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Long golden waves of silky mane brush over the rounded swell of shapely arse.
Wary but intelligent pools of deep amber appraise those she encounters.
Taut decadent form clad in the softest of fawn colored tabuk, accenting lucious curves.
Wild and untamed, no one has been able to capture her completely.
Is there one, man enough to claim the passionate golden female?

Her true origin is unknown.
Looks to be the spawn of bred slaves, a passion and a fighter,
though no breeders mark adorns her body.
Her mother she knew was once a slave and had escaped while pregnant
when her owner died leaving her to the whims of a spiteful mate.
Rather than remain and possibly die, her mother fled to the forest,
where she was captured and kept by panthers, whom then raised the babe she delivered.
Teaching her how to hunt, how to fight, how to survive on her own.
Her mother made sure she was not raised as a completely man hating woman as most panthers are.
Stories of love and passion led Jia to seek out those of the "civilized" areas.
Unspoiled and honest, she is a dicotomy of innocence and sensuality.
Gain her trust and gain a friend forever.

Encounters with men have been mixed for the golden one.
Some were kind and friendly, offering their companionship and attentions.
Those were considered to be the best of men.
Then there were those whom upon seeing her decided
she was but fodder for their lust and thus should wear a collar.
It was these men whom brought forth the distrust
that now must be breached before she will allow anything.

Captured three seperate times, only one was an encounter she might deem pleasant.
Unfortunately it was the two following times that makes her fight like a she larl
if a man decides a bit of 'jewelery' might look good about her neck.
Being left to die a slow death by starvation or be devoured by wild forest creatures,
while bound and unable to defend, because the man was not man enough to conquer her the most recent.
A lesson learned, expect the worst and you wont be disappointed.

"The wholisticality of the female's response is an interesting one. Their response is a whole,
physical, emotional and intellectual. Men have sex; women are sex." Page 101 Renegades of Gor

"Goreans, in their simplistic fashion, often contend, categorically, that man is naturally free and woman is naturally slave. But even for them the issues are far more complex than these simple formulations would suggest. For example, there is no higher person, nor one more respected, than the Gorean free woman. Goreans do believe, however, that every woman has a natural master or set of masters, with respect to whom she could not help but be a complete and passionate slave girl. These men occur in her dreams and fantasies.
She lives in terror that she might meet one in real life." pg 311 Hunters of GOR