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Chamber Of Fyre

I created this page to let you know me;
the many little things I am made of... who I am.
Weather it be how I feel expressed in my art,
or the people that matter most to me.
Hope you enjoy. :)~

Family Pics

My Babies

My Art

Here is a picture I made.
I know the picture isn't much but the beauty is
much farther within. It is the many small things that
add up to make something beautiful.

Black Butterfly

One fine day, I met a beautiful butterfly. So graceful. So colorful. I had seen it before, but never had the pleasure of knowing it's fascinating voice. I never knew where our meeting would lead... For quite some time I confided in this sensational butterfly, as it had also done to me. Eventually, I grew to love it. It was there for me when no one else was. It cared about me. About how i felt. About who i was.

As time passed, it did not seem to come around as often, nor confide in me. On the occasion it had stopped to see me, I noticed, over time, it's colors where fading...until one day it was black. Of corse, in my eyes, this butterfly would always be gorgeous. Today, it is a rare occurrence to hear it's soothing voice. However, my heart is still with it, where ever it flies.

My Beautiful Black Butterfly, YOU HAVE MY HEART ALWAYS!

Who I Am

I love you, I hurt you.
I want you, I tarnish your fair skin.
You reach your faint hand out to me, and cry.
You caress my venomous skin, and you begin to die.
You gently kiss my toxic lips, and begin to collapse.
I made you love me, as you did I.
We make love like fire flies dance, so elegantly I watch your heart crumble.
I love you, but I fail to cease.
You feel heavenly beneath my baneful body.
I reach ecstasy in your arms...
As I stare down at your lifeless body.
I am sorry for making you love me.
For dragging you to your demise.
You have allowed me to taste
happiness for the first time.
Now you are gone...
This is who I am...
Now I must die.

Just some poems I wrote... More To Come...