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Welcome to The Enchanted City! Hope you decide to stay!
Hello and welcome to The Enchanted City. I am The Enchantress, the one who first started this city. I guess you'll need to know a bit about the city! The Enchanted City is in a land far away from here, beyond the horizon, and if you feel like you would like to become a villager there, after I tell you everything, you may follow me to the city. There aren't many rules in the Enchanted City. The only one is: NO SWEREING! In the Enchanted City you get a name and a character... if you decide to join the city, I will tell you more about that. Each week you will have to do a challenge, if you get the challenge right, you win 1000 Enchanted City Points. The more points you have, the more stuff you can buy! When you first join you will get 10000 points. With that, one of the first things you should buy, would probably be a house. There is a list of house to choose from, and once you buy one, you can decorate the insides however you want. You can meet other members, make friends and well, maybe even have children! Just to let you know... sorry but there are no male characters.... guys can play but you have to be a girl! Sorry bout that!!! **And for the kids things... girls... you can have them without any guy!!** I think that is all I can say at the moment... please join us!
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