Magistro" de Urgel, bur Coimbra


2d) [illegitimate] Fernando Pedro de Urgel, bur Coimbra


7c) Fernando, 1212 Ct of Flanders and Hainaut (24 Mar 1188-Noyon 4 Mar 1233; bur Marquette); m.1 Jan 1212 Joanna, Css of Flanders and Hainault (Valenciennes 1188-Marquette 5 Dec 1244; bur Marquette)


1d) Maria ( 1224, fl 1235)


8c) Henrique (1189-ca 1191; bur St.Cruz, Coimbra)


9c) Branca, a nun (ca 1192-Guadalajara 17 Nov 1240; bur St.Cruz, Coimbra)


10c) Berengaria (ca 1194-Ringsted 27 Mar 1221; bur Ringsted); m.1213 King Waldemar II of Denmark (d.28 Mar 1241)


11c) Mafalda, beatified 1793 (ca 1197-Arouca 1 May 1257; bur Arouce); m.1215 (div 1216) King Enrique I of Castile (d.6 Jun 1217)


12c) [by Maria Ayres de Fornellos, sna de Villanova] Martim Sanches de Portugal, Cde de Trastamara, Gov of Leon and Galicia, 1260; m.Eulalia Perez de Castro, sna de Santa Olahla y Iscar



13c) [by Maria Ayres de Fornellos, sna de Villanova] Urraca Sanches, d.after 1256; m.Lourenco Suarez de Viegas-Villadarez


14c) [by Maria Paez de Ribera, sna de Villa del Conde] Nuno Sanches de Portugal, b.before 1174, d.young, bur Coimbra


15c) [by Maria Paez de Ribera, sna de Villa del Conde] Gille Sanches de Portugal, d.14 Sep 1236, bur Coimbra; m.Maria Garcia de Sousa


16c) [by Maria Paez de Ribera, sna de Villa del Conde]  Rodrigo Sanches de Portugal, k.a.Oporto 1245, bur Grijo; m. NN


1d) Alfonso Rodriguez, a priest, d.after 1294


17c) [by Maria Paez de Ribera, sna de Villa del Conde] Tereza Sanches, d.1230; m.Alfonso Tellez de Menezes d'Alta, sn d'Albuquerque (d.1230)


18c) [by Maria Paez de Ribera, sna de Villa del Conde] Costanca "the Pious", a nun (1204-Coimbra 8 Aug 1269, bur there)


19c) [by Maria Paez de Ribera, sna de Villa del Conde] Mayor Sanches, a nun, d.Coimbra, bur there


6b) João ( 1156, d.young)


7b) Teresa=Mafalda, sna de Montemayor, el Viejo e Ourem (b.1157, drowned off Flanders 6 May 1218; bur Clairvaux); m.1st 1183/4 Philippe de Lorraine, Ct of Flanders and Vermandois (k.a.Acre 1 Jul 1191); m.2nd 1194 (div 1195) Eudes III, Duc de Bourgogne (d.6 Jul 1218)


8b) Fernando Affonso, d.after Aug 1172


9b) Pedro Affonso, a monk, bur Alcobace


10b) Alfonso Affonso, Grand Master of the Knights of St.John of Jerusalem, d.Santarem 1207, bur there


11b) Tereza Affonsa, m.1st Sancho Nunez de Barbosa; m.2nd Fernando Mendez, sn de Bragança e Chaves


12b) Urraca Affonsa; m.Pedro Alfonso de Viegas


7a) [Elvia Gualtar] Pedro Affonso de Portugal, a monk, Grand Master of the Order of Aviz (ca 1105-9 May 1175)