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Welcome to the charter for the Enforcers of Realm. Thank you for comming.

1. No scammers and or house robbers will be chanted, smithed, and or mm/mw'd for.

2. No scammers and or house robbers will be refrenced, and will not even get an application to join.

3. Our mm/mws will not do deals that involve a former and or current scammer or house robber.

4. Our chanters wont chant, perm, indy. or anything else that s has to do with chanting for scammers and or houserobbers.

5. Our smithers will not make armor, weapons, or clothes for a former, or past scammer or houserobber.

6. Our Person vs person members will not rust, incinerate, and plug. We will die with honor and pride.

7. Always respect your fellow guild members.

8. Always greet visitors politely and with respect.

9. Always respect visitors as if they were guild members.

10. Always be ready and willing to help a realm member in need.

11. Once application is filled out and returned, if we like the results we will send you an application for the sections u wanna be in. Then a meeting will be scheduled. After acceptence you serve a week apprentice-ship to your section leader.