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Welcome to my guestbook, this guestbook will
be used to get to know you, and what you
thought about my website.

It will also be used to let me know if you are
interested in a web page, if you have come
here from my Wolf Creek Productions

Please fill it out completly and honestly. Your
opinion counts as to what needs improved, or
any other suggestion you may
have. Thank You ....

Welcome to my Guestbook

Where are you from?*
URL of Your Homepage or a
Cool site you know of:
Do You Have ICQ?:
What is your ICQ Number:
May I contact you Thru ICQ?:
What is Your Age?:
Under 18
18 - 25
25 - 40
Over 40

Are You In Need Of A Web Page?:
Need More Information
What Type Of Web Page are
you Interested In:
What Type of Content will it Have?

What Did You Think of My Website?
Any Comments or Suggestions?
* means must be filled in: others are optional

If you don't want to fill out the form, or the
SEND button is DOWN, please
Email me. Thank You