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Evil Pop Tart's Toaster

Howdy and thanks for coming to the Evil Pop Tart's toaster! baked, not fried!

September 1, 2001
I updated the funny stuff page with some cool illusion pics. Camerata still rocks my world!!

August 30, 2001
K so today was the first day of school and Im HAPPY ABOUT IT!! I am in an elite jazz choir called Camerata, and it rocks my world! Click here to learn more thanks to Kelly Hauenstein

August 1, 2001
I added a link of my special project. Hope ya like it!

July 10, 2001
I added a new page of funny stuff today! if you have anything ya wanna put on it, then mail me!

July 09, 2001
I updated the links section a little bit today, and I added a message board! go leave messages there! I'm also working on a new secret website project:-)

June 10, 2001
Today is the grand opening of my wonderful website! maybe not wonderful, but its open now! bare with me Im really bad at all this website stuff.

All about me!-everything you would want to know about the webmaster! (closed until its not stupid)
Clueless-The garage band of the century
Drama Stuff-Ferris high schools upcoming drama events!
Funny Stuff!-Funny random stuff
Links-the name says it all
Wedding- The" secret project". A little wedding gift thing that I made for my cousin. just a little project.

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Here are some Pics of animals and such I have adopted from the chocobo exchange and the final fantasy adoption agency

Todays Date is...

My Current mood is:The current mood of at
