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I put up the finished version of April Fool's Day. Check the media page for it. If you like Meshuggah or Crowbar then you'll love this fucking song. I took down TERMINATING DEFECTIVE CLONES because it took up too much space. If you liked it, well, you should have downloaded it. I took down the bio page. Who gives a fuck who I am or what I've done. It's all about the fucking music anyway, right? The line-up changed so often that it was hard to keep that shit updated. As for now it's a solo project (once again and forever as far as I'm concerned). As for updates, there are none. Until transportation is aquired or provided there will be no shows, and until I get a fucking break from work there will be no new music. If you like what you hear, or hate it passionately, drop me a line telling me so. -eRok


Well, here's the news. Ryan is out like trout because he's a backstabbing pussy, so i'm currently looking for a new vocalist. If you like what you hear in the media section and think you've got the balls to front DOOMFARMER then email me. PUSSYS NEED NOT APPLY. Other than that there hasn't been too much going on. My side project The Porcelain Drama has been writing some sick shit and should be ready to play out within the next month or two. Unfortunately Ryan doubled as the vocalist for The Porcelain Drama as well, so Gary and I have to pick up the slack and it's a bitch. Until next time, keep it evil dead style. Pee south. -eRok


I put up some digital hardcore speed break drum and bass for your melon. Also I updated the bio page. Doomfarmer is taking another hiatus to write material for our side project "The Porcelain Drama", composed of Ryan (vocals) and eRok (guitar) from Doomfarmer, Gary Shcmidt (guitar) of "Ninety Minute Reflex", Jaymes Wiseman (drums) and Eric Logan (bass) of ex-Inextremis fame. The new project is an onslaught of doom-grind, from slow churning sludge to hyper-blast shred-riffs. We have a shitload of material ready to record and should have something relased fuckin' pronto. -eRok


Not much is new for us right now. Due to transportation problems, the recording of Brad's tracks has been delayed for a while. There's a 4 track recording of a new song that is caught in the creative process, a slower, gloomier track than you'd usually expect. The site is basically done. Anyone interested in having their links advertised can drop me a line.-eRok


I put up the biography page today for anyone even remotely interested. It has the complete discography as well, so you can read up on the material that you will never get your hands on (everything is out of print). I just put it up to irritate people, but there is some useful information and i dare you to try to find a use for it. -eRok


I put up a links page for all you shameless pluggers.Contact me if you would like your banner posted on the site and we'll work out a trade, especially if you are a Florida band or just plain downright sick. Sick is good. So is green beer. Happy St. Patrick's Day to all who apply. -eRok


This is the first update to the site since 8.18.01 and for good reason! The Doomfarmer line-up has changed dramatically. As of February of this year Doomfarmer is no longer a solo project. I picked up Ryan Shelton (vocals) after his project Fallout basically did just that, and shortly after picked up Brad Clymer (Farewell to Arms, ex-Inextremis) who I had played in another band with. We've been writing intensely and, to much avail, have come up with some seriously brutal material. Bottom line: It just keeps getting tougher! I've decided to put a couple of demo tracks up for your listening pleasure. The tracks have no vocals as of yet but more is on the way. I will also be putting up some biographical info and pics and other miscellaneous garbage as soon as I get some. -eRok