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Welcome to the Lair of the Fyregoddess
It's been 2 years since I updated this site and I'm working on it, so soon this will be much more and much better than it is right now

This is me... because everyone thinks I should have my pic up here.
Jes. in Mom's Garden
I love this picture, standing in my mother's beautiful garden...

Below are links so you can bounce around the site a little.
I already have some poetry up here (2 years old), the links page is completely out of date and needs to be revamped and there are a couple of new pages that I will be adding in the next few weeks as time allows.
So poke around and let me know what you think.

Spawn       The spawn of the Fyregoddess...
Rants       Poetry of the Fyregoddess...
Raves       Some of my favorite people and sites
Views and Viewpoints       Views and opinions on Albany
Other Goddesses of Fire       Just a little information to get you started.

So let me know what you think (even if you hate it...especially if you hate it), what you'd like to see and where you think I should go from here.